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Sentence Types and Punctuation (KS2)

Sentence Types and Punctuation (KS2)

This lesson is part of my SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. This lesson focuses on sentence types and punctuation, but also contains some further grammar practice. This lesson was created completely independently and was created purely to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge. I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Basic punctuation learn Slide three: Sentence learn Slide four: Sentence types learn Slide five: Question 1: Punctuation/Sentence Types Slide six: Question 2: Punctuation Slide seven: Question 15: Punctuation Slide eight: Question 17: Sentence Types Slide nine: Question 27: Sentence Types Slide ten: Question 28: Punctuation Slide eleven: Question 31: Punctuation/Sentence Types Slide twelve: Sentence types practice Slide thirteen: Sentence types practice feedback (answers) Slide fourteen: Punctuation practice Slide fifteen: Punctuation practice feedback (answers)
L1 Brahman and Atman (Upper KS2)

L1 Brahman and Atman (Upper KS2)

First RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) From memory: This lesson happily spans two lessons if required. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Start of the lesson quiz Slide four: Start of the lesson quiz answers (Feedback) Slide five: Hinduism recap Slide six: Brahman forms (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) Slide seven: The Hindu Creation story Slide eight: Summary Slide nine: Chronology of creation story task Slide ten: Story wheel task Slide eleven: Key Vocabulary Slide twelve: Atman Slide thirteen: Video link Slide fourteen: Plenary Slide fifteen: End of the lesson quiz Slide sixteen: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
Word Class Visual Aids

Word Class Visual Aids

I created these as visual aids to be hung above my interactive whiteboard, as a reminder of each word class. Great for a teaching resource or a personal memory aid. Includes ** 8 different word classes**, with examples, descriptions and visual prompts. verb noun adverb adjective determiner preposition conjunction pronoun Enjoy!
Tenses (KS2)

Tenses (KS2)

This lesson is part of my SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. This lesson focuses on tenses, but also contains some further grammar practice. This lesson was created completely independently and was created purely to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge. I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Question 1 - exclamation marks Slide three: Question 3 - dashes Slide four: Question 12 - punctuation Slide five: Question 2 - tense Slide six: Tenses Slide seven to eight: Pairs work Slide nine: Independent work
Direct Speech (KS2)

Direct Speech (KS2)

This lesson is part of my SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. This lesson focuses on Direct Speech, but also contains some further grammar practice. This lesson was created completely independently and was created purely to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge. I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Direct Speech Video Link Slide three to six: Important features of direct speech Slide seven: Question 21: Punctuation Slide eight: Task Slide nine: Task feedback (answers)
English - Wisp L6 (Upper KS2)

English - Wisp L6 (Upper KS2)

This lesson is the sixth from a really lovely English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book ‘Wisp’, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Starter question Slide four: Text Extract Slide five: Let’s Think Slide six to eight: Adverbial Input Slide nine: Adverbial task Slide ten: Diary write Slide eleven: Plenary I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
Recommended Book of the Week

Recommended Book of the Week

I’ve collated a range of book recommendations for my Year 5’s to display in my book corner throughout the year. I’m hoping these will act as hooks to engage my pupils and encourage them to read something new! Within this resource, there are 16 pages of recommendations: each page contains 3 book recommendations (48 recommendations in total) for pupils ranging from 9-12 years old. Each recommendation includes a quote, the book cover and a summary/blurb of the book. The recommendations are around A6 in size, but could be printed larger. I’ve opted for a green gender-neutral checkerboard design, as I know it’s a design which all pupils will enjoy. I hope your class are inspired by these as much as mine have been! please note: I’ve included more books than 1 per week, as I’ve tried to account for books being used within the curriculum
English - Planetarium L9 (Upper KS2)

English - Planetarium L9 (Upper KS2)

This lesson is the sixth from a really lovely English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book 'Planetarium’, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Starter Slide four: Model Plan Slide five to six: Success Criteria Slide seven: Modelled Example I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
Science - Animals including humans L5 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Animals including humans L5 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the final lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are five lessons in total. Resource bundle includes: Lesson slides (PDF) and accompanying resources. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Most of these lessons will happily span two lessons as they are knowledge and vocabulary-rich. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Key questions Slide four: Why do we need water? Slide five: Is all water the same? Slide six: What happens if we do not get enough water? Slide seven: Water happens if we get too much? Slide eight: Fact File Task
Geography - Restless Earth - Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Upper KS2)

Geography - Restless Earth - Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Upper KS2)

