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HB science resources

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A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.




A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.
Explaining the Seasons

Explaining the Seasons

Aimed towards KS3 (Yrs 11-14), a fun animated lesson explaining the Seasons. Slide by slide animations shows clearly why the Earth experiences Summer and Winter. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify what causes summer and winter. Describe how the Sun radiates light. Explain the link between the tilting of the Earth and the seasons.
Forces Introduction

Forces Introduction

A comprehension lesson that teaches students how to measure force using practical equipment as well as calculate resultant forces. Progress checks are available following each success criteria Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: Develop an understanding of how forces interact within a pair or multiples in perpendicular directions. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: State how forces are represented. Describe how to calculate the resultant force. Calculate forces in horizontal and vertical directions. Powerpoint contains 30 slides.
Speed Introduction

Speed Introduction

A comprehension lesson that teaches students how to measure speed by using the formula triangle with some reference to practical applications. Support sheets are also included to guide students should it be needed. Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Success criteria: I can calculate speed using the equation triangle. I can analyse how to measure speed effectively using specific equipment I can justify why objects appear to be travelling faster or slower with reference to relative motion. Learning objective: To apply the idea of speed to real life instances. Powerpoint contains 18 slides and a lesson plan is also attached.
Y Tymhorau

Y Tymhorau

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Adnabod beth sydd yn achosi’r Haf a’r Gaeaf Disgrifio sut mae’r Haul yn ymbelydru golau. Egluro’r cysylltiad rhwng gogwyddo’r Ddaear â’r Tymhorau.
Development of EM theory A level Physics

Development of EM theory A level Physics

This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Development of EM theory concept of unit 3 waves - A level Physics, AQA specification. Learning objective: To explain the developments in theory which lead to modern EM radiation principles. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe the properties of light. SC2: Describe the wave-like and particle-like properties of light. SC3: Explain wave-particle duality. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. Powerpoint contains 13 slides and 4 past paper questions.
Atomic Structure and Decay A level Physics

Atomic Structure and Decay A level Physics

This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Atomic Structure and Decay concept of unit 3 - A level Physics, AQA specification. Learning objective: To explain changes to the atomic structure in relation to radiation, annihilation and pair production. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe the structure of the nucleus. SC2: Explain the importance of the strong nuclear force and electrostatic repulsion in the nucleus. SC3: To use Einstein’s equation to determine the type of matter antimatter produced by photons. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. Powerpoint contains 18 slides and 13 past paper questions.
Conservation laws of particles A level Physics

Conservation laws of particles A level Physics

This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Conservation laws of particles concept of unit 3 - A level Physics, AQA specification. Learning objective: To understand the four fundamental forces of nature and apply conservation laws to classify particle interactions using Feynman diagrams. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: To describe the 4 fundamental forces of nature. SC2: To describe how these forces can be shown on a Feynman diagram. SC3: To use conservation laws to determine if an interaction is possible and classify the type of interaction using the fundamental forces. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. Powerpoint contains 11 slides and 6 past paper questions.
Photoelectric effect A level Physics

Photoelectric effect A level Physics

This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Photoelectric effect concept of unit 3 - A level Physics, AQA specification. LO: Apply the photoelectric effect principles by explaining the work function, stopping potential, and the effects of light intensity and frequency on photoelectron emission and energy. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe how the work function contributes towards the production of photoelectrons. SC2: Explain how the stopping potential can be determined and how this showcases EK. SC3: Analyze the effects of intensity and frequency on current production and energy release. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. Powerpoint contains 15 slides and 9 past paper questions.
Classification of particles A level Physics

Classification of particles A level Physics

This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Classification of particles concept of unit 3 - A level Physics, AQA specification. Learning objective: To explain the internal structure of matter and conservation to numbers of: leptons, baryon, strangeness. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe the structure of hadrons. SC2: Explain why lepton number, strangeness, baryon number and charge are conserved. SC3: Apply lepton number conservation to the BTEC beta emission equation in order to correct it. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. Powerpoint contains 13 slides and 16 past paper questions.
Newton's laws

Newton's laws

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students Newton’s laws of motion from simple separate scenarios. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics Learning objective: I can apply Newton’s laws to scenarios. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe how Newton’s first law applies to objects in motion. SC2: Explain why mass affects an object’s acceleration. SC3: Evaluate why a reaction force is present. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions. Powerpoint contains 27 slides and 7 past paper questions.
Projectile Motion and equations of motion

