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The RS and P4C Specialist

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(based on 42 reviews)

I am curreny teaching across the Key Stages as the Head of Religious Studies in a comprehensive secondary school. Previously I have led a RS department in an inner-city school and also taught Humanities including experience of teaching Geography at KS3, as well as History at KS3 and KS4 and Sociology at KS5. I'm a Religious Studies and Philosophy specialist, having studied Philosophy at university and taught RS at KS3, KS4 and KS5.




I am curreny teaching across the Key Stages as the Head of Religious Studies in a comprehensive secondary school. Previously I have led a RS department in an inner-city school and also taught Humanities including experience of teaching Geography at KS3, as well as History at KS3 and KS4 and Sociology at KS5. I'm a Religious Studies and Philosophy specialist, having studied Philosophy at university and taught RS at KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Christian and Islamic responses to Abortion

Christian and Islamic responses to Abortion

GCSE lesson on the Christian and Islamic responses to abortion. Includes reference to Christian teachings and sources of wisdom and authority as well as a GCSE exam question WITH a model answer in line with the Edexcel specification up to 2017.
The purpose and importance of family for Christians

The purpose and importance of family for Christians

NEW GCSE Edexcel RS specification lesson on the purpose and importance of family for Christians. Includes a diamond 9 activity sheet and a work sheet with sources of wisdom and authority from the Bible, alongside advantages and disadvantages of different types of family in the UK today. Plenary focuses on self-improvement.
Applying Situation Ethics and Natural Law to Christian family planning

Applying Situation Ethics and Natural Law to Christian family planning

NEW GCSE RS specification following the Edexcel curriculum. This lesson focuses on the ethical theories of Situation Ethics and Natural Law and how they can be applied to the moral issue of family planning as it appears in Christianity. A brief introduction to both Situation Ethics and Natural Law is followed by an opportunity for students to apply core principles of both theories to the issue of family planning. NOTE: This is a follow-on lesson based on previous student knowledge of family planning and Christian views and attitudes to this issue. Alternatively, it can work as a free-standing introduction to Situation Ethics and Natural Law.
Compare conformist and non-conformist Christian denominations

Compare conformist and non-conformist Christian denominations

Introduction to Christian denominations focusing on a comparison of conformist and non-conformist groups. Great as an introductory lesson for KS3 with the opportunity of a very creative lesson. Alternatively suitable for use as a GCSE lesson for students to form a fuller understanding of divergent Christian views. Also relevant as a KS5 revision lesson. Focusing on the Protestant and Catholic divide as well as introducing several non-conformist denominations including Quakers, Baptists, Presbyterians, Evangelicals and Church of England. Worksheet goes through some core beliefs so that students can pick out differences between each group.
Non-religious belief in life after death

Non-religious belief in life after death

NEW GCSE Edexcel RS specification covering Matters of Life and Death. A lesson based on an investigation of near-death experiences, paranormal activity and reincarnation as non-religious beliefs in life after death. The main focus of the lesson is through visual learning with three video clips to guide students through each factor behind life after death. A creative main task gives students the opportunity to write a fictional first person account using one of the factors. If watching all video clips in full this lesson will take two sessions to complete.
Christian attitudes to sexual relationships

Christian attitudes to sexual relationships

NEW GCSE Edexcel RS specification on Christian attitudes to sexual relationships with a strong focus on independent learning and interpretation of sources of wisdom and authority from the Bible. Main task includes detailed information sheet about non-religious attitudes with a focus on legal changes. Video starter task also included.
Million Pound Drop revision template

Million Pound Drop revision template

Revision resource for Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Unit 1 'Religion and Life with Christianity' and Unit 8 'Religion and Society with Christianity and Islam'. Based on the Million Pound Drop game show, each round covers one sub-topic and has 7 questions with 4 multiple choice answers - these are all set up with a 30 second timer and questions and answers can be amended. Topics covered - Religion and Life: Believing in God - Matters of Life and Death - Marriage and the Family - Community Cohesion. Topics covered - Religion and Society: Rights and Responsibilities - Environmental and Medical Issues - Peace and Conflict - Crime and Punishment. I usually bring in sweets and ask students to 'gamble' with them on the answers just as in the TV show, where students lose their sweets if they get the wrong answer and can split their sweets between answers if they want to.
Christian Teaching on Family Planning

