I am a former Head teacher , teacher of Geography and PSHE in French, teacher of Geography in English and other subjects . I used CLIL to improve standards at 3 schools when in a leadership position. I also delivered assemblies and INSET hence the resources included . June 16th 2023 I uploaded the results of 18 years of CLIL and how it has improved progress and attainment across all subjects in schools not just languages. A wonderful way to improve schools. Find it under WHOLE school section
I am a former Head teacher , teacher of Geography and PSHE in French, teacher of Geography in English and other subjects . I used CLIL to improve standards at 3 schools when in a leadership position. I also delivered assemblies and INSET hence the resources included . June 16th 2023 I uploaded the results of 18 years of CLIL and how it has improved progress and attainment across all subjects in schools not just languages. A wonderful way to improve schools. Find it under WHOLE school section
This is the first lesson of the term . This was used with Year 7 students as part of a year long course where students were taught Geography in German for one lesson per week. They were taught this in addition to their normal Geography in English lessons so content was not repeated in English. Students benefitted from this approach as by the time they reached GCSE their attainment and progress was higher than for students who did not follow CLIL lessons . This series of lessons involves use of high cognitive challeneg but low linguistic input which means that it is a great module to start the year with . This unit could also be used in primary schools .
There is a handbook that accompanies these lesson resources called micro-climate. Theory about micro-climate is introduced first then students plan their own fieldwork . They identify suitable sites on a base map of the school grounds. They then take the measurements and then write up the findings, using the micro-climate theories to support their analysis. There is some student exemplar work attached to support .
This lesson introduces continents and oceans, map projections and the concept of longitude and latitude. Year 7 students produce a map of the world, labelling continents and oceans . They will find this surprisingly difficult as they are often unfamiliar with the world and what is land and what is sea. There is a basic powerpoint plus various video clips which can be used for homework. The lesson will probably take two lessons …it depends how much time you have allocated . The methodology document for CLIL may help you with teaching CLIL id you have not done so previously. There are also video clips of clil lessons in action in the video for cpd resource that I have made available.
Lesson plan , student handbook and copyright details are all available on previous resource .
Please read the copyright document before starting this unit .
I have found that this is the best unit to start Year 7 with . This is because it is conceptually challenging , yet can be accessed easily through French. Much of the French can be simply used.
There are detailed lesson plans and a student booklet which can be printed off for students to write in and use to refer to . Lesson by lesson resources follow in other files.
This unit lasts a term and a half if taught for one hour per week. It builds up skills and then culminates in an assessment which applies the skills to a real life scenario. Once the students have completed the final piece of work they are encouraged to present it to the rest of the class in French.
By the time this unit has been completed the students are confident in the use of French by their teacher and the majority love Geography in French.
I have found that the best unit to follow the mapwork unit is the tropical rainforest unit. Some of the lessons in this unit are shown on the videos which I have made available for CPD (see resource on CLIL videos to support CPD)
Lesson plan in resource on unit overview . The first lesson on rainforest structure is a video based lesson using a David Attenborough resource . This helps to introduce key concepts and specialist vocab.
Unfortunately the powerpoint with the video link will not load . The video to use is available on Bing video and Daily motion. Just google David Attenborough the Living Planet episode 4 Jungle .
This handbook accompanies the next 3 lessons in the weather and climate unit. It looks at micro-climate and involves a local fieldwork study based on the school grounds.
The Tropical Rainforest unit ideally follows on from the mapwork unit in Year 7 and lasts for two terms if there is an hour per week devoted to it.
Read the copyright section on rainforests before using the materials
The methodology booklet from page 22 onwards describes and illustrates how to teach each lesson. There is a brief lesson overview and there is a copy of the student handbook which students could refer to and write in .
students absolutely love the unit n tropical rainforests because of the range of very creative assessments contajned within it . The first assessment is a rainforest structure diagram with research about animals and plants , the second is a group work task to design a campaign to save orangutans , the third is an oral assessment in the form of a trial and the fourth is an essay on tropical forest deforestation. There are exemplar pieces of work to illustrate what students can produce. There are writing and speaking frames which help the students to produce a very high standard of work. This is how to motivate young people to enjoy languages, enjoying interesting content and challenge. They will naturally pick up lots of those frequent words needed for GCSE without even realising they are doing it .
There are video clips of a number of these lessons on the resource called CLIL video clips for cpd.
This unit was put together for a Year 7 year long course , with lessons being an hour per week. It begins with definitions of primary, secondary and tertiary industries then looks in detail at
What is Geography?
Settlement (a brief locational task where students locate a settlement and then choose which amenities should go in it and why)
Designing a leaflet about the local area assessment )
Primary Secondary and Tertiary industries : a comparison of local, national and data about Reunion Island . Authentic job adverts and photos of Reunion included
agriculture (primary) France is used as a location with case studies of France and Brittany.
