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The Binary Palace

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The Binary Palace aims to assist you with all your Computing and Computer Science teaching needs. The store is jam packed full of exciting resources and teaching and learning materials to help you focus more of your time teaching and less of your time on the, somewhat more boring, planning. Resources are all of the highest quality and are regularly updated, so please so subscribe to see more appear as they are added.

The Binary Palace aims to assist you with all your Computing and Computer Science teaching needs. The store is jam packed full of exciting resources and teaching and learning materials to help you focus more of your time teaching and less of your time on the, somewhat more boring, planning. Resources are all of the highest quality and are regularly updated, so please so subscribe to see more appear as they are added.
A-Level OCR Computer Science Taster Talk

A-Level OCR Computer Science Taster Talk

A very short PowerPoint which documents some of the key reasons why our GCSE Students should go on to take A-Level Computer Science. It shows the course structure, the content and some information about the jobs that you might want to think about afterwards. This particular resource covers the OCR A-Level in computer science
GCSE OCR Computer Science 9-1 Grade Mappers

GCSE OCR Computer Science 9-1 Grade Mappers

This well-designed resource features a number of sheets which show how the new 9-1 outcomes map aginst the old A*-G system. It shows what skills are required in each of the units students are tested on and what they need to know/understand for each of the grade boundaries, from 9 right down to 1. The sheets are broken down into each of the topic areas and are very detailed in nature allowing them to be followed carefully. These documents are designed to either be given to students so they can see what they need to know what level but also useful for teaching staff or those new to teaching GCSE Computing, what exactly is needed for which level. The categories are broken down into small manageable chunks and easily allow for students to use this for revision of simply organising their class books or folders.
KS3 Computing Python 3.0 Work Booklet, Exercises and Assessments

KS3 Computing Python 3.0 Work Booklet, Exercises and Assessments

This resources covers the main elements of Python 3.0. It is a fantastic resource that is filled with knowledge, mini tasks, larger tasks and assessment style questions. It can be used either as lessons support for teaching Python to a class, or it can be used independently by the student. It can be used as a PDF on the computer or can be printed if needed. It is a full set of lessons that can be used by teachers and will guide students from no Python knowledge to a good understanding. It is estimated that this resource will take 14-20 hours to complete if used correctly within lessons. This resource will is aimed at KS3 Students (Year 8 & 9); However, it can work well for GCSE Classes in Year 10 and Year 11, or those new to Python in any year group. The topics covered start very basic and then work up to more complex tasks and as such, the resource self-differentiates, some students creating more complex programmes than other. Again, you can introduce chapters as needed and mix and matach. The topics covered in the booklet, are below: Section 1 – Meeting Python • 1.1a - What And Where Is Python? • 1.1b – What Is IDLE • 1.2 – Writing Your First Program • 1.2a – “Hello World“ • 1.2b – Student Activity Python Basics Section 2 – Naming & Using Variables • 2.0 – What Is A Variable? • 2.0a – Experiment With Variables • 2.0b - Student Activity (Variables) Section 3 – Getting Loopy • 3.0 – What Is A While Loop? • 3.0b - Student Activity (While Loops) Section 4 - Commenting • 4.0 – Why do we comment? • 4.1 - Experiment with comments Section 5 - Modules • 5.1.a – What is a module? • 5.1b - A simple dice • 5.2 – Student activity (Modules) Section 6 - Selection • 6.0a If… Else (Experiment) • 6.1 If…ELIF…Else (Experiment) • 6.2 – Student Activity (Selection) Section 7 – MyMagic8Ball • 7.0a – Project Section 8 – Extension Activities KS3 Levels & Assessment Data
GCSE OCR Computing 6-A-Day Student Revision Guide and Answer Booklet

