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How do we make Moral decisions
This lesson explores the big question ‘how do people make moral decisions?’
It introduces the learner to 3 ethical theories and helps them understand how these decisions could change the outcomes of ethical dilemmas.

What does it mean to be good?
This lesson explores the following objectives:
Describe different ways a person can be good
Explore different ‘good’ people and create a Good Place charter in a group
Evaluate why people choose to do ‘good’

Are the 10 commandments still relevant today?
In this lesson, learners will understand what the 10 commandments are and the context in which they were written
Evaluate their importance in society today

What is good in other cultures?
This lesson explores what good looks like in other cultures and asks students to compare and contrast the idea of good in our culture.

What does it mean to live a good life
This lesson is to assess students abilities to explain and evaluate what it means to be good and live a good life.

What happens when we die
This lesson asks learners to:
Define the term ‘afterlife’.
Identify and explain the difference between beliefs in the afterlife.
Make a judgement on others beliefs compared to my own.

GCSE OCR - Christianity - Practices - Prayer
This is lesson 3 in the practices unit of the Christianity topic.
Focusses on prayer, types of prayer and the Lords prayer.

Year 9 - Miracles
A lesson that explores how God shows care through miracles. It comes with worksheet,n powerpoint and learning mat.

OCR GCSE RS religion, peace & conflict lesson 1
This is the first lesson in the philosophy and ethics GCSE unit: Religion, Peace & conflict. including a powerpoint presentation and case study.

OCR GCSE - Jesus Christ
This is the fifth lesson in the series of OCR GCSE Christianity beliefs and teachings. This lesson provides background into who Jesus was and what was expected through the prophecies. pupils will compare the prophecies to what Jesus was like in reality.

OCR GCSE Christianity - The importance of Jesus' message
In this lesson pupils will learn about the Sermon on the Mount and how Christians have used this in practice (Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr., and Blessed Oscar Romero)

OCR GCSE RS - The Nature of God
OCR GCSE Christianity unit Beliefs and teachings. This is the first lesson in the unit on the Nature of God.

OCR Christianity - The concept of God as trinity
Second lesson in the OCR GCSE RS Christianity unit beliefs, teachings and practices. This lesson introduces the idea of God as trinity.

What can be learned from Muslim and Christian Peacemakers
Explore the example and influence of those who make peace from the Sikh,
Muslim and Christian traditions.
Apply ideas such as influence or inspiration to their own views of the role
of religion in conflict.

What do Christians teach about peace and conflict?
Gather information and ideas about peace and conflict from Christian scripture, traditions and practice.
Understand, explain and interpret what Christians teach about peace and
Apply ideas, express views and develop insights into the contribution
Christians make to peace for themselves.