Christian Teaching on Family Planning

NEW Edexcel GCSE RS specification lesson on Christian Teaching on Family Planning including sources of wisdom and authority from the Catholic Church and the Bible. Using the NEW 1-9 level descriptors for GCSE.
An Introduction to Euthanasia

An Introduction to Euthanasia

A GCSE lesson introducing the concept of euthanasia and the different types of euthanasia. This lesson asks students to reflect on their personal views of end of life decisions and is taught through four case studies that allow students to immerse themselves into specific situations where euthanasia becomes an option.
Euthanasia and the law

Euthanasia and the law

A GCSE or A-level lesson comparing the UK law on euthanasia with the legal view in Switzerland and the Netherlands (where euthanasia is currently legal under certain conditions) as well as reference to the United Nations Human Rights and how they can be interpreted as part of the euthanasia debate. This lesson has been planned as group work with subsequent presentations to the class, but can equally be delivered as paired work and also works for independent work. Students normally respond very well to the variety of legal perspectives on euthanasia and I have typically found the topic of what would be the 'perfect' legal response to euthanasia an interesting option for further class debate.
Impact of Liberal Reforms

Impact of Liberal Reforms

NEW KS3 History curriculum on British Reforms following the NEW 1-9 grading criteria. Students use information to investigate some core Liberal Reforms and fill in a work sheet with a table analysing the benefits and drawbacks of each Reform. Reforms included focus on children, national insurance and pensions. Students then use the information to write a diary entry from the point of view of either a child, a working class person or a pensioner, allowing them to analyse how successful the Reforms were. All tasks are clearly differentiated and this lesson is suitable for all abilities.
Voting Reforms between 1850 and 1900

Voting Reforms between 1850 and 1900

NEW KS3 History curriculum on British Reforms following the NEW 1-9 grading criteria. This lesson focuses on four key voting Reforms from 1850 to 1900 and asks students to compare these to the People's Charter. The Reforms Acts covered are from 1867, 1872, 1884, 1885 and students get a chance to analyse and evaluate how far each Reform made an impact on gaining more equality for men and how they link to the campaign for universal suffrage outlined in the People's Charter of 1938. The plenary is designed to stretch and challenge students of all abilities, by asking them to create 5 quiz questions about Reforms and then swap with a partner and take someone else's quiz. All tasks are clearly differentiated and this lesson is suitable for all abilities.
Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 2018 Assessment Criteria

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 2018 Assessment Criteria

NEW Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 2018 assessment criteria. A PPT with templates for the new GCSE style questions (a, b, c and d) for use during lessons or assessments with students at KS4. There is a clear and student friendly breakdown of the new question types, including tips for how to answer each question as well as sentence starters. There is also a student friendly mark scheme for each question, perfect for use as peer- or self-assessment. There are also basic instructions for how to write in PEE paragraphs as well as a student friendly overview of the requirement for both AO1 and AO2. Also included is a single information sheet with the assessment criteria, brief instructions for how to answer each question (a, b, c and d) and a breakdown of marks for every question, which has been extremely useful for students to use either as revision, during an assessment, or as a self- or peer-marking sheet.
Causes of World Poverty with Christian and Buddhist responses

