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Maths and Physics resources to inspire and encourage students to see the fun and adventure possible in learning!




Maths and Physics resources to inspire and encourage students to see the fun and adventure possible in learning!
GCSE Physics: Static Electricity Lesson Powerpoint

GCSE Physics: Static Electricity Lesson Powerpoint

Full Powerpoint presentation covering the GCSE Physics topic of static electricity! Explore the physics of static electricity with this full lesson. Do you want a concise and picture filled presentation to teach your students about physics? Use this presentation to do just that and take your physics lessons outside of the classroom to circuits. 11 SLIDE POWERPOINT WITH LESSON OBJECTIVES AT THE BEGINNING AND IMAGES OR EQUATIONS ON EVERY SLIDE! Created for the AQA GCSE specification, but the concepts are suitable for any exam board involving physics at the Key Stage 4 (KS4)/High School level. Buy this lesson pack now to show your students the fun of physics! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 11 pages of content following the AQA GCSE syllabus of Static Electricity in single science physics. Covering the topics of… Electrical charges Charged atoms Static electricity Charging by friction Example of a polythene rod and duster Electric fields Uniform fields Creating sparks Each slide has simple editable text and at least one image or equation to visually explain the topic written about. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the Powerpoint on the board at the front of the classroom, print the slides or share over the school’s online system. The lesson is provided as a single Powerpoint file that can be adapted by yourself to your needs. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the lesson slides you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use it for a complete lesson Group up students and have them discuss a topic each before presenting to the class Use the slides as a basis for students to complete further reading and fill in any gaps in their interests Use as extra work for higher ability students or as a revision resource Use as a recap at the end of the year, or in the lesson after teaching the topic Enjoy the topic and explore the physics behind it as a class or individually, there are endless possibilities for this set of slides. Explore electricity with physics!
GCSE Physics: Internal Energy and Energy Transfers Lesson Powerpoint

GCSE Physics: Internal Energy and Energy Transfers Lesson Powerpoint

Full Powerpoint presentation covering the GCSE Physics topic of internal energy and energy transfers! Explore the physics of internal energy with this full lesson. Do you want a concise and picture filled presentation to teach your students about physics? Use this presentation to do just that and take your physics lessons outside of the classroom to internal energy. 11 SLIDE POWERPOINT WITH LESSON OBJECTIVES AT THE BEGINNING AND IMAGES OR EQUATIONS ON EVERY SLIDE! Created for the AQA GCSE specification, but the concepts are suitable for any exam board involving physics at the Key Stage 4 (KS4)/High School level. Download this lesson pack now to show your students the fun of physics! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 11 pages of content following the AQA GCSE syllabus of Internal Energy and Energy Transfers in single science physics. Covering the topics of… Internal energy Heating a system Thermal energy Specific Heat Capacity A change of state Specific Latent Heat Each slide has simple editable text and at least one image or equation to visually explain the topic written about. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the Powerpoint on the board at the front of the classroom, print the slides or share over the school’s online system. The lesson is provided as a single Powerpoint file that can be adapted by yourself to your needs. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the lesson slides you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use it for a complete lesson Group up students and have them discuss a topic each before presenting to the class Use the slides as a basis for students to complete further reading and fill in any gaps in their interests Use as extra work for higher ability students or as a revision resource Use as a recap at the end of the year, or in the lesson after teaching the topic Enjoy the topic and explore the physics behind it as a class or individually, there are endless possibilities for this set of slides. Explore internal energy and energy transfers with physics!
Flowers KS2 Maths Activities - Tables, Graphs and Charts

Flowers KS2 Maths Activities - Tables, Graphs and Charts

Individual images of five different flowers with a question to challenge your students on representing data and enjoy giving flowers with maths! Whether its for a mother figure in your life on Mother’s Day or a surprise gift to make someone’s day, giving flowers is a great gift and an even better theme for maths questions. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 FLOWER THEMED MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving representing data at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the type of flowers sold most Find the type of flowers sold least Find out how many daffodils were sold Find which day had the lowest sales Find the number of daisies sold compared to the number of tulips Using pictograms, bar charts, line graphs and pie charts. Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore flowers and Mother’s Day with maths!
Easter KS2 Maths Activities - Coordinates

