Acceptable Use of IT Agreement
A basic agreement between staff and students in KS1 or KS2. Can be adapted to your schools policy.
Intro into using the school computers
Its a great first activity for students who have not used the school equipment either before or for a while. The activities at the back are useful if you need to help students who are struggling to login.
This document contains:
An IT agreement, (also posted as a single doc on TES)
Gap-fill on how to log onto a school computer,
Space for students to write their username and password down, (Hopefully meaning that you wont have to reset it every week :) )
Label the correct parts of school IT equipment
Label the correct computer programs that are on the computers (might need to adapt this as your school might not have them all)
No copyright intended for the images on pgs.3 & 4
30 Pupil Computer Login Template
Template of computer log-ons.
In the sheet called “Input” enter all the students user name and password. (If you already have been given a sheet by your IT department, just copy and paste it into the columns.
Once you have inputted the logins on the “Input” sheet they should automatically transfer to the “Output” sheet
Usually fit 12 to a sheet for a good size.
You could put the school logo either on the computer screen image or replace that image with the school logo.