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Ready to Teach Bilinguals

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Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.




Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.
Summer Fun - Free Printables - 2 Activities per sheet

Summer Fun - Free Printables - 2 Activities per sheet

This is a great free set to deliver to your students for summer time! sheet 1: Color vans Write the before and after number Sheet 2: Count and write summer items Write sentences using Summer words Sheet 3: Write the initial letter Resolve and write Sheet 4: Read the text and color Read the text again and write true or false
Ready to Print in Spanish - Free Halloween Edition/ Literacy

Ready to Print in Spanish - Free Halloween Edition/ Literacy

This is a gift for Halloween time due to the number of followers in my store. You will find 5 worksheets in Spanish: 1. Primera Letra: mira el dibujo, di la palabra y colorea la opción correcta. 2. Mezcla de Vocales: encuentra y pinta los fantasmas que contengan las vocales. 3. Letras Miedosas: escribe la primera letra de cada dibujo. 4. Sustantivos comunes: colorea los dibujos que contengan sustantivos. 5. Colores en Noche de Brujas: colorea el dibujo de acuerdo al código.
Halloween Maths Funny Worksheets for P-K, K and 1st Grade - Set 1

Halloween Maths Funny Worksheets for P-K, K and 1st Grade - Set 1

This first set contains 10 funny and easy Maths worksheets to work on Halloween week for Pre-kinders, Kinders and weak First graders full of great pictures from Scrapping Doodles! You can use these worksheets for Centers, weak students or homework. List of activities: 1. Color by code 2. Write numbers from 1 to 10 3. Circle the Odd and Even numbers (10-20) 4. Circle the Odd and Even numbers (20-100) 5. Count halloween items and Write numbers (1-10) 6. Read and match numbers (10-100) 7. Write numbers from 1 to 21 8. Write numbers Chart from 0-100 9. Color the biggest number (selection of three numbers from 1-10) 10. Color the biggest number (selection of three numbers from 20-100)
Halloween no-prep Printables and Flashcards (Numbers 1-10)

Halloween no-prep Printables and Flashcards (Numbers 1-10)

his is a set of printables and flashcards to use for Halloween Time in Math class. You will find a set of 17 printable sheets covering practice for numbers from 1 to 10. They are easy sheets for pre kinders and kinders. The sheets can be used for Math center, class or homework. Homeschoolers can also use this set. Activities: 1. Rolling a monster: roll 2 dice, sum them up and color. 2. Rolling a cat: roll 2 dice, sum them up and color. 3. Counting at Halloween: read a code and color the numbers from 1 to 10 4. Numbers with vampires: complete numbers from 1 to 10 5. Numbers with cats: match numbers in words with numbers in symbols. 6. Let’s trace: Students will find 10 printables sheets to trace each number from 1 to 10. Then, they have to color nice pictures. 7. Scissors and monsters: Cut and paste the numbers in the correct order from 1 to 10. 8. It’s a spider number web! : Read the numbers and write (T) true or (F) false Flashcards: 10 flashcards with numbers in symbols from 1 to 10 10 flashcards with numbers in words from 1 to 10 10 flashcards for counting monsters from 1 to 10 You can use the flashcards for introducing numbers, playing a matching game like it is shown in the cover page: students pick up a card with a number and have to search for the other two cards (number words and counting monsters with the same quantity).
Halloween Maths Funny Worksheets for P-K, K and 1st Grade - Set 2

Halloween Maths Funny Worksheets for P-K, K and 1st Grade - Set 2

This second set contains 10 funny and easy Maths worksheets to work on Halloween week for Pre-kinders, Kinders and weak First graders full of great pictures from Scrapping Doodles! You can use these worksheets for Centers, weak students or homework. List of activities: 1. Color by code 2. Write counting by 2s (from 1-10) 3. Write counting by 2s (from 1-20) 4. Trace and circle the odd numbers (1-10) 5. Match numbers (1-10) 6. I can trace numbers (1-10) 7. I can trace numbers (11-20) 8. I can trace numbers counting by 10s (10-100) 9. Color the biggest number (selection of two numbers from 1-10) 10. Color the smallest number (selection of two numbers from 10-100)
Thanksgiving Maths Centers (6 different Parts for Pre-k to 1st Grade)

Thanksgiving Maths Centers (6 different Parts for Pre-k to 1st Grade)

This Thanksgiving Maths centers for Pre-k to 1st grade is a set of printables to have in your class for centers to use at any time of the class during November. They are easy and motivational activities that engaged children’s learning and promote motivation and they are also able to do it alone in the class or at home for homework. The are alined with common core for the levels mentioned before. These centers are divided in six parts: 1. Write numbers by ones and tens sheets (1-10; 11-20; 10-100; 20-40; 40-60; 60-80; 80-100). 2. Numbers Handwriting (0-5; 5-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50; 50-60; 60-70; 70-80; 80-90; 90-100). 3. Dictation sheets templates to write ten numbers. 4. Color by numbers (small numbers) 5. I can count up to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 (each sheet contains handwriting message with the exact number of tallies with pictures to color). 6. Handwriting and matching numbers (1-10; 10-20; 1-100 (by tens and mixed).
Back to School Fun - Regreso al Cole Divertido - Printables - Set 1 - Bilingual

