KS2 Music Scheme of Work overview
Year 3 - 6 Scheme of Work for Music, can be linked with Music Express or used for specialist teachers
This has been previously downloaded over 40,000 times!
Each year group is individually planned and can be downloaded in word so can be ammended or added to your own planing documents.
3 Music Poster Set - Tempo, Elements and The Orchestra
3 Music Poster Set - Tempo, Elements and The Orchestra
These are all editable and can be printed at A4 or A3.
Colours can be changed as can the photos used...
Save $1 by buying the posters together as a pack!
Teaching Film Music
Teaching Film Music:
Teaching resources - websites, video clips and other useful links when teaching this unit of work.
Graphic Score example to use
A complete project for students who can and can't read traditional notation.
KS1 Music Certificates
Drum Chief of the week
Mini Mozart of the week
Used as a positive way to encourage children during music lessons
3rd Grade-5th Grade Music Scheme of Work overview
3rd Garde to 5th Grade SoW for Music, can be linked with Music Express or used for specialist teachers
Each year group is indivdually planned
Rhythm Blocks for Y5 and 6 - a graphic score
Rhythm Blocks for Y5 and 6 - a graphic score-like introduction to rhythms within a 4 beat pattern
Music Patterns KS1
Introducing rhythmic patterns to KS1