Revision booklet covering various topics and grammar points for Beginners/ Intermediate students.
It contains 9 chapters, each one covering a few topics / grammar points. Each area contains 4-5 worksheets for practice and more than 30 worksheets are provided overall.
This booklet is suitable both for teenagers and young professionals as there is a focus on business French. It can be done either in class using a projector or at home . I wanted to show my students that the language can be used in real work life situation. They enjoyed this work and found it a nice change from the usual exam practice.
Below is a list of the topics covered:
• Greetings and introductions
• Basic sentences
• Basic questions
• Spelling
• Numbers up to 20
• More personal information
• The negative form
• Introducing a third person
• Masculine and feminine
• Numbers
• Date and time
• Telling about the weather
• Talking about your daily routine
• Ordering at the bar
• Identifying objects
• “avoir”
• Shopping and paying
• Conjugating regular verbs
• Identifying food
• Saying what you like to eat
• Saying where you go, how and why
• Saying what you like doing
• At the restaurant
• Grammar: basic rules and verbs
• Vocabulary: countries
• Geography: France
A company profile and history
Talking about your education and career
Comparing company performances
Describing people
This bundle of activities includes a range of activities on Discrimination, mainly against women, but also all suitable for A Level students. It comprises:
3 Video activities on discrimination against women with answers + Transcript provided
A Level Listening Comprehension on discrimination against women with answers provided
An article on discrimination against women
A 15 pages booklet on Discrimination (sexism, racism, ageism etc…) with pictures, texts to elicit conversation
12 Video links about various types of discrimination: sexism, racism, ageism
A video to introduce the topic discrimination+ Transcript
A Gap fill activity about discrimination against women at work
In this Bundle: You will find all the teaching resources to study the novel L’Etranger (French A-Level)
In depth Study Guides
Analysis of the key chapters
Analysis of characters and plot
_ Essay titles per exam boards
_ Liens internet
_ Biography of Camus
-Summary sheets and revision booklets
Attached are 2 long sample essays in French on the novel No et Moi suitable for the new French A Level exam.
The first essay, 700 words, looks at whether the novel can be seen as a study of homelessness, while the second one, 1134 word examines whether Lou and No get on well because they have similar lives. Each essay includes quotes.
My students found these essays very useful to write their own essays on the novel.
Attached is a comprehensive PPT Presentation in French of 61 slides on the A Level topic of Immigration & Integration. It includes a wide range of factual information aiming at dispelling misconceptions and prejudices related to this issue:
_ It describes the various waves of immigration since 1850 and the reasons behind them.
_It also explains simply and clearly the evolution of immigration in France since the Industrial Revolution, and the challenges of integration and the benefits of immigration for France
_ Some facts about Racism and
_ the demographics of immigrants (origins, nationalities, age)
_ It contains 8 graphics which require students to describe and interpret the figures related to immigration, a quiz and a True/ False exercices. Answers are provided.
_ A link to a film and a song dealing with this issue
This is a collection of 10 resources to introduce and reinforce the A Level topic L’Immigration.
There is a comprehensive PPT with 73 slides exploring the issues of immigration, integration and racism in France through the ages with lots of facts, but also quizzes, film extracts, study cases and testimonies .
_ 4 video questionnaires + links to web link to graphs on immigration
_Two mind maps on immigration and multiculturalism to be used for oral practice.
_ Vocabulary set phrases and questions on this topic to be used for oral and writing practice
_ A vocab worksheet with 6 activities
_ Exam practice: Translation and gap-fill Task
This resource consists of 30 documents, including:
in-depth and informative booklets mostly in French on Au Revoir Les Enfants :
A complete plot summary
In-depth Analysis of Key Scenes
A study guide & Character studies
In-depth Analysis of the Key themes and symbols
A biography of Louis Malle
This bundle includes 14 resources to introduce and reinforce the A Level topic Integration & Discrimination.
It consists of:
_ a comprehensive PPT with 73 slides exploring the issues of immigration, integration and racism in France through the ages with lots of facts, but also quizzes, film extracts, study cases and testimonies.
_ 5 Reading Comprehensions with questions or True/False tasks,
_ 2 Summary Tasks: 1 Reading and 1 Listening
_5 Audio and 2 Video questionnaires
_ Comic Strips and pictures to illustrate the topic of racism
_ 2 Vocab sheets with illustrations and definitions of words related to Racism, Secularism and Discrimination.
_ A translation activity French to English
_ 10 Exams Questions with possible answers
Attached are 2 Revision booklets on La Haine including a wide range of activities.
_ 1st booklet is a general revision booklet to refresh the students’
knowledge of the movie. It includes 16 exercices: Gap fill, Multiple Choi ce, quizz, Comprehension Task, True/ False, General and specific questions, 3 Key scene study.
_ 2nd Booklet is a more in-depth study guide, 23 pages and 30 activities
,covering the following points:
L’examen écrit
Le contexte
Le scénario et la structure du film
Le genre
Les thèmes principaux
Les personnages
Les plans cinématographiques
La musique et le bruitage
Le langage
This study guide is in Word format and fully editable.
Answers are provided on the Teacher booklet provided in the attachment
This resource includes 5 long model essays in French on No et Moi , all suitable for the new A Level exam.
