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New AQA GCSE Rivers Weekly Homework Activities- Week 1

New AQA GCSE Rivers Weekly Homework Activities- Week 1

Throughout the rivers unit I have included a focus on the importance of constant revision. This is the activity to be completed on the first week. Students will take a multiple intelligences test to see which way they learn best. From there they will look at a website that recommends different revision methods based on their learning style. Very useful if this unit is completed before a mock exam.
New AQA GCSE Rivers Weekly Homework Activities- Week 2

New AQA GCSE Rivers Weekly Homework Activities- Week 2

This is the second week of revision homework. Students are asked to create flash cards for the key terms we have learned throughout the rivers unit. This is a method of studying that most students forget to take advantage of and they can keep the flash cards for their mock exam revision.
New AQA GCSE Geography- River landscapes in the UK lesson #2

New AQA GCSE Geography- River landscapes in the UK lesson #2

This is the second lesson in a series on river landscapes in the UK for the new AQA GCSE geography specification. This lesson goes over the processes and features that occur in the upper course of a river. If this unit is taught after coasts then this reviews their knowledge of erosional processes. This lesson looks at how erosion plays a role in the forming of truncated spurs, waterfalls and gorges and includes differentiated activities.
New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #2

New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #2

This is the second lesson in a series on urbanisation for the new AQA GCSE specification. This lesson covers why people move to megacities. As a precursor, you can watch Andrew Marr's Megacities Living in the City (easily found on youtube) and students can complete the megacities worksheet. Afterwards, the lesson covers push and pull factors and the distribution of megacities.
New AQA GCSE Geography- River landscapes in the UK Lesson #1

New AQA GCSE Geography- River landscapes in the UK Lesson #1

This is the first lesson in a series on river landscapes in the UK as part of the new AQA GCSE specification. This lesson introduces students to river basins and the long profile of a river by creating a pop up river basin for their books. This lesson also includes a local case study to consolidate their knowledge of river basins and their features. This can be easily adapted for schools to create their own local case study. This lesson also features differentiated activities and worksheets.
KS3 Africa Case Study- Population Density and Distribution of Kenya

KS3 Africa Case Study- Population Density and Distribution of Kenya

This lesson is an additional lesson to begin a case study unit looking at the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Students use their knowledge of population and learn how to read choropleth maps to understand which areas in Kenya are the most and least populated and can determine the best place for a national park.
KS3 Rivers Lesson #7- River Land Use

KS3 Rivers Lesson #7- River Land Use

This lesson introduces how humans use rivers for different purposes. They are also introduced to the idea of land use conflict. This lesson focuses around local rivers near my school but can be easily adapted to use other local rivers.
New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #1

New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #1

This lesson is the first in the series for the new GCSE geography specification for the Challenges in the Human Environment Paper. This lesson covers what is urbanisation and looks at changes in population globally over time, reasons for urbanisation and trends in rates of urbanisation. This lesson also introduces the new key terms of HICs, NEEs, and LICs.
New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #7

New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #7

This is the seventh lesson in a series on urban issues and challenges as part of the new AQA GCSE geography specification. This lesson covers the management of favelas in Rio de Janeiro as part of the case study of a city in an NEE. Students will evaluate which management is most effective and practice answering 9 mark exam questions.
New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #4

New AQA GCSE- Urban Issues and Challenges Lesson #4

This is the fourth lesson in a series for the Urban Issues and challenges unit in the new AQA GCSE specification. This is the second lesson focusing on the Rio De Janeiro case study. This lesson looks at the social challenges being faced by Rio: education, healthcare, electricity, water and the solutions the city has put in place to solve them.