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I am a current class teacher and head of PE. Resources uploaded are aimed at Years 5 and 6 but I also hope to add further year groups incorporating skills required for the culmination of a child's primary schooling.




I am a current class teacher and head of PE. Resources uploaded are aimed at Years 5 and 6 but I also hope to add further year groups incorporating skills required for the culmination of a child's primary schooling.
Harry Potter  - Guided Reading (Year 6)

Harry Potter - Guided Reading (Year 6)

This resource is a Guided Reading unit of work based on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. It is suitable for Year 6 classes and contains a variety of questions in a SATS style format. Within the pack are two highly detailed resources that are 24 lessons worth: The Harry Potter teacher pack - a series of key questions for each lesson based on a chronological breakdown of the novel. Each question is based on a criteria to test different aspects of children’s reading abilities from inference, deduction and retrieval. Answers are given for the key questions in the notes and space is left for notes taken on children’s feedback. Questions can be added or altered based on class needs. The Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone Activity Booklet - 8 separate comprehension activities in a SATS style layout, designed for independent reading and completion. These occur every third lesson and contain a key as to what type of question is being asked of the children so that they can practice a range of reading skills. This unit is taught through a three lesson framework per week but can be taught continuously. Lesson 1 of three is a shared reading lesson where teachers and children read the given chapter together with the teacher stopping for questioning and prompting. Lesson 2 of the three is a discussion lesson where children re-read the previous days lesson independently given a set time and then apply their growing comprehension skills to retrieve, infer, summarise and predict as a group. Teacher and class feedback then allows formation of answers to the given questions. Lesson 3 is an independent activity lesson where children read the next section of the novel and complete the activity page based on their reading and growing understanding of reading comprehension.
English - Poetry Villainous Characters

English - Poetry Villainous Characters

A two week poetry unit focusing on the theme of villainous characters. The lessons entail an analysis on ‘The Spider and the Fly’, and ‘The Raven’. The children will spend time learning about the narrative of both poems, analysing them for poetic devices and then practicing and performing the poems. The language used in both poems is challenging and provides a good opportunity for children to delve into older language and use their contextual knowledge to try and pick apart the word. The lessons shall then progress to the children using the narrative focus of The Spider and the Fly’ to create their own poem on a predator and prey at a level that we do not often see, incorporating the poetic devices that they have been analysing.
Guided Reading UKS2 Pack

Guided Reading UKS2 Pack

5 Resources
A selection of 5 Guided Reading units for Upper Key Stage 2. Each unit contains comprehension activities for children to complete; a tracking sheet for the teacher to record the understanding of each child; and a teacher guide giving prompting questions to guide each session. Lessons are structured as part of three weekly lessons; a class read, a class discussion and an independent comprehension activity. Included: Skellig The Explorer The Nowhere Emporium A Monster Calls Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Maths Monopoly - Year 6 and Year 5

Maths Monopoly - Year 6 and Year 5

This is a game that can be played between children in Year 6 and high achievers in Year 5 (however the question cards are editable so can be made applicable for other year groups). Children make their way around the school, earning merits which they use to buy rooms of the school - rooms are editable so you can make it appropriate to your school! We printed the board game off in A3 on card. To earn merits, they gain rent from other players who land on their owned rooms OR answer Maths questions. Children start with 30 merits and compete until players are bankrupt. The game is so well-known in its gameboard version but can be such a helpful revision tool for children to practice what they have learned in lessons. The focus is on Maths revision and comes with 16 question cards based on a range of topics covered in Year 6: Multiplication Division Shapes Ratio BODMAS Decimals Answers to the questions are on the flip side of the cards.
Year 6 Fractions - Active Learning Lesson and Resources

Year 6 Fractions - Active Learning Lesson and Resources

This lesson is designed to give children an active maths lesson where they do not realise explicitly they are being taught maths but rather see it as part of a fun, challenging experience with their classmates. It contributes towards the goal of keeping children physically working to at least a moderate intensity of thirty minutes a day and has proven to capture children’s attention across ranges of ability. The presentation attached guides you through each activity that the children complete, whereby they complete a series of games as teams and then are tasked with adding up their scores in the form of fractions. This gradually gets more challenging but will allow children to show their understanding of grouping fractions to create whole numbers or to create other fractions and work as a team. This lesson in particular covers fractions for Year 6 (comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting and multiplying), however it is easily modifiable to suit other topics of maths and other year groups. I will be uploading further lessons at a later date. To begin the lesson, the children complete a simple warm up moving round the space, this can be practicing their times tables to having a number card and completing commands if the statement said matches their card. They will then join a group designated by the colour of the card/beanie bag and complete the activities. The lesson requires either tables moved to the sides of the room or hall space to be effective. It also requires: an assortment of cones, beanie bags, mixture of different coloured balls or similar item, hoops.
World War 2 - outbreak and chronological ordering on timeline (Year 6)

World War 2 - outbreak and chronological ordering on timeline (Year 6)

This is a lesson for early on in a World War 2 unit of work or to provide children with some contextual knowledge for the period surrounding World War 2. It contains a presentation giving key information and events that preceded the war with explanations as to their importance. Differentiation is involved in the recapping of events and the ordering of the timeline, furthermore a detailed paragraph considering the significance of the events is offered. Also included are the planning for the lesson and the resources for the timelines.
War Horse - anachronims and historical research lesson (Year 6)

War Horse - anachronims and historical research lesson (Year 6)

Part of the War Horse - Historical Story Writing Unit of work (3 weeks). https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/historical-stories-war-horse-war-game-and-one-boy-s-war-12205177 This lesson is a cross curricular lesson that incorporates historical inquiry to tie in with a later English lesson. Children have been reading War Horse in class and are now going to use what they have been exposed to in the story to study the importance of historical accuracy when writing about a specified time period. The lesson looks into the term anachronism in order to then allow children to research factual information, the daily life of those in World War 1 and their hobbies and roles in society with the aim of identifying features that they can include in their own writing for contextually accurate pieces. Attached is the presentation for the lesson, the lesson plan and some research for children to use if they do not have access to books on the time period of internet access.
Escape Room - Maths Challenge

Escape Room - Maths Challenge

Completed this activity with my Year 6 class but suitable for most year groups. Takes a short amount of explanation but then children can complete in groups or independently. Puts the onus on the children to think of their own word/arithmetic problems and checks their own understanding. Quite a simple task to run: children are presented with a room template with three doors containing a different answer on the front; they create a question card from one of their topics thus far and a correct answer for the question which aligns with one of the doors. These can then be compiled into a class set which can be preserved and used as you see fit, such as during wet breaks, golden time, a challenge during a lesson. This can added to as the year goes on and a way of revisiting topics. Files contain: room template, question card template, explanation of activity (editable).
The Inventions and Innovations of the Ancient Maya

The Inventions and Innovations of the Ancient Maya

Year 5/6 topic A lesson presentation and accompanying resource that shares examples of the exploits of the Ancient Maya and allows children to discover their uses to them at the time but also begin to make connections with our lives today. Children will complete an ordering activity whereby they decide on a hierarchy of importance for the inventions and subsequently justify their choices referring the explanations used within the lesson presentation and their own opinions.