GCSE OCR Computing 6-A-Day Student Revision Guide and Answer Booklet

This well crafted resourced contains over 350 questions from the OCR J275 Specification. It can however be very well used with the OCR J276 Computer Science specification if required. Questions have been sourced from exam papers since the start of the GCSE course in 2008 and have been compiled in sections for easy of use. Each PDF contains a different set of questions around a particular topic and can be given to students either as a complete booklet or in small chunks. It can be very easily turned into a booklet and given out this way or used more strategically. The idea of the resource is that students spend time each day completing 6 questions which will allow them to get an all around feel for the course specification as well as teach them skills surrounding how to answer specific questions. This will help not only subject knowledge but also will allow for students to practice the longer answer questions. Teachers have access tot he same PDF documents, but this contains the mark scheme for each of the PDFs allow you to either mark the questions or giving students access to the answer booklet to mark their own and then diagnose trouble areas. A really great resource to help your Computing or Computer Science students do the best in ther exams or mocks.
GCSE Computing Python Work Booklet, Exercises and Challenges

GCSE Computing Python Work Booklet, Exercises and Challenges

This resources covers the main elements of Python 3.0. It is a fantastic resource that is filled with knowledge, mini tasks, larger tasks and assessment style questions. It can be used either as lessons support for teaching Python to a class, or it can be used independently by the student. It can be used as a PDF on the computer or can be printed if needed. I have a KS3 version of this work booklet also for sale on TES Resources, which can also be used with GCSE, but the language is aimed at the younger students. This is geared more towards the older learner and is designed to be used more independently. There is a lot less hand holding in this booklet and generally the students should go it mostly alone, especially on the challenges at the end of the booklet. It is designed to make them think and stretch them using the code. It is a full set of lessons that can be used by teachers and will guide students from no Python knowledge to a good understanding. It is estimated that this resource will take 14-20 hours to complete if used correctly within lessons. This resource will is aimed at GCSE Computing or Computer Science Students; However, it can work well for KS3 Classes in Year 9, or those new to Python in any year group, even A-Level. The topics covered start very basic and then work up to more complex tasks and as such, the resource self-differentiates, some students creating more complex programmes than other. Again, you can introduce chapters as needed and mix and match. It covers all the key skill of python and offers students a wide range of exercises to choose from, which self-differentiate. At the end of the booklet, there are more than 35 challenges that students can have a go at and try and code or complete. These range in difficulty and can be set as individual tasks or can be set as just part of the work booklet. This really is an excellent resource and will easily support students work through their GCSE course.
Computer Science & ICT Lab Display Keywords/Questions

Computer Science & ICT Lab Display Keywords/Questions

This high-quality resource contains a number of keywords for your classroom display. It also includes a number of key questions which can be printed out in any colour on the speech bubble shape that is included. You are free to edit these questions and add to them as required.
Computer Science & ICT Lab Display Applications and Skills

Computer Science & ICT Lab Display Applications and Skills

This high-quality resource contains a number of common applications logs from the AppStore and also applications found on windows PC's such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc etc. Each of the apps have different skills attached and are designed to float around larger tiles in the center. This display is designed to fill an entire wall, and as such is fairly large in size and there is a lot to cut out. You are free to edit these questions and add to them as required.
GCSE Computing OCR A451 Personalised Learning Checklist

GCSE Computing OCR A451 Personalised Learning Checklist

This resource is used with the GCSE Computing (J275) course and is designed to allow students to audit their knowledge. This will allow you to see where weaknesses lie in the cohort and diagnose issues by potentially reteaching them or having on one one sessions with small groups or individual students. A really useful tool for the classroom.
GCSE Computing Takeaway Homework Menu

GCSE Computing Takeaway Homework Menu

This multi exam board resource is the GCSE Computing takeaway homework menu. It works much like a Chinese takeaway menu; Giving your students choice over their own homework for the whole year and the ability to decide what sort of challenge they are looking for from their homework that week or lesson. Teachers are also able to set whole class homework, should they be required or fit more inline with the topic that is currently being studied. The resource is designed to allow students to select their own level of choice and challenge and be able to select a homework that allows them to be creative. This resource contains the beautifully designed takeaway menu, which you can either distribute digitally or print off for students. It also contains files for the tasks which require them and these can either be distributed via your online VLE or in a shared area where the students can access. Ther is enough homework here for 1 whole year of GCSE, so thinking of an exciting new homework task, will be a thing of the past. Topics covered (presented in a unique and exciting way) by the resource and available for selection are: • Algorithms • Hex • Binary • ASCII • Loops (For and While) • Sequence and Selection • Logic • Computational Thinking • Arithmetic • Pixels • Development of Systems • RAM, ROM and Memory • CPU • Processing
GCSE Computing Visual Basic Student Work Booklet