Easter KS2 Maths Activities - Coordinates

Individual images of five different Easter eggs each with a question to challenge your students on coordinates and enjoy an egg hunt with maths! Explore the Easter holiday with maths questions surrounding 5 eggs hidden by the Easter bunny. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 EASTER MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving coordinates at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Mark the hiding spot of a spotty egg Mark the hiding spot of a wavy egg Mark the hiding spot of a stripy egg Mark the hiding spot of a stripy egg Mark the hiding spot of a checkered egg All using coordinates Each question image comes with a coordinate grid showing the answer, as well as a blank grid and one grid with all the eggs filled in. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Easter festivities with maths!
Easter KS4 Maths Activities - Straight Line Graphs

Easter KS4 Maths Activities - Straight Line Graphs

Individual images of five different Easter eggs each with a question to challenge your students on straight line graphs and enjoy an egg hunt with maths! Explore the Easter holiday with maths questions surrounding 5 eggs hidden by the Easter bunny. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 EASTER MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving straight line graphs at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Draw a straight line graph along which a spotty egg is hidden Draw a straight line graph along which a wavy egg is hidden Draw a straight line graph along which a stripy egg is hidden Draw a straight line graph along which a checkered egg is hidden Draw a straight line graph along which a zig zag egg is hidden All using the plotting of line graphs Each question image comes with a coordinate grid showing the answer, as well as a blank grid and one grid with all the eggs filled in. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Easter festivities with maths!
Flowers KS3 Maths Activities - Representing Data

Flowers KS3 Maths Activities - Representing Data

Individual images of five different flowers with a question to challenge your students on representing data and enjoy giving flowers with maths! Whether its for a mother figure in your life on Mother’s Day or a surprise gift to make someone’s day, giving flowers is a great gift and an even better maths question to attempt. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 FLOWER THEMED MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving representing data at the Key Stage 3 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Calculate the fraction of tulips sold Calculate the total number of flowers sold Find out how many roses and tulips were sold Find which day had the highest sales Draw a line of best fit Using pictograms, bar charts, scatter diagrams, line graphs and pie charts. Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore flowers and Mother’s Day with maths!
Easter KS3 Maths Activities - Coordinates

Easter KS3 Maths Activities - Coordinates

Individual images of five different Easter eggs each with a question to challenge your students on coordinates and enjoy an egg hunt with maths! Explore the Easter holiday with maths questions surrounding 5 eggs hidden by the Easter bunny. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 EASTER MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving coordinates at the Key Stage 3 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Mark the hiding spot of a spotty egg Mark the hiding spot of a wavy egg Mark the hiding spot of a stripy egg Mark the hiding spot of a stripy egg Mark the hiding spot of a checkered egg All using coordinates Each question image comes with a coordinate grid showing the answer, as well as a blank grid and one grid with all the eggs filled in. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Easter festivities with maths!
Fairtrade KS4 Maths Activities - Geometric Sequences

Fairtrade KS4 Maths Activities - Geometric Sequences

Individual images of five Fairtrade products each with a question to challenge your students on geometric sequences. Whether its Fairtrade Fortnight or all year round, bring Fairtrade to you! Explore Fairtrade with maths questions surrounding 5 staple Fairtrade products. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 FAIRTRADE MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving geometric sequences at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the next three terms of a sequence showing sold bananas Find the next three terms of a sequence showing sold cocoa beans Find the next three terms of a sequence showing bought tea leaves Find the next three terms of a sequence showing picked flowers Find the next three terms of a sequence showing bought cotton buds All by looking at a geometric sequence Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Fairtrade with maths!
St Patrick's Day KS2 Maths Activities - Missing Number Algebra