Back to School Fun - Regreso al Cole Divertido - Printables - Set 1 - Bilingual

ENGLISH VERSION: This set of printables is the first set related to BACK TO SCHOOL themed activities. Each sheet contains engaging and motivational tasks to do in the classroom or for homework. It´s a bilingual set - English/Spanish. There are some printables to practise Mathematics and Language. Contents: Page 4 - BTS cover to color and have fun! Page 5 - Color by code Page 6 - Write the missing letters of the English alphabet Page 7 - Spin, color, count and write Page 8 - Trace the alphabet letters and color Page 9 - Count and write worms Page 10 - How to start the school day? Read, cut and paste the sequence Page 11 - Write the before and after number (1-10) Page 12 - Write the words with the correct pictures (student´s feelings) Page 13 - Trace and color words related to back to school Page 14 - Color by code: nouns - adjectives - verbs *The same printables are added in spanish language!
No-Prep Printables - Math Halloween in English

No-Prep Printables - Math Halloween in English

This Halloween set is a selection of 26 no - prep math printables related to numbers from 1 to 120 divided in different sections: numbers from 1 to 10, 1 to 20, 1 to 50, 1 to 100 and 1 to 120. There is a cover page and the types of activities added in this set are the following: color by numbers tracing write the before and after numbers read and match numbers count and write numbers write the missing numbers right or wrong? cut and paste numbers skip counting by 5´s and 10´s do the sums and write the results color the odd and even numbers teacher dictation order the numbers from smaller to bigger complete ten frames Follow the ways of 9 amazing Halloween mazes. You can use these printables in Maths centers, individual work, class or homework.
Spanish No Prep Printables - Back to School - Maths and Language - K/1st

Spanish No Prep Printables - Back to School - Maths and Language - K/1st

this set of printables (hojas de trabajo) is related to Back to school in Spanish language. This is a set of no-prep printables for the beginning of the school year. These printables can be used for little kids from Pre-Kinder to 1st grade (SPANISH). Each sheet refers to basic topics dealing with the first weeks of school. They are aligned with Math and ELA Common Cores (SPANISH) and they are ready to use worksheets to use as homework, classwork or as complementary material even as warm ups, body of the lesson or close up.
Valentine Love Free Funny Math Sheets for Pre-K/K

Valentine Love Free Funny Math Sheets for Pre-K/K

This is a free set of printables to be used for Valentine week thematic units or centers. They are directed to pre- Kinders and Kinders and can also be used for homework or extra activities. The sheets can also be adapted for homework or homeschoolers, too. This set contains 4 pages full of motivational and integrated activities: 1. Color by code 2. Write numbers from 1/5 3. Write numbers from 1/6 4. Trace numbers 1/10
Valentine - Print and Ready - FREE Literacy and Math Small Packet - K/1st Grade

Valentine - Print and Ready - FREE Literacy and Math Small Packet - K/1st Grade

PRINT AND READY is a great way to teach in your classroom and engage your students. There is a set of printables related to Literacy and another set related to Maths. The printables do not need any previous preparation, just print, get ready to go to the class and deliver to your students. PRINT AND READY printables are ideal for class or homework and specifically for little kids. They are also perfect for homeschoolers or intervention students. Instructions or directions are clear and easy enough for the kids to understand and resolve individually or with little help from the teacher. The activities are aligned with Common Core Standards. Here, you will find a FREE set of PRINTABLES that goes with the complete set: Valentine - Print and Ready - Literacy and Math’s Packet/ Kinder-1st Grade. ************************************************************************* This set contains 5 printables to use at Valentine Week: 1. Woof!Woof! Valentine! – Numbers 11-20: Trace the numbers from 11 to 20. 2. Valentine Best Team! – Vowel Team Long A: complete the words using “ai” or “ay”. 3. Subtraction at Valentine! – Subtract Numbers 1-20: resolve and write the results. 4. Find the way Cupids! – Tracing Skills: Trace the ways these three cupids have to take to reach the hearts. 5. Beezy Love! – Numbers 1-10: Read and match the numbers with their corresponding words. Circle the extra number.
Little FREE Dracula Game (Halloween Maths and ELA)

Little FREE Dracula Game (Halloween Maths and ELA)

This is a great game to play at Halloween time: You need: some counters and a dice per each team. How to play: 1. Each child (or team) places a counter on START. 2. Each child (or team) starts with a score of 20. They take turns to roll the dice, and move their counter around the board. When they land on a +, -, x, or ÷ square they change their accumulated score by the amount shown on the dice they rolled to get to that square and say what their new score is. For example, a first roll of 5, landing on a ÷ square, would mean their accumulated score becomes 4 (20 ÷ 5 = 4). A second roll of 2, landing on a + square, would mean their accumulated score becomes 6 (4 + 2 = 6). 3. The winner is the child (or team) with their highest score. Optional Uses: 1. The game can be used for an almost unlimited range of vocabulary and structures because all kinds of flash cards can be used after every calculating result. They can make a sentence or invent a maths problem using the same result. 2. The children can identify picture flash cards, read words, or sentences, write words, numbers or sentences from pictures, carry out instructions on flash cards, etc. In fact, almost any language skill can be practiced. 3. Two or three dice can be used to make the calculations even more difficult.
OTOÑO No-Prep FREEBIE Math and ELA Printables for Pre-K and Kinder in Spanish

OTOÑO No-Prep FREEBIE Math and ELA Printables for Pre-K and Kinder in Spanish

I’m so glad to share with you this great Little set of no prep printables related to fall for Spanish centers of Maths and ELA. The topics covered in this set are: · Los números del 1 al 10 · Los Colores · Letras del alfabeto · Objetos del otoño Activities or tasks covered: · Escribir los números · Trazar los números y las letras · Leer y unir · Hacer un círculo al sonido inicial