( assessment writing letters to argue for and against intensive agriculture assessment )
the car industry(secondary ) . A case study of Peugeot in Coventry , using maps and looking at the multiplier effect . Assessment is a debate for and against the use of cars .
shopping (tertiary). The unit looks at the theories behind shopping habits and lcoation and also compares with Reunion island. Assessment is designing a shopping centre .this involves synthesis of retail theories
Tourism (tertiary) A case study of Antartica and pros and cons of tourism
A trip around Paris (assessment)
Throughout there are comparisons to industry in Reunion Island.
Each module contains assessments which synthesise the concepts that were introduced .
Please read the copyright master document first .
There is a student handbook which I printed out and students wrote on and used as a reference .NB some pages appear blank. This is because the resources were glued into the booklet orignally. The original documents are available as separte documents.
The lessons consist of interactive activities, powerpoints, card sorts and really motivating summative assessments which the students love doing. All helping to motivate students’ love of both Geography and French.
This lesson starts with the students drawing what they think a stereotypical desert is . It end with a comparison of their drawing with what they have learnt in the lesson. There are extracts from authentic text plus video clips with sub titles and listening cards.
This survey can be used to identify how young people can act to reduce their impact on the environment. Many statements have picture clues to support understanding . There are others with no pictures as they use vocabulary which has been used earlier in the quiz. Students can carry our a whole calss survey or interview members of their family . Students can total the actions that students do or don’t do and can make their own personal targets to reduce their impact on the environment .
This is the second lesson in the unit and students do find this quite tricky but if you go through things step by step they will get it. The more able students are able to achieve more questions but everyone will be able to grasp the concept .
Lesson plan in resource on unit overview . The first lesson on rainforest structure is a video based lesson using a David Attenborough resource . This helps to introduce key concepts and specialist vocab.
Unfortunately the powerpoint with the video link will not load . The video to use is available on Bing video and Daily motion. Just google David Attenborough the Living Planet episode 4 Jungle .
These resources don’t include a picture of a potato being used to demonstrate contour lines . However there are details of how to do this in the map skills scheme of work . Drawing lines on the potato to represent contours and then drawing a bird’s eye view of the concentric circles from above help the students to visualise the transition from 3 D to 2D .
This lesson followed the unit on quarry ridge settlement design. The aim was to look at biodiversity within an urban setting and garden design. It was part of a national competition in its first year but I repeated the task in subsequent years as the students loved it. It also fitted into the school site as we designed a wildlife friendly garden in the school site at the same time in honour of a retiring head teacher Mrs Westbook. Students develop mapwork skills of designing in plan view , on a grid where there is a scale . The students developed detailed colour coded keys which also helped with map drawing skills . I had a whole series of laminated cards with pictures of environmentally friendly artefacts such as insect hotels, bee houses, hedgehog houses, bird and bat boxes etc .
This unit was the second unit taught for one hour a week as part of a whole year course of geography in German in Year 7 . The first unit taught was mapwork. The rainforest unit build on the mapwork unit as it gradually build up more sentence construction . The first assessment on rainforest adapatation involves independent research skills, description and explanation but based on a A3 poster of rainforest structure . The second assessment is based on a group work activity to design a campaign to save orangutans . The French unit on tropical rainforests was more extensive and involved a trial followed by an essay on tropical rainforest deforestation. If you look at how these pieces of work are constructed it is possible to translate the materials used in the French CLIL to German if you wish to use the French materials for guidance .
This unit on tropical rainforests was translated into German by Chris Scott and Maren Blume .
The lesson plans to guide this unit are contained in the methodology booklet . There is a section in the second half of this booklet which describes how the unit is put together and how to teach it . The rainforest handbook is available here but sections from it which relate to each lesson are included to download .
The handbook can be printed for students to annotate and use as a reference resource .
There are video clips of the activities included in the rainforest unit being taught in french on the Chenderit DCSF video available in the predagogy section of my shop .
These lessons looks at drug use .The end of the unit assessment asks the students to write a story about a person and drug or alcohol abuse. There is exemplar work and writing frames to assist the students.
This website contains FREE CLIL resources for teachers . Judith Woodfield has copies of an entire Year 7 course for Geography in French with some units in German and an entire Year 8 course for Geography in French .
Year 7 Mapwork
Year 7 Tropical Rainforests
Year 8 Deserts
Year 8 European Union
There is also a Year 6 day module on the hydrologcal cycle.
Just google Learning Through Languages UK to find the website. There is also free CPD on CLIL throughout the year. Previous talks given by Judith Woodfield are also available as well as CLIL experts from around the world.
This unit is linked to other units on primary , secondary and tertiary industry plus case studies of the car industry, tourism and retailing .This unit uses agriculture as a case study looking at current issues in agriculture. It uses Britanny in France as a location charting changes in the intensification of agriculture that have happened since 1940. There is a case study on the green algae that has impacted on Britanny’s beaches and its causes and effects are identified. There is an assessment where students have to write letters for and against intensif farming . There are video clips and interactive activities to brng the unit to life .
There is a student handbook, although a few pages on the topic of agricuture appear blank. This is because the images were orginally stuck in before copying. These missing images are included in the lesson resources as picture files. There are are pieces of exemplar student work .