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Head of department. Teacher since 2013
Depth 2 - The Crimean War - 'The British experience of warfare 1790-1918'

Depth 2 - The Crimean War - 'The British experience of warfare 1790-1918'

Depth lessons for the new A-Level 'The British experience of warfare 1790-1918'. This bundle of lessons covers 3/4 weeks worth of lesson time, along with numerous assessment points. I have used the 'Edexcel A Level History. Paper 3 The British Experience of Warfare C1790-1918 by Rick Rogers, Brian Williams', however, I can scan and email the pages if you need to. Included in this bundle are lessons on 'how well prepared the British were'; 'Nightingale and Seacole' and 'coverage of the Crimean War'
Depth 5 - the war in the air 1914-1918 - the British experience of warfare

Depth 5 - the war in the air 1914-1918 - the British experience of warfare

Depth lessons for the new A-Level 'The British experience of warfare 1790-1918'. This bundle of lessons covers 3/4 weeks worth of lesson time, along with numerous assessment points. I have used the 'Edexcel A Level History. Paper 3 The British Experience of Warfare C1790-1918 by Rick Rogers, Brian Williams', however, I can scan and email the pages if you need to. Included in this bundle are lessons on 'the changing nature of warfare in the air;' 'impact of air power' and the impact of German air bombing
Why did Philip II launch the Spanish Armada?

Why did Philip II launch the Spanish Armada?

A lesson ideal for the new 9-1 Edexcel GCSE Elizabeth course. This lesson looks at the reasons for the launch of the Armada, the events, and the reasons for the defeat. It also looks at the significance of the victory for Elizabeth. Ends with a 12 mark question, with a model answer for students to annotate.
The British experience of warfare - Breadth 1 (changes in organising the military)

The British experience of warfare - Breadth 1 (changes in organising the military)

Breadth 1 lessons for the new A-Level 'The British experience of warfare 1790-1918'. This bundle of lessons covers 3/4 weeks worth of lesson time, along with numerous assessment points. There are two essay plans included in the bundle. I have used the 'Edexcel A Level History. Paper 3 The British Experience of Warfare C1790-1918 by Rick Rogers, Brian Williams',, however, I can scan and email the pages if you need to.
World War One

World War One

A KS3 scheme of work that explores World War One. All lessons included starters, challenges and super challenges as well as differentiated tasks for different abilities. Lessons included are: 1. Causes of WW1 2. How soldiers were recruited 3. Why some people refused to fight 4. Life in the trenches 5. The Battle of the Somme 6. Was Haig the 'butcher of the Somme?' 7. Weapons used in WW1 8. Life on the Homefront 9. How surgery and medicine developed because of WW1 10.. Impact of WW1 11. Poetry in WW1 Lessons also practice key skills needed for the new GCSE, practicing inference questions, as well as explaining questions
The Rise of the Nazis

The Rise of the Nazis

7 Resources
Ideal for the new Edexcel GCSE History course, a bundle for the whole of specification point 2. Includes lessons resources, learning objectives and exam questions for the majority of the lessons
Smuggling today

Smuggling today

Ideal for KS3 lessons looking at crime and punishment over time, or for the new Edexcel GCSE course. This lesson looks at smuggling today and how far smuggling has changed since the 18th century, looking at the increase in drug smuggling and people smuggling. Includes a table, worksheet and differentiated activities throughout.
Unit 1 Queen, Government and Religion bundle

Unit 1 Queen, Government and Religion bundle

7 Resources
Ideal for the Edexcel GCSE course, this bundle offers everything you need for the first specification point of the new Edexcel GCSE course. Looks at; - The situation on Elizabeth's accession - The religious settlement - Challenges to the settlement - Mary, Queen of Scots - Overview - End of unit assessment
Victorian entertainment

Victorian entertainment

Ideal for KS3 students looking at the Victorian era and the different types of entertainment they had. Includes a plenary of quick on the draw, which encourages team work and literacy skills.
Nazi Germany - the Weimar Republic

Nazi Germany - the Weimar Republic

A series of lessons that are suitable to be used for the new Edexcel GCSE History course. Includes resources and lessons as well as teacher notes for the whole of unit 1 and covers; 1) Overview of course and end of WW1 2) The Treaty of Versailles 3) Weimar Constitution 4) Weimar economic problems 5) Weimar political problems - including the Munich Putsch 6) Weimar success to 1924 7) Weimar recovery and the Golden Years Excellent resources to aid planning and delivery!
What should Elizabeth do about Mary, Queen of Scots?

What should Elizabeth do about Mary, Queen of Scots?

A powerpoint and accompanying worksheet and resource to let students decide what Elizabeth should do about Mary, Queen of Scots. There are a range of different activities for students of all different abilities to choose from - there are three activities for the lower, middle and higher ability students.
The first Parliament

The first Parliament

A resource that helps students understand how Britain got their first Parliament. Differentiated worksheets that allows students to categorize reasons for the first meet, and priorities the reasons. Includes a video too which students really enjoy.
Henry VIII - man or monster

Henry VIII - man or monster

Students will look at whether or not Henry VIII was a man or monster. They will use sources to reach a supported conclusion. Ideal to be used as an assessment. Differentiated resources for different abilities.
Direct and representative democracy

Direct and representative democracy

A PowerPoint looking at the differences between representative and direct democracy. The idea is that this would be used over 2 lessons, and students look at exam questions too. Teacher notes to accompany the lesson
The Feudal System

The Feudal System

An overview of how the Normans used the Feudal System. Differentiated activities for higher, middle and lower ability students, and different resources for each of the activities. Ends by comparing the Domesday Book and the Feudal System and which one was the most effective in controlling England
Voting behaviour and participation

Voting behaviour and participation

A work booklet that takes students through UK voting behaviour and participation. It looks at turnout figures, why participation is low, influences upon voting behaviour (short-term and long-term factors). Includes second-order elections and key terms. A great resource to accompany students through AS British politics.
Elizabethan society

Elizabethan society

A resource that is ideal for the start of the Edexcel unit 2 course on Early Elizabethan England. Includes a table worksheet and a homework activity.
Weimar constitution

Weimar constitution

A powerpoint and lesson looking at the Weimar Constitution. Ideal for the Edexcel GCSE course. Includes exam questions and teacher notes