Projectile Motion and equations of motion

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students how to read motion graphs, calculate horizontal and vertical motion in projectiles using SUVAT equations and explain the effect of drag on projectiles leading to terminal velocity. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: Use SUVAT equations to calculate projectile motion. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: I describe components of displacement-time and velocity-time graphs. SC2: I can use and manipulate SUVAT equations. SC3: I can calculate components of projectile motion. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions. Powerpoint contains 17 slides and 13 past paper questions.
Moments A level physics Mechanics

Moments A level physics Mechanics

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students how to calculate and justify if a system is in equilibrium in regards to turning forces, calculate the moment at an angle, describe how the centre of mass and centre of gravity of an object affect its stability and apply these to past paper calculations. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: Calculate moments and apply this idea to object stability. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe how to calculate moments. SC2: Explain how to increase object stability. SC3: Compare the centre of mass and centre of gravity. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions. Powerpoint contains 13 slides and 23 past paper questions.
Work energy and power mechanics

Work energy and power mechanics

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students how to calculate work, relate this to power, calculate the efficiency of work due to angles and energy transfers. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics Learning objective: To apply understanding of energy to motion and how angles affect the efficiency of work. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Describe what is meant by work and power. SC2: Calculate the efficiency of work when angles are involved. SC3: Use the conservation of energy to calculate values from the spring potential, gravitational potential and kinetic energy equations. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions. Powerpoint contains 20 slides and 8 past paper questions.
Linear Momentum and Impulse

Linear Momentum and Impulse

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students conservation of momentum, elastic and inelastic collisions, impulse graphs and how these link to change in momentum. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics Learning objective: Calculate momentum and apply this to justify force changes during collisions. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Calculate momentum. SC2: Compare elastic and inelastic collisions. SC3: Explain why impulse graphs show force outputs. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions. Powerpoint contains 18 slides and 13 past paper questions.
Resolving Vectors

Resolving Vectors

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students how to resolve vector diagrams via: pythagoras, trigonometry and scale drawings. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: Learning objective: Apply trigonometry and Pythagoras to resolve vectors By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: Compare scalars and vectors. SC2: Use pythagoras and trigonometry in order to solve net vectors including inclined planes. SC3: Use scale diagrams to resolve net vectors when coplanar forces are in equilibrium. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions. Powerpoint contains 14 slides and 14 past paper questions.
Measurement uncertainties and error

Measurement uncertainties and error

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about errors, uncertainties and how these can be represented as error bars. This lesson was designed to fit needs of the AQA a-level physics course Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: Understand and apply the concepts of measurement uncertainties. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: 1: Identify random and systematic errors. 2: Calculate different types of uncertainties. 3: Represent uncertainties on graphs. Powerpoint contains 29 slides. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Power dissipation and Conservation of Charge A level physics

Power dissipation and Conservation of Charge A level physics

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about power and how the equations for power can be derived using other equations furthermore it also applies this to Kirchhoff’s law of conservation of current. This lesson was designed to fit the needs of the AQA a-level physics course - unit 5 electricity. Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: To calculate power dissipation by using various equations. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: SC1: I can describe how to calculate power without using the standard P=IV calculation. SC2: I can justify what is meant by power. SC3: I can Link Kirchhoff’s conservation of charge to power dissipation in branches. Powerpoint contains 7 slides. Contains a series of questions that are supposed to target the entire electricity unit with included success criteria to ensure students give the necessary detail. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Resistivity and superconductivity A level physics

Resistivity and superconductivity A level physics

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about factors that influence resistance within a wire in terms of area and length as well as superconductivity. This lesson was designed to fit needs of the AQA a-level physics course - unit 5 electricity. Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: To justify the components of the resistivity equation and apply it. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: I can describe resistivity. I can derive the units of resistivity by using the equation. I can explain why superconductivity arises. Powerpoint contains 8 slides and a pack of past paper questions Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Internal Resistance A level physics

Internal Resistance A level physics

A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about internal resistance and how this can be measured by measuring the gradient from a current-voltage graph. This lesson was designed to fit needs of the AQA a-level physics course - unit 5 electricity. Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner. Learning objective: To evaluate the effect of internal resistance in a circuit. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Success criteria: I can describe what is meant by internal resistance I can calculate internal resistance I can obtain results for internal resistance from voltage and current readings. Powerpoint contains 9 slides and past paper pack of questions. Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.