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Mrs W's Shop

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I provide resources I have used myself. They are mainly aimed at UPKS2 as I am based in Year 5, however many can be easily updated to suit the needs of a vast range of children.




I provide resources I have used myself. They are mainly aimed at UPKS2 as I am based in Year 5, however many can be easily updated to suit the needs of a vast range of children.
Ordering and comparing fractions with different denominators.

Ordering and comparing fractions with different denominators.

This is an entire lesson on ordering fractions. It has been differentiated three ways and includes the answers. Also included is a notebook file with step by step instructions on how to order fractions - very visual for the children. Higher ability: Ordering four fractions including some mixed fractions. Middle ability: Ordering four fractions. Lower ability: Ordering three fractions. All worksheets include a deeper thinking/greater depth style challenge question. All answers included.
Story board mountain - lined

Story board mountain - lined

A great resource to use for a variety of topics. Each box is lined and the children can record their own story ideas or retell a story they are familiar with. Lines can easily be increased in size for lower ability/younger writers.
Beginners lesson to the bar model (Singapore Maths).

Beginners lesson to the bar model (Singapore Maths).

This is a lesson to introduce the basic concept of the bar model. It covers addition and subtraction questions and includes both the powerpoint explaining what the bar model is and how to use it along with Higher (4 digit numbers), Middle (3 digit numbers) and Lower (2 digit numbers) ability questions and the matching answers for each.
Word bank for 'The Great Fire of London'.

Word bank for 'The Great Fire of London'.

A word bank with pictures and meanings. Split into two sections, one to describe the fire and one to describe the feelings of people affected. Some words have brackets to give a simple meaning. A great little resource to encourage the use of high level vocabulary all through this unit. We used it when writing a newspaper report and a diary entry from the time.
Christmas Themed Number Trail

Christmas Themed Number Trail

This is a fantastic complete lesson pack which allows children to actively engage in Maths. **Included in the pack: ** White board resource Teachers instructions & answers Posters to put around the room Three differentiated question sheets. The children move around the room (or outside space) to answer differentiated (higher, middle and lower) maths questions. Once they have found the answer, they will jot down the accompanying letter. Theses letters, when unscrambled, will make a Christmas themed phrase. **Subjects covered: ** Halving and doubling. Number Sequences. Mental addition and subtraction. Rounding. Multiplication and division. Fractions. Decimals. Activity Instructions Place the posters around the room (or playground) and give children a question sheet each (or in pairs/groups). The children will answer the differentiated questions. Once they have found the answer, they will look around the room for the poster displaying that number and note down the corresponding letter. (Note: Remind children that some letters may appear twice.) Children must answer all of the questions and collect a total of 13 letters (some letters are red herrings!). These letters must then be unscrambled to find a hidden Christmas message.
CH Phonics Activities

CH Phonics Activities

A series of phonic resources which I use to teach each sound across a week. This week is the ‘ch’ sound. Although the template could be easily adapted to suit any sound. Also a great resource for interventions to support the main teaching. Activity 1: Children to read the words in the table and circle the ones which have a ‘ch’ sound. During this time the teacher will circulate to hear blending and support as needed. Activity 2: Children to read the words in the list. Teacher will then call out some ‘ch’ words and children to segment into the boxes below e.g. chip ch-i-p. Activity 3: Children to read the sentences. Teacher to circulate and hear reading, support as necessary. Children again to practice writing ‘ch’ words using segmenting. Activity 4: Children to read the questions and answer ‘yes or no’ to each one. Children will then write basic sentences of their own using ‘ch’ words e.g. I like chips. Blank lines have the brave and scared monkey from kinetic letters, however this can be removed if not using.
Four Activities for Phonics - OR

Four Activities for Phonics - OR

A series of phonic resources which I use to teach each sound across a week. This week is the ‘OR’ sound. Although the template could be easily adapted to suit any sound. Also a great resource for interventions to support the main teaching. Activity 1: Children to read the words in the table and circle the ones which have a ‘OR’ sound. During this time the teacher will circulate to hear blending and support as needed. Activity 2: Children to read the words in the list. Teacher will then call out some ‘OR’ words and children to segment into the boxes below e.g. sore s-or-e. Activity 3: Children to read the sentences. Teacher to circulate and hear reading, support as necessary. Children again to practice writing ‘OR’ words using segmenting. Activity 4: Children to read the questions and answer ‘yes or no’ to each one. Children will then write basic sentences of their own using ‘OR’ words e.g. I like chips. Blank lines have the brave and scared monkey from kinetic letters, however this can be removed if not using.
Spelling Homework (Year 1 and 2 Spelling List) Look, Cover, Write, Check

Spelling Homework (Year 1 and 2 Spelling List) Look, Cover, Write, Check

I have divided the year 1 and 2 spelling lists into 5 weekly spellings on a ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ style format. All that would need updating is the dates for your personal use. This is a total of 16 weeks worth of spellings. Please note: I have discounted some spellings which were overly repetitive in order to fit them all into weekly slots, for example cold, gold, told, hold.
Addition Word Problems (2 digit add 1 digit)

