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RS Teacher in an Outstanding comprehensive school in London. All my lessons are always conceptual, accurate in content, challenging and engaging for students. The department is consistently among the best results in the school with strong P8 and attainment scores. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on resources, good or bad, I'm always looking to improve, please review!




RS Teacher in an Outstanding comprehensive school in London. All my lessons are always conceptual, accurate in content, challenging and engaging for students. The department is consistently among the best results in the school with strong P8 and attainment scores. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on resources, good or bad, I'm always looking to improve, please review!
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Beliefs - Complete Unit - 9 Lessons

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Beliefs - Complete Unit - 9 Lessons

11 Resources
This is a full unit for the 9-1 AQA GCSE RS course. Please consult individual lesson pages (uploaded individually) for detail on each. The lessons are designed to be taught as doubles but are easily adaptable to squeeze into shorter periods (as I do because we have an odd timetable) I recommend doing them in this order, the lessons are as follows: Lesson 1: Nature of God Lesson 2: The Trinity Lesson 3: Creation Lesson 4: Incarnation and Son of God Lesson 5: The crucifixion Lesson 6: Resurrection and ascension Lesson 7: Sin, Salvation and Atonement Lesson 8: Heaven and Hell Lesson 9: Problem of Evil I’ve also included the keywords revision card game. Many of the lessons have timers and videos embedded, the videos take a few seconds to load, if they don’t work simply reopen the power point. I’ve kept the pricing low, all of us work hard for our money. Thank you!
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Beliefs - L5 Crucifixion

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Beliefs - L5 Crucifixion

This has been designed to be adaptable, there is an information sheet that can be adapted in multiple ways, differentiated questions and optional activities that you can do with it. Also on the slides are exam questions. Note - the embedded videos take a few seconds to load, if they don’t simply re open the power point, go to the slide and wait a few moments.
Problem of Evil AQA A level RS

Problem of Evil AQA A level RS

6 Resources
Included: Full lesson and activities for: Process Theology Free will defense Presentations for: Irenaen/Hick Theodicy Augustinian Theodicy Problem of Evil (intro)
AQA GCSE RS -2  Attitudes to Sex - Theme A Relationships and Families

AQA GCSE RS -2 Attitudes to Sex - Theme A Relationships and Families

This lesson explores Christian attitudes to sex (there is enough diversity to cover exam requirements) it goes behind the scenes to look at the idea of complimentary pairs in creation. I really wanted to help students understand that when some Christians disagree with homosexuality it isn’t necessarily the case that they are homophobic, but rather that their world view doesn’t sustain the idea of homosexuality and so it places them in a difficult position, choosing between what they believe are eternal principles and what modern society expects. I find this helps students to understand the diversity of views. there are exam questions included.
AQA GCSE RS Theme C: Existence of God and Revelation Keyword Revision Card Game FREE SAMPLE

AQA GCSE RS Theme C: Existence of God and Revelation Keyword Revision Card Game FREE SAMPLE

This is a game I've created for my year 11's. They've been struggling with keywords so this is a fun activity that can be played multiple times with them. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE SET. There are differing levels of rules so can allow for differentiation as well. The cards have been created so that you can print them double sided and the tiles will match up (or print and photocopy 1sided - 2 sided and it should work) I recommend laminating and printing each set of different colour paper. There are about 60 words in total. The rules in short are, Spread the cards out across your table with the keyword facing up Each player takes it in turn to select a card and guess the definition of the word. If the player guesses correctly with the reverse of the card they keep the card and add it to their pile. If they are incorrect the leave the card to the table and put back 3 cards from their hand. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. Also available as bundle Also available Christianity Islam Themes A - F Thanks
Arguments worksheet. Critical thinking, discussion and argument activity. Essay planning

Arguments worksheet. Critical thinking, discussion and argument activity. Essay planning

This worksheet was designed for the RE classroom as a way of helping students to develop their critical thinking and discussion skills (necessary for higher marks). It's quite simple but works really well and highly adaptable. Each finger can be used as a different point. The students then write inside the hands (something they find strangely enjoyable). This helps them see and remember what they have written and what they can then add. It helps them to plan answers as well as generate ideas for discussion. Each hand is for/against. Thanks!
Paranormal Investigations RE Themed lessons X files

Paranormal Investigations RE Themed lessons X files

This is a really fun couple of lessons, aimed at KS3 Y8-9. They take the role of investigators, looking into detailed 'case files' which include eye-witness testimonies, scientific reports and images. There are also videos contained within the power point. Topics include reincarnation, NDE, Mediums/Ghosts. I would recommend turning out the lights, have some lamps or fairy lights (at least initially) and play the X files music while the students come in. They get really excited and enjoy it. I'd also recommend photocopying onto sugar paper to add to the effect, printing each activity on different colour helps too.
AQA RS RE 12 Mark question plan/ proforma

AQA RS RE 12 Mark question plan/ proforma

This is what I've started using with my exam classes. We're using FFAACE for the structure of the answer For For (religious) Against Against (religious) Conclude & Evaluate The idea is that at least two arguments should be religious rather than just sociological or other. We are using PEEEL for each paragraph Point Evidence Explanation Evaluation Link (to question) If all students follow this pattern then it should make it easier for them and bring their grade up as they will inevitably meet the criteria for the higher levels. thanks for looking!
Introduction to Judaism

Introduction to Judaism

A brief introduction to the main concepts of Judaism, used engaging videos. Themes introduced include covenant and Law. It explores the idea of the Judaism both as a religion and as 'Jewishness' - ethnic Judaism. That of a people belonging to God, agreeing to keep God's holy commands.
AQA GCSE RS - 1 Sexuality - Theme A Relationships and Families

AQA GCSE RS - 1 Sexuality - Theme A Relationships and Families

Lesson 1 of 7, This goes into quite a lot of detail, some of which you may find you don’t want to touch with your classes, e.g. the stuff about the ancient Greek practice of pederasty. It’s really an exploratory lesson designed to open up dialogue, and set the context of the conversation about sexual ethics.
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - WHOLE UNIT 10 lessons

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - WHOLE UNIT 10 lessons

12 Resources
Here is the whole unit for Christianity practices, if you have seen my other lessons then you will know that my slides are loaded with information, key terms, key quotes and questions (mostly exam style). These are very adaptable slides to change for your style or class set. These 10 lessons are: Worship and Prayer The Sacraments Baptism and Communion Pilgrimage Festivals Role of the Church in the community The place of mission and Evangelism Growth of the worldwide Church Reconciliation Persecution Church’s response to worldwide poverty I’ve also included my question bank for this sub-unit and the key words booklet.
Buddhism the Three Marks of Existence

Buddhism the Three Marks of Existence

Linked to the previous lesson (available for free) This unit explores Buddhism by first looking at the primary concepts. This is the second lesson and it focuses on the three marks of existence. The mandala they have created as homework from the previous lesson are torn in half, used as a way of experiencing this concept of the first mark, anicca. It is an engaging lesson, punctuated by GCSE style thinking and writing questions.
AQA GCSE RE RS - Islam Beliefs - L8 Qur'an and Holy Books

AQA GCSE RE RS - Islam Beliefs - L8 Qur'an and Holy Books

This lesson looks at the nature of the Qur’an what it is like and some of the beliefs about it. It also looks at the other Holy books that are referenced in the Qur’an. It’s a straightforward power point, following the AQA Spec and will hopefully save you some time!