I previously taught in an SEMH secondary school and delivered a primary based model of education to years 7, 8 and 9. My students had a range of special educational needs and learn from a variety of different learning styles, therefore my resources match all VAK learning styles. My resources range from English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and PSHE.
I previously taught in an SEMH secondary school and delivered a primary based model of education to years 7, 8 and 9. My students had a range of special educational needs and learn from a variety of different learning styles, therefore my resources match all VAK learning styles. My resources range from English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and PSHE.
A full Scheme of work with differentiated assessment and mark scheme. Written for KS3 SEN students, the SOW could be easily adapted for KS2. 10 colourful and animated PowerPoints, with worksheets and teacher notes, this SOW is easy to follow and engaging for all learners.
All lessons come with learning objectives, success criteria, activity worksheets, starters and plenaries. At the end of the unit there is an assessment, and a differentiated assessment.
For this Scheme of Work students will need access to an Atlas and a laptop.
Full scheme of work with assessment, and mark scheme. This Scheme of work was written for year 8 SEN students, who are academically working behaind ARE. It consists of 11 lessons, containing adaptable powerpoint slides, teaching resources, lessons plans and SOW.
Each lesson is timed for an hour. However, the unit lasted my students all term as some powerpoints stretched over a few lessons. Each lesson can be adapted to meet the needs of your learners. My SEN students are visual learners. All font is in comic sans, to support dyslexic learners. Many activities contain word banks to suit lower level learners. The scheme of work can be easily adapted to meet the needs of higher level learners.
All lessons contain starters and plenaries. There are cross curricular links, which are highlighted on all lesson plans, including SMSC.
Teacher assessment can be carried out throughout, and there is a summative assessment at the end of the unit.
Lessons include:
An introduction to coasts
Types of waves
How waves are formed
Deposition, transportation and erosion
Coastal erosion
Holderness Case Study
Identifying landforms
Coastal management
The Jurassic Coast
10 Lesson 1 hour lessons scheme of work on rivers. Written for year 8 SEMH students, suitable for all of KS3, taking aspects of KS2 and GCSE geography. Written for SEN students, it is written at a lower level, but can be easily edited, added to and adapted to meet the needs of higher level leaners.
All lessons consist of A powerpoint slide, with success criteria, key words, worksheets, activities, starters and plenaries, as well as a revision session and assessment at the end. A higher level and lower level assessment, along with a mark scheme.
All active verbs withing the success criteria are underlined so students know what the need to do each lesson, in order to achieve.
10 lessons are:
UK Rivers
World Rivers
Hydro-logical Cycle
River Characteristics
Journery of a River
Long profile of a river
Landforms created by rivers
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61 Power Points slides that can be printed off as worksheets, changed and adapted. Teaching many geographical topics to year 8 SEMH students, I have collated many PowerPoint slides that I have used as starters and plenaries. They can be adapted according to what topics you are teaching and differentiated to level. All slides can be adapted to teach upper KS2, KS3 and lower KS4.
Activities include:
Describe the picture
A to Z
Agree or disagree
Hands up
Quiz time
Paired activities
…and many more.
10 full lessons, including powerpoints, lesson activities, resources, worksheets and an assessment. Created for year KS3 SEN students these lessons are animated, bright, colourful and engaging. This could be easily adapted for KS2.
All lessons come with learning objectives, success criteria, activity worksheets, starters and plenaries. At the end of the unit there is an assessment.
For this Scheme of Work students will need access to an Atlas and a laptop.
Lessons include:
Lesson One – An introduction
Lesson Two – Geography and landforms
Lesson Three – Africa’s major rivers
Lesson Four – Africa’s lakes
Lesson Five – The deserts
Lesson Six – Africa’s countries
Lesson Seven – Egypt
Lesson Eight – Weather and Climate
Lesson Nine – Tourism
Lesson Ten - Assessment
8 full lessons with animated PowerPoints, worksheets , activities, complete with an end of term assessment. Written for year 8 SEN students, the scheme of work is very visual with bright colourful powerpoints and engaging activities that can be adapted to meet the needs of your learners.
The scheme is cross curricular, looking at the history of France, includes numeracy with creating graphs and looking at statistics, literacy is included with writing activities and comprehension activities. This topics also links with other topics in the KS3 Geography curriculum, including tourism, weather and climate, rivers, mountains and population.
Lessons included are:
Lesson One – France an introduction
Lesson Two – France’s mountain ranges
Lesson Three – France’s major rivers
Lesson Four – Weather and Climate
Lesson Five - Population
Lesson Six – Employment- Industry and Economy
Lesson Seven – Paris
Lesson Eight - Tourism
Current and topical, this bundle consists of 3 Case Studies on:
Mexico Earthquake
Hurricane Irma
California Wildfires
Covering natural disasters in geography lessons.
If you purchase please leave a review :) On the review tell me which resource you would like from my shop for FREE, and I will send it to you via TES. Free resource must be of the equivalent (or less) value to this resource.
A lesson created during the week of the California Wildfires October 2017. Created for SEN students this is a visual resource, consisting of a PowerpPoint, lesson plan, reading comprehension, source carousel activity and peer assessment/.
Written as one lesson, but could stretch over two if independent research is carried out, depending on the level of your learners.7
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A lesson created during the devastation of Hurricane Irma, on the weekend before it hit Florida. A couple of videos to watch, comprehension questions to answer from the news, and sources to analyse. Students are to then created a case study based on all information learnt in the lesson.
Enables students to analyse resources, participate in discussion, conduct research and use atlas skills.
Lesson comes with fully explanatory lesson plan powerpoint, activities and worksheets.
This lesson was created for SEN students who rely on visual resources, but can differentiated to meet the needs of your learners.
Created Sept 2017 this lesson has been created for upper KS3 SEN students. With a brightly coloured animated powerpoint, this lesson is designed to engage learners who learn visually. It enables students to learn about the earthquake, discuss the social, economic and environmental impacts and complete a case study.
The lesson contains a powerpoint slide, learning objective, success criteria, lesson plan, sources, a reading comprehension and research activities.
Adaptable for those studying natural hazards in KS3 and KS4.
A lesson created for year 8 SEN students on the coastal erosion at Holderness. Comes with powerpoint, lesson plan and worksheet.
If you enjoy this lesson please leave a review, and check out my scheme of work on ‘coasts.’ Thankyou.
Volcano activities that can be left as a starter, or be given as homework.
If you enjoy this resource please check out my scheme of work on Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Thank you.