The PE Tutor Ltd is a community of PE Tutors that write, create and deliver teaching and learning resources and courses for students and teachers around the world.
Our sole aim is to Maximise Student Success in PE Exams.
Our ever expanding tutor team provide:
- 1.2.1 Private Tuition
- Online Group Classes
- Free Email Course
- Full Curriculum Courses of Study
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Interested in becoming a PE Tutor yourself? Email us at
The PE Tutor Ltd is a community of PE Tutors that write, create and deliver teaching and learning resources and courses for students and teachers around the world.
Our sole aim is to Maximise Student Success in PE Exams.
Our ever expanding tutor team provide:
- 1.2.1 Private Tuition
- Online Group Classes
- Free Email Course
- Full Curriculum Courses of Study
learn more at
Interested in becoming a PE Tutor yourself? Email us at
450+ resources like this one visit The PE Portal
6 Summative Flashcards ~ Editable, Printable and Ready-to-use.
6 Accompanying Revision Videos
The Pathway of Air
Gaseous Exchange
Blood Vessels
Structure of the Heart
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Output
Mechanics of Breathing
Spirometer Traces
A lesson-ready, editable and printable student activity sheet, designed in line with the 2018 GCSE PE Specification.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the route blood takes through the heart.
Most should understand how the heart acts as a dual-action pump during the cardiac cycle.
Some could explain how blood flow in the heart can alter stroke volume and cardiac output.
A complete, ready-to-use, differentiated lesson powerpoint written in line with the 2018 AQA Specification but applicable across OCR, EdExcel and other major exam boards of GCSE PE.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the major bones of the body
Most should be able to locate the bones on a skeleton
Some could link bones to a function in sport
A complete, ready-to-use, differentiated lesson powerpoint written in line with the 2018 AQA Specification but applicable across OCR, EdExcel and other major exam boards of GCSE PE.
Learning Objectives
All must know the different bone shapes
Most should understand how bone shape determines its function
Some could link the function of specific bones to sporting situations.
A complete, ready-to-use, differentiated lesson powerpoint written in line with the 2018 AQA Specification but applicable across OCR, EdExcel and other major exam boards of GCSE PE.
Learning Objectives:
All must be able to describe the structures of 3 types of blood vessel
Most should be able to explain the function of different vessel structures.
Some could be able explain the importance of vessel functions in sporting situations.
A complete, ready-to-use, differentiated lesson powerpoint written in line with the 2018 AQA Specification but applicable across OCR, EdExcel and other major exam boards of GCSE PE.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the anatomical components that work together to cause inspiration and expiration at rest and in exercise.
Most should understand how breathing is caused by changes in air pressure.
Some could evaluate the role anatomical components play in satisfying demands exercise places on the respiratory system.
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet describing the characteristics of each structure that comprises the air passageway.
Learning Objectives:
All must be able to state the 6 components of the respiratory tract.
Nose & Mouth
Most should be able describe a feature of each component and place them in the correct order.
Access over 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the different movement actions permitted at joints and in sporting actions.
Learning Objectives:
All will know the joint actions possible at the major joints of the body.
Most will know examples of joint actions in sport.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the different theories and types of personality and motivation in sport.
Learning Objectives:
All must have knowledge of the terms introvert, extrovert and motivation.
Most can explain characteristics of different types of personality and motivation.
Some could evaluate the prevalence and benefits of different personalities and motivators in different sports.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
x4 Full-length, editable PowerPoint lessons and accompanying Worksheets explaining what impacts technolgy can have on a performer, coach, official and spectator.
Learning Objectives:
Understand technological developments that impact on sport performers.
Evaluate associated advantages and disadvantages of technology for performers.
Understand the use of technology in sport for coaches and choreographers.
Understand a range of associated benefits and drawbacks of technology in coaching and choreography.
Understand the use of technology in sport for officiating.
Understand a range of associated benefits and drawbacks of technology in officiating.
Understand the use of technology in sport for spectatorship.
Understand a range of associated benefits and drawbacks of technology for spectatorship.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying worksheet describing the structure of the skeleton.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the different bone shapes
Most should understand how bone shape determines its function
Some could link the function of specific bones to sporting situations.
Access over 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the term obesity, what causes it and the impact it can have on health and wellbeing.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the definition for obesity and the fundamental causes of it.
Most should be able to explain how obesity can negatively affect health.
Some could provide specific examples of how obesity can limit sport performance.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the concept of sedentary living and the impact it can have on health and wellbeing.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the possible consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
Most should be able to explain how each consequence could occur and the impact of each on health and fitness.
Some could suggest alterations to make a sedentary lifestyle a more active one.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Contained is an 8 week Unit of Work ideal for intermediate and KS4 Table Tennis players. The unit addresses both fundamental and advanced skills of Table Tennis and begins to apply them in singles and doubles situations. Each lesson contains 3-5 learning episodes, each of which have their own Learning Objectives, differentiation and key teaching points.
A compilation of 24 individual lesson plans designed to take a student from complete KS3 Novice, to an accomplished KS4 performer.
- Learning Objectives
- Opportunities for differentiation
- Progressive learning activities
BUNDLE: 3 Complete Units of Work for Years 7, 8 and KS4.
x24 KS3 + KS4 Badminton lesson plans
x16 Year 8 + Year 9 Table Tennis Lesson plans
40 Individual lesson plans, each including:
- Differentiation
- Learning Objectives
- Progressive Learning Activities
- Appropriate Opportunities for Assessment
BUNDLE: 5 Separate Units of Work, designed to take students from complete novices, to competent Year 9 Performers.
You're one download away from NO MORE planning!
Level 3 BTEC Sport Unit 1 EXAM - Learning Aim D: ENERGY SYSTEMS Flashcard Pack
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 13 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
Contained is a 12 week Unit of Work ideal for intermediate and KS3 Netball players. The unit addresses the fundamental skills of Netball and builds in advanced tactics and performance analysis. It begins to apply them in competitive situations. Each lesson contains 3-5 learning episodes, each of which have their own Learning Objectives, differentiation and key teaching points.
x14 Gymnastic Lesson Plans (7 Flight, 7 Floor work)
x14 Trampolining Lesson Plans
All of which are designed to build confidence and develop skills gradually from novice Year 7 to competent performer.
Each individual lesson plan contains:
- Differentiation
- Opportunities for assessment
- Progressive learning activities
- Specific learning objective
You're one download away from no more planning, so why wait!?
(L2) BTEC Sport U1 Complete Pack
(L2) BTEC Sport U1 Complete Video Series
Designed for both students and teachers alike, our flashcard pack is crammed with 64 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you will navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
50 Essential Exam Topics.
Keyword definitions, descriptions and explanations.
100+ Exam style questions
Revision Checklists for each learning aim.
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise the memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-lists to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Pack, really is, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
The PE Tutor’s video series are ideal for any student or teacher that learns best online, with visual and audible explanations.
Included In Your BTEC Sport Video Series:
Over 3 hours of video addressing the 50 essential topics from Unit 1.
30 bite-size lessons with on-screen teaching notes and explanations.
A 6000+ word manuscript to accompany all teaching content used in the series.
Students can click, watch and read-a-long until they feel safe in the knowledge that no exam question will throw them off their guard.
This Dual Package Contains:
64 Flashcards
3 Learning Aim Revision Checklists
3 Hours of Video Tuition
30 Mini-Lessons & On-screen Notes
6000+ Word Accompanying Manuscript
100+ Exam Style Activities