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Expo 1, module 3, page 60 - word-builder

Expo 1, module 3, page 60 - word-builder

A vocabulary builder (2 pages of activities) on page 60, the vocabulary lists at the end of module 3. Suitable for homework, cover, independent study. I actually give it to the students immediately before starting the unit, for them to do as HW.
KS4/5 - Metalinguistic challenge (starter/plenary)

KS4/5 - Metalinguistic challenge (starter/plenary)

Students, working in teams and equipped with mini boards need to spot the antonyms and answer (on the mini-boards) the metalinguistic questions. One point for each pair of antonyms spotted and as many bonus points as the stars in each case if the answers to the questions are 100% correct. The teams take turns in calling out the cases. The winning team is the one who scores the most points or completes the first column in the table.