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Phase 3 Phonics Game - FIND THE PRIZE
Find the prize game - Phase 3 Phonics.
Played with an adult:
Adult hides the prize card under one of the sound cards without the child seeing. The child must say the sound of the card they think the prize is under. If they say a sound correctly, they can lift up the card to check if the prize is there!
Played with a partner:
Children hide the prize card under one of the sound cards. Their partner must say the sound of each card. If they say a sound correctly, they can lift up the card to check if the prize is there!

Phase 3 Phonics Game - SNAP
Snap phonics game. Phase 3 phonemes and graphemes. Instruction card included for teachers. Perfect partner game for EYFS / KS1 students.

Mini Teacher Role Cards
Mini Teacher Role Cards. Attach to a lanyard to give more able and talented/gifted students a role in the classroom.

Group Work Role Cards KS2
KS2 Primary group work cards. Print out, laminate and attached onto a lanyard to help guide pupils with group work roles.

LKS2 Rounding Hopping Frogs
LKS2 Visual rounding activity. Hopping frogs will hop to the closest lilypad on a number line. Use in focus groups with low ability pupils.

Back to School Busy Book
Back to school busy book with activities for back to school. Contains information about the students that is useful for teachers to know and fun activities such as word searches.

Self-Assessment AfL Stick Into Book
Cut out and stick into your pupils’ books. Pupils circle how they feel about today’s work.

Sentence Composition Support Cards
To support EYFS/AESN pupils when constructing sentences. Focuses on structuring sentences and using simple punctuation.
Cards come with a sample activity at the bottom of Page 2 as a guide of what you can do with this resource. I often use them when constructing independent sentences to support less confident writers.

Peer Assessment TAG A Partner
TAG A Partner
Peer Assessment (AfL)
Positive peer feedback
Stick into pupils’ classwork books to review their learning

Fraction Flowers for Display
Use these Fraction Flowers to brighten up your classroom. Fraction equivalence to percentages and decimals.
Includes one half, one third, one quarter, one fifth and one tenth.

World Religions Sorting Cards
KS2 / KS3 Sorting cards for World Religions. Use the clues on each card to sort them into groups according to which religion they suggest. Great to recap learning at the end of a unit of work.

KS2 Group Work Role Cards NIC TSPCs
KS2 Group work role cards that outline children’s roles in groups. Best used when attached to a lanyard and reinforced during all group work activities so children become familiar with the roles.
Constructed in line with the Northern Ireland Curriculum to reinforce Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. However, these group work cards can be used to support any curriculum.

CVC Word practice worksheets / booklet
CVC words spelling and handwriting practice for EYFS, SEN or EAL pupils. 30 pages of activities can be printed as a booklet or individual worksheets for your pupils or whole-class. Activities are designed to develop phonological and orthographic awareness.

Group Work Kagan Structure Mat
Print and laminate these mats to help your pupils to take turns during group discussions. Kagan structures are designed to aid round robin discussions and developing talking and listening.

What Went Well, Even Better If Peer-Assessment
WWW, EBI printable slips to stick into classwork books. Peer Assessment.

Self-Assessment Smiley Faces
Printable self-assessment traffic light smiley faces to stick into classwork books.