Simple Migration Type Animation
An animated ppt showing the different types of migration.
A Level Geography Extended Writing Planning Sheets
2 Planning Sheets.
1 for 12 mark Assess Questions on the EDEXCEL A Level Geography
1 for 16 Mark Synoptic Evaluate questions.
These allow students to break down their answers to cover the relevant AO requirements as well as making sure they hit all of the parts of the mark scheme. These templates can be used for any 12 or 16 marks questions you may want to set.
Revision Session - GCSE Making the most of Fieldwork Questions
A revision session looking at fieldwork questions for the edexcel B syllabus but can be applicable to other exam boards. This presentation includes the fieldwork information for the studies carried out with my students but can easily be edited to reflect your own fieldwork. There are activities for students to complete and edexcel marked examiner responses and spec requirements also included.
Revision Session for GCSE Geography - Working with photographs and questions about processes - Focus
A revision session written for edexcel B but applicable to other boards. Looks at how to get the most out of photo and process questions. Contains activities to complete for different skills and command words.
Edexcel B Geography AO 8 and 12 mark Structure Sheets
Three resources allowing you to help students get to grips with the Different Assessment Objective tariffs in the 8 and 12 mark questions on the Edexcel B Geography exams.
12 Mark Justify Questions
8 Mark Evaluate questions
8 Mark Assess questions
Resources contain Space for a question, planning space with AO guidance, mark scheme and evaluation box for feedback and reflection.
Edexcel A Level Carbon Cycle Lesson 1
This is a lesson to introduce the carbon cycle to those students studying GCE Geography. Written for the Edexcel course but also applicable to other exam boards. Students look at both the reservoirs and flows as well as considering long term biochemical cycles. Student handouts are contained as slides within the presentation.
Edexcel A Level Carbon Cycle Lesson 3 and 4
Lesson 3 and 4 for the EDEXCEL GCE Geography Carbon Cycle Unit. The resource contains a ppt with lesson activities for two lessons and all of the relevant resources contained as slides within the presentation. The first activity requires the students to have completed lesson 2 in this series of lessons. Lesson 4 can stand as a stand alone lesson covering Carbon Pumps.
Edexcel A Level Carbon Cycle Lesson 5
This is a lesson to cover 6.3a and b for those students studying GCE Geography Carbon and Energy Security. Written for the Edexcel course but also applicable to other exam boards. Students look at both the wider importance of the carbon cycle as well as considering how we, as humans, have enhanced the greenhouse effect. Student handouts are contained as slides within the presentation and there is a homework task also. The lesson will require access to ICT facilities for a research task into greenhouse gases or for the information to be printed off from the website link contained within the presentation.
Edexcel A Level Carbon Cycle Lesson 2
Lesson 2 for the EDEXCEL GCE Geography Carbon Cycle Unit. The resource contains a ppt with two lesson activities and all of the relevant resources contained as slides within the presentation. The first activity requires access to tablets / chrome books, PC or mobile device for using the internet. The activities cover lesson three also in the form of a peer teaching task.
GCE Edexcel Geography Carbon Cycle Lesson 6
This is lesson 1 of 2 which covers 6.3b and c for those students studying GCE Geography Carbon and Energy Security. Written for the Edexcel course but also applicable to other exam boards. Students look at the importance of soil to the carbon cycle as well as considering how we, as humans, have chnaged the carbon flux through the use of fossil fuels. Student handouts are contained as slides within the presentation. The lesson will require the articles to be printed or shared with the students.
China 3 - Comparing China and UK
By the end of this lesson students should:
Know how China is different to the UK using both human factors. (eg – population, life expectancy)
and physical factors. (eg – climate, vegetation)
China - Culture
Explore Chinese Culture in this interactive lesson including sound files for counting and simple phrases.
To appreciate a range of places within China and their diversity.
To understand something of the culture of China.
Optimum Population
A look at population theory of over, under and optimum population - Thomas Malthus and Esther Boserup.
China Lesson 1 - Location
By the end of this lesson students should:
Know where China is located within the world and Asia
Know the location of some major physical and human features.
Know something of the demographic makeup of the country.
China 2 - What's so wonderful about China?
By the end of this lesson students should:
Understand what makes the country of China so special.
Know some of the main attractions to be found in China.
Know some more of the geography of where these places are.
Year 7 Progression Tracker Ladder Geography
Life after levels progress tracking solution for Geography. Student sheets to stick in the front of their books. Teacher 'level' descriptors based on Emerging, Developing, Secure and Mastered.
Y8 Progression Tracker Ladder Geography
Life after levels progress tracking solution for Geography. Student sheets to stick in the front of their books. Teacher 'level' descriptors based on Emerging, Developing, Secure and Mastered.
Y9 Progression Level Tracker - Geography
Life after levels progress tracking solution for Geography. Student sheets to stick in the front of their books. Teacher 'level' descriptors based on Emerging, Developing, Secure and Mastered.
KS3 Geography Personal Learning Checklists and Knowledge Checkers
Here is a set of PLC’s for common KS3 Geography Topics. Each one also has a student review section for the end of the topic and also space for regular knowledge checker tests. These can be edited to meet the content of your own curriculum. They have a pre unit evaluation of prior knowledge and then a review of progress with a re-tick at the end.