4 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a Multiplication and Division Unit. The worksheets focus on short multiplication by a 1 digit number and are differentiated to allow LA and HA children to access the work. The sheets are approximately 2/3 of an A4 sheet so can be stuck easily into a book under the date / learning objective.
LA: 2 x 1 digit short multiplication using the 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables
MA: 2/3 x 1 digit short multiplication using the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 times tables
HA: 3 x 1 digit short multiplication using a range of times tables.
GD: 3/4 x 1 digit short multiplication using a range of times tables, including a “What’s Wrong” reasoning question.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a publisher file, but can be transferred to word if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Adding and Subtracting fractions with the different denominator.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Fractions Unit.
Each worksheet has a Mild, Hot and Spicy activity.
LA and MA include simple common multiples, whilst HA and GD include much more complicated denominators.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Reflecting Shapes across a mirror line.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Transformations Unit. Pupils are required to reflect the shape across the mirror line and plot the coordinates of the new shape.
LA: Reflecting simple shapes (squares and rectangles) across a vertical mirror line
MA: Reflecting quadrilaterals with Q4 stretch across mixed mirror lines
HA: Reflecting complicated shapes (arrows etc) across mixed mirror lines
GD: Reflecting 2 shapes on one axis with challenge word problems.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
3 worksheets (2 copies on each page) to be used as question headers.
LA: Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100
MA: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 (whole numbers)
HA: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals)
To be used in conjunction with place value charts.
3 differentiated worksheets to teach the perimeter of shapes. Sheets give a shape with space for calculation and a final answer below.
LA: Areas of simple shapes (within times tables), with composite shapes introduced
MA: Areas of simple shapes with composite shapes introduced
HA: Areas of composite shapes
6 lessons of differentiated worksheets, including LA, MA, HA and stretch challenges. All worksheets begin at a basic, introductory level, and move through to challenges designed to encourage 'Greater Depth' in the Year 5 / 6 Mathematics curriculum.
Lesson 1: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 etc
Lesson 2: Formal multiplication (4x1 digit)
Lesson 3: Formal multiplication (4x2 digit)
Lesson 4: Division with scaffolding
Lesson 5: Division (no scaffolding)
Lesson 6: Division with remainders
3 differentiated worksheets to be used to introduce the link between fractions and decimals. The sheets show simple fractions with their matching decimal counterparts and are designed to be cut out and stuck in a book together. Each fraction also shows it's representation in dienes, taking a 100 cube as 1.
LA: Single tenths and hundredths e.g. 1/1, 1/10, 1/100
MA: Single tenths and hundredths, with other basic fractions e.g. 5/100
HA: Single tenths and hundredths, with other more complicated fractions e.g. 53/100
3 differentiated worksheets to be used to introduce a fractions topic. The sheets show different ways of writing fractions, such as shaded shapes, the visual representations, number lines, and groups. Children cut each box out and match it to the other ways of writing the same fraction.
LA: Simple representations of 1/2 and 1/4
MA: Representations of 1/2, 1/4 and 3/5
HA: Representations of 1/2, 1/4, 3/5 and 3/4.
3 differentiated worksheets to be used in a lesson about different types of angles. Children are required to identify the type of angle (acute, right-angle, obtuse and reflex) in different flags. All worksheets have an extension to find and identify any other angles in the flag that they can.
LA: 1 flag, clearly identified angles.
MA: 2 flags, harder angles.
HA: 3 flags, estimating the size of the angle and identifying what type of angle it is.
**3 differentiated worksheets** to be used in a lesson about drawing and constructing triangles from given measurements. Children are given an angle and a measurement which they need to construct the triangle from. All triangles have a starting point on a horizontal given line.
LA: Angles that are a multiple of 10° and whole centimetre measurements. (e.g. 30° and 4cm)
MA: Angles that are multiples of 10° and 5° and centimetre measurements including 0.5cm (e.g. 35° and 4.5cm)
HA: Any angle and any measurement (e.g. 43° and 5.7cm)
Downloaded sheets use Microsoft Publisher
3 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a place value unit. The worksheets focus on comparing numbers using greater than (>) and less than (<), and ask the children to put numbers in order based on their value.
LA: 3 digit cards - making the biggest and smallest number possible, using < and > to create inequalities, and creating different numbers from digits given.
MA: 4 digit cards - making the biggest and smallest number possible, using < and > to create inequalities, and creating different numbers from digits given and placing them in order.
HA: Greater reasoning through 4 digits, inequalities which require working out, and a greater depth stretch to do with place value.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a publisher file, but can be transferred to word if specifically requested.
3 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a Place Value Unit. The worksheets focus on ordering and comparing 3 and 4 digit numbers. They begin by asking students to rearrange to digits to make the smalled and greatest number, and then move on to adding inequalities to complete the statements.
LA: Ordering and comparing 3 digit numbers with simple inequalities (< and >)
MA: Ordering and comparing 4 digit numbers with inequalities (< and >)
HA: Ordering and comparing 4 digit numbers with inequalities (< and >) and stretch challenge
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Adding fractions with the same denominator.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Fractions Unit.
Each worksheet has a Mild, Hot and Spicy activity.
Hot and Spicy questions include adding mixed numbers.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Converting Metres and Kilometres.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Measures Unit.
The concept for the activity is that students work out how far different story characters (Marvel, Shrek etc) have thrown their javelin, converting measurements between metres and kilometres (see picture).
LA: Conversions such as 1000m, 3.5km etc
MA: Conversions such as 3300m, 1.4km etc
HA: Conversions such as 2193m, 0.05km
GD: See above, which ‘Explain’ stretch question included.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
A challenge investigation designed to allow the children to discover prime numbers up to 100.
MA version includes scaffolding (which multiples to colour), while HA version allows more open ended investigation with less direction and an 'Explain to an alien' finish.