Causes of World Poverty with Christian and Buddhist responses

GCSE introduction lesson on the causes of world poverty with Christian and Buddhist responses, following the AQA Religious Studies Specification B, Unit 3 - Religion and Morality. The starter hooks students straight away by showing them a series of pictures and asking them to find a link. This is followed by a task asking students to explain the nature of poverty and getting them to critically think about the difference between relative and absolute poverty, as well as suggesting causes of poverty. A stretch and challenge task is available specific to target grades. Students then respond to a 2 mark exam style definition question, before peer assessing it using the AQA marking criteria. The main task asks students to complete a diamond 9 task comparing and examining the causes of world poverty and how each cause may contribute to ongoing poverty. Students then use religious teaching from Christianity and Buddhism to suggest religious responses to world poverty with a task differentiated and linked to target grades. Students then answer a 3 mark personal opinion question and peer assess this using the AQA marking criteria. Finally, students reflect on the lesson using SMSC prompts. Every activity is differentiated either by outcome or task and allows stretch and challenge for the most able students.
British Reforms

British Reforms

10 Resources
A SoW following British Reforms from 1800 to 1918 with a specific focus on universal male and female suffrage as well as covering Liberal Social Reforms. Using new 1-9 grading criteria and designed to enhance student knowledge and skills in preparation for KS4 by incorporating GCSE exam style questions and focusing heavily on critical analysis and evaluation. Includes an assessment with marking criteria.
Votes for Women

Votes for Women

NEW KS3 History curriculum on British Reforms following the NEW 1-9 grading criteria. This lesson focuses on the different reasons why women got the vote, including changing attitudes of men and society in general, new opportunities for women through education and work, as well as the role played by women themselves in campaigning for their right to vote. Students are asked to analyse a variety of reasons and place them into the above categories. This forms the basis of a creative task where students produce a leaflet to show why women eventually got the vote. In the plenary, students are asked to reflect on their target grade and the work they completed during the lesson and set a target for future learning. All tasks are clearly differentiated and this lesson is suitable for all abilities.
Examine Muslim teachings about the nature and use of punishment

Examine Muslim teachings about the nature and use of punishment

NEW 2018 Edexcel Religious Studies GCSE, following the 'Religion, Peace and Conflict through Islam' topic and also using the new 1-9 grading criteria. Students engage with the concepts of punishment, justice and forgiveness and how these might be linked, using sources of wisdom and authority as a guide. Students then complete a carousel task around the classroom using a doughnut-shaped work sheet, with 5 distinct sections; Qisas, blood money, Qur'an Surah 2, Qur'an Surah 5 and Situation Ethics. Students need to read and summarise each section on their doughnut. Following this, students get the opportunity to answer an exam style question and self- or peer-assess their work.
British Reforms Assessment

British Reforms Assessment

British Reforms Assessment for KS3 or KS4, following NEW GCSE AQA exam style questions and marking criteria (all provided). The assessment takes its focus through the campaign for votes for women, starting with an 8 mark source based question focusing on suffragettes being force fed in prison (How useful is this source to a historian studying the women’s suffrage movement). This is followed by a 10 mark significance question comparing the impact of theWSUP and the NWSSU (Explain which group was more significant in helping women to win the vote, the WSUP or the NWSSU). The final question is a 16 mark evaluation question, which allows students to incorporate information about male suffrage in relation to women ultimately winning the right to vote (Women would never have won the vote without WW1 occurring).
Explore how people can make moral decisions using Situation Ethics

Explore how people can make moral decisions using Situation Ethics

KS3 lesson on Situation Ethics and using the new 1-9 GCSE grading criteria. The lesson introduces students to the nature of Situation Ethics and asks them to respond to its core principles by analysing and examining sources of wisdom and authority. This is followed by a class discussion (this can also be done in pairs, teams, or individually if that suits your class better) on a number of different moral principles to live by and an evaluation of how far Situation Ethics has got it right when it promotes Agape as its core moral principle. I like to give students contribution tokens to ensure that all of them contribute and no-one dominates the discussion. It also avoids students going off topic as they only have a fixed amount of contribution tokens to use before they run out and have to stay silent for the rest of the task. The tokens also promote student's listening as they have to be able to respond to comments made by other students. Finally, students explore a moral dilemma using Situation Ethics.