Addition Word Problems (2 digit add 1 digit)

Here we have 6 addition word problems. I have split each one so they can be cut and stuck into books easily. These are 2 digit add 1 digit, however could be quickly adapted to suit any numbers. There is also a challenge question at the end to extend those children who finished early.
Vehicle Matching Cards (memory)

Vehicle Matching Cards (memory)

This is a set of cards with two of the same animal (fox, rabbit, bird, hedgehog, rabbit, bear, mouse, tortoise, squirrel and a deer). You can use these cards to: make matching pairs together, turn them over and develop memory skills to see if they can remember where each vehicle is placed and make pairs, hide one of each card around the classroom or playground and ask the children to find them, inspiration for artwork take a walk and see what you can spot along the way. bury one set in the sand pit and ask the children to excavate and find it (sensory) I also have these available in farm animals and forest animals. They make a great ice breaker activity too.
Farm Animals Matching Cards (memory)

Farm Animals Matching Cards (memory)

This is a set of cards with two of the same animal (cow, pig, horse, duck, chicken, sheep). You can use these cards to: make matching pairs together, turn them over and develop memory skills to see if they can remember where each animal is placed and make pairs, match the animal to the product e.g. lay out an egg shell, carton of milk etc. bury half the cards in a sand pit or sensory tray and get the children to dig and find their pair. hide one of each card around the classroom or playground and ask the children to find them, inspiration for artwork visit a farm and see what you can spot I also have these available in forest animals and vehicles.
Forest Animal Matching Cards

Forest Animal Matching Cards

This is a set of cards with two of the same animal (fox, rabbit, bird, hedgehog, rabbit, bear, mouse, tortoise, squirrel and a deer). You can use these cards to: make matching pairs together, turn them over and develop memory skills to see if they can remember where each animal is placed and make pairs, hide one of each card around the classroom or playground and ask the children to find them, inspiration for artwork take a walk in the woods and see what you can spot (rabbit burrows, fox den, birds, squirrels etc). I also have these available in farm animals and vehicles.
Maths Murder Mystery

Maths Murder Mystery

This is an activity pack including 6 sheets of questions, answers, IWB file, self-assessment tool and planning. I have had very positive feedback using this lesson in observations. Everything you need is ready to go. Children will work in mixed ability pairs to answer questions on the following topics: multiplication division addition subtraction rounding to the nearest ten rounding to the nearest hundred word problems. Each time the children answer a question, they will select the matching answer at the bottom of the page and record the word shown. Once they have collected all of the words, they will see a hidden message. This is a clue to help them eliminate different suspects until only one remains - this person is therefore the murderer of Sleep Bear! It can easily be adapted to make it easier/harder by altering the questions and answers at the bottom of the page. A really fun, engaging lesson which works well as a standalone lesson for more able children or can be broken up into several lessons for those needing more time. All children will be fully engaged in learning, whilst also developing their vocabulary and explanation skills when helping their peers.
Entire lesson on Fronted Adverbials including PowerPoint, Lesson Plan & differentiated activities.

Entire lesson on Fronted Adverbials including PowerPoint, Lesson Plan & differentiated activities.

This is everything you need to teach a lesson on fronted adverbials. Includes a PowerPoint: Children examine what a fronted adverbial is, identify one in a sentence and write their own. Higher, Middle and Lower differentiated activities. Highers - write their own sentences using a word bank of 20 fronted adverbials. Middles - Match the fronted adverbial to the remaining part of the sentence and write into their books. Lowers - Cut out the fronted adverbial and sentence and match the two together. Includes opportunity for Peer Assessment. A full lesson Plan is also included with all the information on.
Up-leveling sentences (with adjectives, conjunctions and fronted adverbials).

Up-leveling sentences (with adjectives, conjunctions and fronted adverbials).

This is a complete lesson which I have used many times (including during observations). I have always received positive feedback and the children write excellent sentences with skills they can transfer into all subjects and future lessons. The lesson revolves around taking a basic sentence and adding 2 adjectives, followed by a fronted adverbial and finally a conjunction. Included is a whiteboard covering the entire lesson, the planning, starter tasks and activities and a differentiated (higher, middle and lower) main activity.
Branching Diagrams Differentiated

Branching Diagrams Differentiated

Branching diagram activities for computing or science lessons. Set Includes: Blank Simple Version Simple Version (Animals) Simple Version (Sweets) Simple Version (Fruit) Blank Harder Version Harder Version (Sports) This covers two lessons. The first lesson the children have the example one to follow through in pairs and explore how branching diagrams work. Then move on to give the other example (fruit) and explore the questions used. The children then use the animal and sweet version to write their own questions which lead to the correct object. The second lesson is moving on a step with slightly harder branching diagrams. The children will explore the example one and questions used before putting the correct sport at the end of each branch. They will then move on to write their own using the blank version. It could also be used in one lesson as a higher and lower ability set.