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I hope you enjoy using the resources that I have uploaded. Please follow me on instagram for notification of latest resources @mrs_t_life




I hope you enjoy using the resources that I have uploaded. Please follow me on instagram for notification of latest resources @mrs_t_life
SDG14 (life below water) - Place Value Week

SDG14 (life below water) - Place Value Week

This is a set of 4 lessons covering place value with all the resources that you will need. The lessons are all themed around SDG 14 - life below water. The following skills are covered: reading and writing numbers, ordering numbers, partitioning, problem solving, place and value of digits. Most suited for P6 and P7 (upper ks2), there are video links so make sure you allow the content to be enabled when asked.
Family Fortunes Addition Game

Family Fortunes Addition Game

This powerpoint is based on the well known game show Family Fortunes. There are 5 rounds - each round requires children to predict the top 5 answers to the question asked to the 100 people surveyed. For each correctly guessed answer, pupils will score the the number of points for each top answer they guessed. This will required student to add (up to 5 numbers) within 100. After all five rounds, pupils must add their total for each round. The player with the highest total wins the game.
Doubles Addition - SDG 12

Doubles Addition - SDG 12

This is a stand alone lesson for addition (doubles) linked to SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. It encourages learners to mentally partition. The task are related to doubling the quantities of a recipe for responsible consumption (food wastage).
Snakes and Ladders Maths Activity

Snakes and Ladders Maths Activity

This resource can be used as an independent fast finisher or group activity. There are 48 cards, learners are directed to select 8 cards (4 snakes and 4 ladders), and find the fractions of the shape on each card. There is also a sheet to record their answers and an extension at the end for them to create their own cards to be added. The snakes and ladders is just a theme, this resource is not related to the traditional snakes and ladders game.
Early Maths Finger Printing

Early Maths Finger Printing

A PDF containing six early maths concepts: addition within 10; subtraction within 10; doubles to 20, halves within 20; dot patterns to ten; reading numbers to ten - learners use finger painting to show their answer.
True/False Addition and Subtraction with QR Codes

True/False Addition and Subtraction with QR Codes

This PDF resource contains a set of true/false addition and subtraction cards. Differentiated by 2, 3, and 4 digits. For each level there is 12 true addition facts, 12 true subtraction facts, 12 false addition facts and 12 false subtraction facts. Each card contains a QR code which, when scanned, will tell learners if there have correctly identified if the fact is true or false. I ask learners to work as a group, they must each solve the questions and share if they find the fact to be true or false. As a group they should sort the cards into a true pile and a false pile. Either as they go, or when finished, they should scan the QR code to self check their work.
Penny Pile Up

Penny Pile Up

This PDF resource is a British money based game that requires students to add coins up to the value of £1. This game is best played in small group or pairs. How to play: Give each player a Penny Pile Up recording card. Players should take turns to roll the dice and add the amount that corresponds to the number on the dice. The first player to reach or go over £1 wins the game. Two version available - a black and white version with value written as 1p, 2p etc and a colour version with images of the coins. This resource is also available in my TES shop as part of a money bundle which also includes: Money Bingo to the value of £1, Money Write the Room to the value of £4 Money loop cards to the value of £3
Halloween Column Addition with QR Codes

Halloween Column Addition with QR Codes

This Halloween themed resource resource contains 3 differentiated column addition task cards. Each set has 15 cards and a QR code containing the answer for self checking. 2 digit addition (no carrying) 2 digit addition with carrying 3 digit addition with carrying.
Missing Angle: Write the Room

Missing Angle: Write the Room

A set of 24 missing angle (write the room) cards. Also included is a recording sheet and an answer page - all cards require children to find the missing angle in a right angle. This can be played in several way but I like to get my students up and moving so I place all cards around the room. I set a timer on the board (somewhere between 5- 10 minutes) and ask students to walk round the room and find the answer to each card. Cards can be answered in any order but make sure students check the card number in the corner and write the answer in the correct box on the recording sheet.
Missing Angle: I have, Who has...?

Missing Angle: I have, Who has...?

