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HB science resources

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A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.




A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.
DNA Structure

DNA Structure

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the location and structure of DNA. Describe how the bases in a molecule of DNA are bonded together. Explain the importance of this genetic code.
Extracting DNA

Extracting DNA

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the key ingredients used during DNA extraction. Describe the uses of: Salt, Detergent, Protease, Ethanol, Explain why scientists need to extract DNA.
Alleles and inheritance

Alleles and inheritance

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify genes and alleles. Compare heterozygous and homozygous. Explain how the genotype is linked to the phenotype.
Revision of Meiosis

Revision of Meiosis

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the components of DNA Describe how variation is classed. Explain why meiosis produces variation.
Nerve Impulses and Action Potential

Nerve Impulses and Action Potential

By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify the ions present surrounding nerve axons. Describe how a resting potential is achieved in the nerve cell membrane. Explain why Potassium ion channels are needed in nerve cell membranes.
Effect of temperature on catalase activity

Effect of temperature on catalase activity

Includes a risk assessment for the practical for the students to complete, a method and class results. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the equipment needed to measure volume. Describe how to carry out an experiment to measure the volume of product produced. Compare how temperature affects the activity of enzymes.
Ffurfwedd Electroneg

Ffurfwedd Electroneg

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Cofio’r nifer o electronau mewn pob plisgyn. Disgrifio’r cysylltiad rhwng ffurfwedd electroneg â’r ffurf ysgrifennedig. Egluro’r cysylltiad rhwng y nifer o electronau yn y plisgyn allanol â’r grŵp mae’r atom yn rhan.
Microsgop Arsylwi Celloedd

Microsgop Arsylwi Celloedd

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Adnabod y 7 proses byw. Disgrifiwch sut i ddefnyddio microsgop Esboniwch pam fod angen defnyddio microsgop i adnabod os yw sampl yn fyw neu beidio.
Celloedd Planhigyn ac Anifail

Celloedd Planhigyn ac Anifail

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Adnabod y cynnwys o gelloedd anifail a phlanhigyn. Disgrifio swydd pob organyn. Esbonio pam nad yw planhigion angen bwyd.
Ionic Equations

Ionic Equations

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Recall that ions dissociate only in an aqueous solution. Describe the ions produced from a compound in aqueous solution. Create net ionic equations.


By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify variation between organisms. Compare continuous and discontinuous variation. Explain the link between continuous variation and environmental factors. Explain the link between discontinuous variation and genetic factors.
The circulatory system

The circulatory system

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the main components of the circulatory system. Describe the various blood vessels in the circulatory system. Describe the components of blood. Explain the use of the double circulatory system to help humans in life.
Specific Latent Heat

Specific Latent Heat

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: State what holds particles together in substances. Describe what happens when bonds are made / broken. Explain why water, which has a large specific latent heat, remains in each state for a long time.
Synapses and Reaction Times

Synapses and Reaction Times

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Recall what’s meant by a synapse. Describe how to measure reaction times. Explain why reaction tests need to be made fair.
Elements Introduction

Elements Introduction

By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: state what an element is recall the chemical symbols of six elements. I will be working scientifically to: present data using tables and graphs.
Compounds Introduction

Compounds Introduction

By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: state what a compound is explain why a compound has different properties to the elements in it. I will be working scientifically to: interpret observations to identify patterns and draw a conclusion.
Investigating Osmosis

Investigating Osmosis

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify independent and dependent variables. Describe the effect of sucrose concentration on % change in mass Explain why there is a change in mass in the potatoes.