GCSE Computing Visual Basic Student Work Booklet

This resource is designed to be used when teaching students at both GCSE and A Level VB.net/Visual Basic as a unit of work. The resource is a series of detailed information and examples, followed by a number of exercises which are student led. These exercises can be carried out either as a class or by the individual in their own time; as a result, this resource is self-differentiated. The point of the work booklet is to break the language down and teach the basics a step at a time, it also serves as an excellent revision booklet for those student sitting any A-Level computer-based coding exam in VB.net or for students who wish to carry out projects in VB.net at both GCSE and A-Level. The resource could very easily fill two whole terms of lessons if required as it is a very comprehensive document. This resource could be used more selectively, focusing only the areas you wish to skill students in. The book is designed for those teaching VB.net at GCSE or A Level as mentioned, but can be used by individuals wanting to learn the programming language as an independent learn or as part of a CPD program for teaching staff. The resource is well written and put together and includes a full appendix at the end to aid in users with complex vocabulary. The topics in the work booklet include: • Introduction to programming. • Your First Program (Writeline and Readline) • All about Variables - (Declaring a variable in VB, Getting a value into a variable, Using a variable in a program, Printing out a variable, Exercises) • Commenting Code • The Selection statements (If and Select) – (The If Statement, If Statement Exercises, The Case Statement, Case, What Else? Case Sensitive Case’s? Case Statement Exercises) • The Repetition Statements – (The FOR loop, Exercises, The WHILE loop, Exercises) • Arrays – (Using the array, Arrays and for Loops, Array exercises) • String Theory – (String Compare, String Functions Exercises) • Sub Procedures and Functions- (A Sub Procedure, the example, Functions, the example, Extra Points, The Recursive function, Sub Procedure/Function Exercises) • Global and Local Variables – (Global VS Local, Global and Local Variable Exercises) • Working with Files – (Filestream, StreamReader/StreamWriter. The Example, Exercises • Programming with Forms • APPENDIX – List of Operators
GCSE Computing Visual Basic Example Programs

GCSE Computing Visual Basic Example Programs

This resource is a selection of VB.net (Visual Basic) coded programs which can be used in class to show students how different code works. All the code currently works perfectly and all the examples show off a range of different skills required at GCSE and A Level Computing / Computer Science. The code can be either used to show an example after setting the students the task of making their own version, or it can be given to them broken, in an attempt for them to fix, add to or totally change the code to get it working - Either way, these resources are fantastic and a real time saver when teaching VB. There are a number of examples in here and this can be used with my other VB resrouces if required.
KS3 Computing BBC Micro:Bit Programming Unit of Work

KS3 Computing BBC Micro:Bit Programming Unit of Work

This resource is a scheme of lessons (Unit of Work), 5 lessons that will coach students in programming using the BBC Micro:Bit block language. This language is similar to Scratch and can be found on the Micro:Bit website. It is a great language to get students started and can be useful to help them move onto more complex language in the future. While this is aimed at Key Stage 3, there are cases where you could teach these lessons to a very top end Year 6 Class if required. There are 5 lessons in total, each ramping up in difficulty. Each lessons has a section explaining the concept, the learning outcomes and then some development work on the topic at hand. There are multiple challenges for students to complete in each lesson and this will differentiate the students learning outcomes. The end result will be an independent project where students are required to make a FitBit step counter, which then can be used for data-logging in either Maths or in Excel. The lessons are well structured and provide example code for students to follow initially, so they will all get something working - This then slowly gets removed allowing them to think. It is worth noting that no additional resources are required, only the Micro:Bit and computers or tablets if you are using Bluetooth. Lessons: Lesson 1 - An introduction to the Micro:Bit Lesson 2 - Using inputs such as buttons Lesson 3 - Adjusting brightness and introduction of variables Lesson 4 - Using the pins to complete the circuit Lesson 5 - FitBit pedometer challenge