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Customs & Festivals German Regular Verbs
Created for my Foundation level Year 10’s whilst in lockdown, this powerpoint aims to ensure that students are able to describe how they would celebrate festivals, with the use of verbs that can be recycled across a range of festivals. It recaps on the use of regular verbs in the present tense, and how to adapt sentences for your own needs.
There is a verb matching activity, a recap of how to conjugate regular verbs, and then some translation activities and a worksheet. The translation activities can be completed orally or in writing.

Customs & Festivals German Christmas Past tense
Created for my Year 10’s, this Powerpoint uses a range of activities to recap on the use of the past tense to compare what you might normally do at Christmas with a past Christmas celebration. The activities were inspired by a Gianfranco Conti webinar. Activities include:
Listening activity - past or present?
Listening activity - note the past participles
Unjumble sentence activity
“Bad translation” activity
Listening “slalom translation” activity
Narrow reading activity
The Powerpoint is animated and all answers are provided. Listening activities can be differentiated by displaying the text, or could be utilised as reading activities.

Weihnachten bei uns Reading and Translation activity sheet German GCSE Unit 4 Customs and Festivals
A sheet of reading and translation activities to enable students to become familiar with discussing the topic of what they do at Christmas.
Activities include:
1.Match up English and German sentences
2.Match up broken sentences in German
3.Find the mistake and correct.
4.Gap fill sentences using correct form of verbs
5. Sentences to translate
I used this as a pre-cursor to students completing the Christmas writing activity.

Festivals in Germany - information powerpoint, German GCSE Unit 4 Customs and Festivals
Powerpoint with information on festivals in Germany. Designed to support Kerboodle AQA book, Unit 4 Customs and Festivals. Slides have descriptions of customs in German and English. Could be used in class or as pre-reading.
Festivals covered:
Erster Schultag
Heiliger Abend

Customs and Festivals German GCSE
Bundle includes;
1.Powerpoint with information about Customs and Festivals for use in class or as pre-reading
2.Customs and festivals match up activity
3.Reading and Translation activity sheet (Christmas)
4.Reading Comprehension (Christmas)

Weihnachten bei uns reading comprehension German GCSE Unit 4 Customs and Festivals
Reading comprehension on the topic of Christmas. Set of questions to be answered in English. Challenge activities guide students to highlight sequencing words and then write their own short paragraph about what they do at Christmas using sequencing words.

Customs and festivals match up activity for German GCSE KS4 (Identity and Culture Unit 4)
This worksheet gives a list of customs linked to the following festivals:
Christmas, New Year, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Polterabend, Karneval, Oktoberfest, Erster Schultag, Halloween.
Learning objective - to be able to recognise vocabulary relating to customs and festivals in Germany.
Students read and work out which festival each statement is linked to. Answers provided on second page.
This could be cut into strips as a sorting activity, or students could test each other by reading the statements out.
I used this after students had completed the pre-Reading Powerpoint for homework.

Customs & Festivals German Reflexive and Separable Verbs
Created for my Foundation level Year 10’s, this powerpoint aims to ensure that students are able to describe how they would celebrate festivals, with the use of verbs that can be recycled across a range of festivals. It recaps on the use of reflexive and separable verbs in the present tense, and how to adapt sentences for your own needs. The content could be spread across 2 lessons.
There is a verb matching activity, a recap of how to conjugate regular verbs, explanation of reflexive and separable verbs, and some translation activities. The translation activities can be completed orally or in writing.
There is a Kahoot quiz to recap on knowledge gained from Lessons 1 and 2, which also includes some cultural references.