A set of 30 cards. Each card contains a missing angle within a right angle that needs to be calculated. How to play: 1.Distribute one card to each student, then distribute the extras to strong students in the beginning and to random students as the class becomes more familiar with the deck. As you distribute the cards, encourage students to begin thinking about what the missing angle on their card might be so that they are prepared to answer. When all cards are distributed, select any student to begin (cards will look back to beginning player). Play continues until the game loops back to the original card. After the class is comfortable with this game format, consider using a stopwatch to time the class game. Record the time on the board so that students try each game to beat their current best time. This practice encourages students to stay attentive. Other ways to play: •Spread the cards out on the table – children place the cards in the right order (in a group/pair/individually).
3D Shape - Write the Room

3D Shape - Write the Room

This fun, interactive PDF game contains 22 3Dshape images. There is also a recording sheet, answer sheet and instructions. Learners will be given a certain amount of time to move around the room, looking at each image and identifying the 3D shape then writing the answer on their recording sheet. The 22 images include common 3D shapes such as cube, sphere cone. It also includes a range of prisms and pyramids eg pentagonal prism and square based pyramid. Also there are some more complex images such as dodecahedron, hexahedron. Fun to use alongside a 3D shape unit or throughout the year as a warm up game to revisit 3D shape knowledge.
Christmas Coordinates

Christmas Coordinates

Reveal the 10 mystery Christmas pictures by follwoing the coordinate instructions/ Coordinates contain a letter and number e.g., B7, E12.
Money Loop Card Game

Money Loop Card Game

This PDF resource is a game for up to 30 players that requires learners to add British coins to the value of £3. How to play: Each player receives a loop card. The player with the first card reads their card “I have the first card, who has 27p?” players need to add the value of their coins. The player with 27p in coins replies with “I have 27p” then reads their who has question. The game continues until all players have read their card. This resource is also part of a money bundle which also contains: money bingo to the value of £1 Penny pile up to the value of £1 Money Write the Room to the value of £4
Four in a Row (Mental Maths)

Four in a Row (Mental Maths)

This resource contains 20 four in a row game boards covering multiplication, division, doubling, halving, adding, subtracting, change from £5, place value numbers to 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, converting time and more! I have also including noughts and crosses markers which can be used although the game boards could also be laminated and marked on using a whiteboard pen. Aim of the game: 2 players, each player takes turns to select a free square and answer the question, if correct they may place their marker on the square. First player to win 4 in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game.
Place Value Write the Room

Place Value Write the Room

This Place Value Write the Room resource is a pdf with 2 levels of difficulty most suited to upper primary. Each level of difficulty contains 20 write the room cards. Also included is a recording sheet with chilli’s to colour to show the level of difficulty of question they answered for each question. Plus an anser page for both levels. I placed the 3 chilli cards on one side of the room and the 2 chilli cards on the opposite side of the room. Learners could change between levels of difficulty for each question. Question include: rounding more than, less than Expanded form Word form Standard Form
Revision Rings (Whole Number)

Revision Rings (Whole Number)

Whole Number Revision Rings: place value multiplication and division rounding addition and subtraction Each ring contains 35 numbered questions with a range of difficulty. My students enjoy using this mostly as a fast finisher activity, they grab a ring and a whiteboard, write down the number of the question and their answer. If they leave their whiteboard out I know it means they would like me to check their answers. I have also used these as a plenary - a child will select a number at random, I read out the question which they write on a sticky note along with their answer - I usually encourage them to write a sentence explaining to me how they solved the question. Once prepped these are great to just grab and go and can be used multiple ways - above are just a couple of suggestions!
6 Digit Place Value Bingo

6 Digit Place Value Bingo

6 digit place value Bingo includes 30 individual bingo boards and 3 styles of calling cards: Identify the place of a digit, Identify the value of a digit Recognise the whole number in standard form. The game can be played with the whole class or in cooperative learning teams or in small guided maths groups.
Fraction Word Problem (write-the-room)

Fraction Word Problem (write-the-room)

This PDF resource contains a set of 24 fraction word problems. Also included is a recording sheet, answer sheet, instructions and front cover. Write the room is a great game - children are required to be active in their learning and will answer multiple questions. I like to place the cards around the room, set a timer (often 5 - 10 minutes) and the pupils will work their way through the cards solving as many as they can in the time given.