The AQA type titles of the essay are the following:
_ Can Lou be seen as a hero
_ No et Moi as a novel for teenagers.
_ The style of De Vigan’s style in the novel.
_ A study of t the topic of homelessness
_ The similarities between No and Lou
The lenght of the essays vary from 300 to 1300 words each. The one on style which is a comprehensive critical analysis of more than 1300 words, the study of homelessness goes over 1000 words. I chose titles that students usually find the most challenging so I wanted to give them as much support as possible.
My students found theses essays very useful to organize their paragraphs, express their ideas, use set phrases and sophisticated analytical language in preparation for their essay writing.
These resources include the analysis of the main themes of the film.
they can also be used for revision or teaching for other exam boards.
_A synopsis and film summary
_ A worksheet with 25 questions on the film
_Activities to explore the main characters
_ Analysis of 6 key scenes
_ Extracts from the film to illustrate the main themes
_ Analysis of the representation of the Barcelona, the flat
_ Questions on the main topic: Un film d’apprentissage
_ An interview with Klapish
_ A study of the trailer and the film poster
This resource consists of a Study booklet on the Film Joyeux Noel and is aimed at A Level / Higher GCSE.
The booklet comes in PPT and Word format. The PPT is made of 20 slides and brings you:
• A complete plot summary
• Character studies with characterisation task
• Some comprehension questions & exercises
• Gap-filling Activiy on Synopsis
• Vocab activities around Christmas amd vocab from film
• Gap-filling Activities on Synopsis
The second booklet is a 11 pages Word booklet with the same activities . It can be used in conjunction with the PPT presentation.
Booklet can be be done after or before watching the movie.
This bundle contains a range of activities on Unit 8 for AQA A Level French : LA MARGINALISATION ET LA DISCRIMINATIO, covering these subtopics:
_ La pauvreté
_ les SDF
_ Les handicapés
_ La discrimination contre les femmes, les minorités ethniques et sexuelles
It includes 3 Gap fill activities, 3 Video activities,1 listening task, 2 Reading tasks, a list of exam type questions on this topic, 2 booklets on Discrimination and Handicap for French School children, a list of facts.
Attached are 12 model A Level essays on La Haine on themes, characters and techniques between 400 and 1000 words each. Here are the titles covered are:
1.La représentation de la police
2. Similarités et les différences Vinz et Hubert
3. similarites et différences entre Said, Vinz et Hubert
4. Le titre du film La Haine est bien choisi car il reflète exactement le thème principal du film’. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement?
5. L’exclusion sociale
6. Le Mal-être des banlieusards
7. La société française fracturée
8. Vinz est le moins raisonnable des trois jeunes
9. la Haine La technique du Noir et Blanc
10. personnages réalistes ou des stéréotypes
11. La représentation de la famille dans La haine
12. Eprouvez-vous de la compassion pour Vinz ?
13. Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires
14. Les trois jeunes banlieusards sont en partie responsables des problèmes qui leur arrivent au cours du film.
Attached is a list of 7 worksheets with 20 sentences each.
Each sentence has either a grammar, spelling or vocab mistake, that students have to identify and correct.
Answers are provided on most of the worksheets.
This is suitable for GCSE and As Level students and can be done in class or at home for independent work.
Worksheets are in Word format and fully editable.
I have designed this Powerpoint for a comprehensive lesson on French geography with A Level and IB students. The aim is to learn about key aspects of France in preparation for their exam.
The presentation consists of 11 maps of France representing different aspects of France : climate, economy, landscapes, counties, regions, rivers and…wine among others! There is also an interactive slide with the main French cities and regions to place correctly on the map. It is followed by other slides illustrating various regions of France . My students found it very useful to revise and reinforce their knowledge of the French territory.
I can be used as a cross-curricular activity with Geography.
This resource consists of 4 model A Level essays on the film *Entre les Murs *adapted to the new A Level AQA exam.
The first 2 essays explorethe relationships between Francois Marin and his students, and the efficiency of his teaching. The 3rd and 4th one looks at the efficiency of Mr. Marin’s teaching and whether he can be described as a good teacher.
The titles are set as A Level essays, they are between 300 and 700 words each and include quotes. .
Each essay is structured logically with Intro, 3 or 4 paragraphs with Points, Evidence, Evaluation and a conclusion.
Also attached is an activity about the trailer and a 10 pages study booklet on the film.
Attached is a list of 4 A Level AQA style gap-fill tasks, following the format of the exam task: 10 gaps and a choice of 15 words to choose from among verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs.
Students are often struggling with this type of task which is worth 10 marks in the Reading Paper.
Answers are provided. Document is a Word format and fully editable.
Powerpoint exploring Direct and Indirect Speech aimed at A Level and adult students so you may need to adapt to suit your class.
PPT includes a tutorial and a range of activities.
This bundle consists of 2 booklets:
_ A revision booklet (52 pages) in Word format with plenty of key vocab and structures drawn from the GCSE exam list and split into topics. It also includes 15 reading activities and some useful exam tips.
This resource can be used in class or independently by the students throughout the year. It is suitable for Foundation and Higher Level students and fits all exam boards, including Igcse. Booklet has around 5 hours of work.
_ A different Revision booklet in PPT format made of 32 slides, to revise core structures for Productive skills
_ A Grammar game also in PPT, to add a bit of fun.