This lesson is the first from my Restless Earth scheme of work for upper KS2, inspired by the Collins Primary Geography 6 books and adapted for my class. There are seven lessons in total. Would definitely recommend getting the Collins Pupil book for some great accompanying resources - not too expensive either! Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF), accompanying resources and end of lesson quizzes for each lesson. I’ve also included my Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! I got a little carried away when planning this - from memory it easily covered 1 1/2 to 2 lessons. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Planet Earth Prior Learning Slide four: Lesson Overview Slide five: Five Layers Slide six to eight: The Crust Slide nine: Earth is fragile Slide ten to twelve: The Mantle Slide thirteen: The Outer Core Slide fourteen: The Inner Core Slide fifteen: Quick Quiz Slide sixteen: The Earth’s Crust Starter Activity Slide seventeen: Why do volcanoes erupt? Slide eighteen: Why volcanoes erupt Slide nineteen: Volcanoes labelled diagram Slide twenty: Volcanoes task Slide twenty-one: Where are most volcanoes located? Slide twenty-two: Famous Volcanoes task Slide twenty-three: End of lesson quiz Slide twenty-four: End of lesson quiz feedback (answers) I hope you love this scheme as much as me and my pupils did!
Geography - Restless Earth - Creating Landscapes and Rocks and Soils in the UK

Geography - Restless Earth - Creating Landscapes and Rocks and Soils in the UK

These lessons are the second and third from my Restless Earth scheme of work for upper KS2, inspired by the Collins Primary Geography 6 books and adapted for my class. There are seven lessons in total. Would definitely recommend getting the Collins Pupil book for some great accompanying resources - not too expensive either! Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF), accompanying resources and end of lesson quizzes for each lesson. I’ve also included my Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Earthquakes recap and starter activity Slide four: Lesson Overview Slide five: Creating Landscapes with task Slide six: Frost Slide seven: Rivers Slide eight: Waves Slide nine: Wind Slide ten: Ice Slide eleven: Task Slide twelve: Title page Slide thirteen: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide fourteen: Rocks and Soils in the UK input Slide fifteen: Task Slide sixteen: End of the lesson quiz Slide seventeen: End of lesson quiz feedback (answers) I hope you love this scheme as much as me and my pupils did!
English - Wisp L1 (Upper KS2)

English - Wisp L1 (Upper KS2)

This lesson is the first from a really lovely English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book ‘Wisp’, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Starter Slide four: Text Focus Slide five: Let’s Read Slide six: Blurb Slide seven: Let’s Reflect Slide eight: Task I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
English - Planetarium L6 (Upper KS2)

English - Planetarium L6 (Upper KS2)

This lesson is the sixth from a really lovely English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book 'Planetarium’, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three to four: Starter Slide five to six: Punctuation Focus Slide seven to eight: Punctuation Task Slide nine: Persuasive Advert Task I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
Science - Animals including humans - Body Pump Bundle (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Animals including humans - Body Pump Bundle (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

6 Resources
This bundle contains five lessons from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. Resource bundle includes: Lesson slides (PDF) and accompanying resources, including a knowledge organiser designed to help teacher subject knowledge. Most of these lessons will happily span two lessons as they are knowledge and vocabulary-rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Determiners (KS2)

Determiners (KS2)

This lesson is part of my SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. This lesson focuses on determiners, but also contains some further grammar practice. This lesson was created completely independently and was created purely to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge. I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Question 4: Determiners Slide three: Determiners Slide four: Question 11: word class Slide five: Determiners task
Autumn 1 SPaG Bundle

Autumn 1 SPaG Bundle

10 Resources
Scheme of work for SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. These lessons were created completely independently and were initially created to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge. I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and any accompanying resources. Enjoy!
Printmaking L1 - Introduction to Printing (KS2 Art and Design)

Printmaking L1 - Introduction to Printing (KS2 Art and Design)

This lesson is the first of six lessons introducing print-making (preferably for upper KS2). I have created this scheme using skills that I have acquired over the years, training in Print-making throughout my Fine Art degree and teaching Art and Design to KS2 for over 5 years. This has been a really popular scheme for my pupils, which teaches a variety of print-making skills: mono-printing, screen-printing, relief and collagraph (relief) printing. I’ve taught it within the classroom and an art room. It would be worth investing in screens for the screen printing lesson. Resource bundle includes: Lesson plan, Visual Language word mat, Lesson Powerpoint (PDF cursive, PPT and PPT cursive versions available - please note the powerpoints may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) and accompanying resources/scaffolds. Each lesson includes a starter, modelling for each task, an evalution and an end of the lesson plenary. Slide one: LO: To research printing artists and evaluate their work. Slide two: Starter: What printing techniques have you tried? Slide three: Different types of printing: planar, relief, intaglio Slide four: Word mat Slide five: Self-evaluation with modelling Slide six: End of the lesson quiz Slide seven: End of the lesson quiz (answers)
Verb phrase building poster (KS2)

Verb phrase building poster (KS2)

Verb phrase poster supporting pupils to build verb phrases using verbs and adverbs. This resource also supports the use of different tense including past, present, future, progressive and perfect.