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Venn Diagrams Worksheet
Used for my GCSE Foundation Y10 class.
Differentiated worksheet (3 levels of challenge, including real life examples) on venn diagrams, with answer sheet.

Expanding double brackets worksheet
A differentiated worksheet for expanding double brackets for Higher students.

Area Revision GCSE Questions and answers
Worksheet with differentiated GCSE questions (and answers) on area.

Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Differentiated worksheet on addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digits.
Nice activity for lower ability students or younger years.

Differentiated Pythagoras and Trigonometry Worksheet (and answers)
Differentiated GCSE questions and answers on Pythagoras Theorem and trigonometry (with answers).

Enlargement worksheets
Two differentiated worksheets on enlargements, one including answers and a success criteria sheet.

Simultaneous Equations Lesson
Full lesson on solving simultaneous equations by elimination. Includes differentiated (3 levelled) worksheet, with answers on lesson slides and an engaging starter.

Success Criteria Bundle
A huge bundle of different success criteria sheets for students to self-assess against. Written in student friendly language and with example questions for students to complete.

Expanding and Factorising Worksheets
Worksheets on:
Expanding brackets (single and double brackets)
Factorising quadratic expressions

Solving Quadratic Equations
Full lesson, superb differentiated worksheet (with answers on lesson slides) and engaging starter (incorporating literacy into the lesson).
Used in a successful observation lesson. Students really enjoy the word bingo and it engages all learners in the lesson.

Thoughts and Crosses Volume Worksheets (and answers)
Thoughts and crosses differentiated worksheets on volume (with answers).

Prime Factors Flip Learning
Homework sheet designed for flip learning. This sheet is for prime factors, but can easily be adapted for different topics.