Resources included are as follows:
•PDF files for you to print.
•Set of 25 A4 colourful posters for display – each with a fixed mindset and growth mindset sentence and pictures to match.
•Several colourful borders to edge wall display – each decorated with little brains.
•Backing paper in matching colours to print if needed.
•Bricks to make a wall
•Labels to put on the steps of the brick showing different levels of thought
•Small children pictures to add to the wall
•Colouring pages of children for pupils to colour and add to the wall
•Large lettering to add to wall title
•Writing frames in matching patterns
•Drawing frames in matching patterns
•Blank worksheet to discuss and write about growth mindset
•long banner to head wall display
•2 different sets of title letters in patterns to match
•Large coloured brain to add interest to display
•Folder / box labels and resources sack tag to organise resources