Fillable Homework Form - Online Shopping
Fillable pdf homework forms - great for digital uploads
Edexcel GCSE ICT Knowledge Checkup and Specification Check
Supplied with permission from Joe Santarcangelo - adapted from his PLC document.
BBC Micro:bit (Microbit) lessons
I have been using these lessons challenges with a series of groups and they appear to have been really well received.
Like many professionals, I have been trying to get to grips with the Micro:bit and find resources or lessons for my students to have a go at. There are loads around and this is a collection of progressive tasks that I think have been put together in a really coherent way for the teenage mind. Each one is a video tutorial which will guide your students through each step and provide them with the theory behind each decision made in the program.
I would love to know your thoughts and I will add more, as and when they arrive.
I have used this resource over three lessons... a great filler once the students get to grips with it.
This also now includes a Python activity as well as Block Editor challenges.
in terms of assessment and monitoring progress... I have been keeping a very simple spreadsheet and inputting when the student has been to show me their finished task - this means that I can open a dialogue with the student and find out what they found easy/difficult with the task, as well as being able to redirect them onto another task or target misconceptions.
Circuit Training Station Guides and Recording Spreadsheet
Circuit Training Station Guides and Recording Spreadsheet
Home Entertainment Literacy Crossword GCSE ICT
Home Entertainment Literacy Crossword GCSE ICT
Year 7 Scheme of Work/Scheme of Learning - Football
Year 7 Scheme of Work/Scheme of Learning - Football
Edexcel CAB prompts - Investigation section
Edexcel CAB prompts - Investigation section
Pastoral Management Spreadsheet
Pastoral Management Spreadsheet
I have been using this spreadsheet across our school and college for six years now. It allows me to share information and communicate in a formal way with my colleagues and senior staff within school.
Terminology Booklet
Terminology Booklet - including all of the terminology posters from my collection.
Random Name Generator
This is a great spreadsheet that allows me to randomly select a name from my register to answer a question. I use this as a differentiation tool with great effect.
GCSE ICT Online Shopping Literacy Wordsearch
GCSE ICT Online Shopping Literacy Wordsearch
Game Play Literacy Wordsearch GCSE ICT
Game Play Literacy Wordsearch GCSE ICT
Mopping Up GCSE ICT Literacy Wordsearch
Mopping Up GCSE ICT Literacy Wordsearch
Intermediate Short Tennis Scheme of Work
Intermediate Short Tennis Scheme of Work
ICT Word Searches and Crosswords Part 2
ICT Word Searches and Crosswords Part 2
GCSE Revision for Leisure and Recreation
GCSE Revision for Leisure and Recreation
These notes are to be used in conjunction with the official revision guide. I get my students to put a line through the sections/sentences that they are most confident with so that they can use them as flash cards.
Think-Ink-Pair-Share Activity
Think-Ink-Pair-Share Activity
Tennis Lessons - Progressive (any KS)
Tennis Lessons - Progressive (any KS)
Pupil Speak Levels - Athletics
Pupil Speak Levels - Athletics
Cricket Task Cards
Cricket Task Cards