St Patrick's Day KS2 Maths Activities - Missing Number Algebra

Individual images of five symbols of Ireland each with a question to challenge your students about solving equations to find the missing number and enjoy the celebration of St Patrick’s Day! Explore the Irish holiday with maths questions surrounding 5 symbols of Ireland. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 ST PATRICK’S DAY MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving solving equations at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the number of shamrocks in the grass Find the number the leprechauns at the party Find the number of Irish flags someone has Find the number of harps someone owns Find the number of pots of gold at the end of the rainbow All by solving equations to find the missing number Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore St Patrick’s Day festivities with maths!
Fairtrade KS2 Maths Activities - Number Sequences

Fairtrade KS2 Maths Activities - Number Sequences

Individual images of five Fairtrade products each with a question to challenge your students on number sequences. Whether its Fairtrade Fortnight or all year round, bring Fairtrade to you! Explore Fairtrade with maths questions surrounding 5 staple Fairtrade products. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 FAIRTRADE MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving number sequences at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the rule and next term of a sequence showing sold bananas Find the rule and next term of a sequence showing sold cocoa beans Find the rule and next term of a sequence showing bought tea leaves Find the rule and next term of a sequence showing picked flowers Find the rule and next term of a sequence showing bought cotton buds All by looking at a number sequence Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Fairtrade with maths!
Carnival Calculations KS2 Maths Workbook

Carnival Calculations KS2 Maths Workbook

Workbook covering the entirety of KS2 Maths, including 18 topics and 20 pages of questions to complete! Have you ever wanted to manage your own carnival or theme park? From the roller coaster to the food stall, use to maths to plan out and run the carnival. Even design the layout of the carnival on your map. Explore the inner workings of a carnival/theme park with maths as your tool. Do you want to challenge your students with project based learning? Inspire your students to apply maths to a bigger scenario while practicing every skill required for their Key Stage 2 education. 18 KS2 MATHS TOPICS IN ONE ALL INCLUSIVE WORKBOOK WITH ANSWERS! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving areas at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this workbook now to encourage your students to explore maths through projects and life experiences! WHAT IS INCLUDED? A workbook with 20 pages each covering a different KS2 maths topic and centered around a different part of the carnival. The workbook is provided in colour as well as in black and white, with the answers provided. Topics including… Numbers, Rounding and Estimating Adding and Subtracting Multiplying and Dividing Problem Solving Algebra Fractions Percentages Ratios Measurements Time 2D Shapes, Nets, Symmetry and Transformations Lines and Angles Displaying Data Probability Money Mean, Median, Mode and Range Area and Volume Coordinates Each workbook is accompanied by a similar workbook that includes the questions and answers in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Print the full workbook for your students to work through, or print it one topic at a time. Even show the workbook on the board at the front of the classroom to work through as a class or share over the school’s online system. The workbook and answers are provided as PDF files. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the workbook you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Set the workbook as individual work in class, at home or throughout the year Use as a starter or closer to get your students focused and thinking about each topic Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the questions and work together to build a carnival Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based activity You can even cut out and stick the carnival stalls in place on the map provided or on your own paper. Use this as an opportunity to let your students creativity go wild and celebrate them completing a topic in KS2. Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to create their own carnival, there are endless possibilities for this workbook of questions. Explore with maths!
Volume KS4 Maths Activities - Sports

Volume KS4 Maths Activities - Sports

Individual images of five sports each with a question to challenge your students on the volume of 3D shapes that are used as apparatus in the sport! Explore everyday life with maths questions surrounding 5 fun sports played by everyone. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Want to talk about your favourite sport? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 SPORT THEMED MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving volumes at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Work out the volume of a cone Work out the volume of a cuboid Work out the volume of a sphere Work out the volume of a cylinder Work out the volume of a triangular prism Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore sports with maths!
Analysing Data KS4 Maths Activities - Weather

Analysing Data KS4 Maths Activities - Weather

Individual images of five common types of weather each with a question to challenge your students with averages, including means, medians, modes, ranges and interquartile ranges! Explore everyday life with maths questions surrounding 5 weather types you experience when you go outside. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Want to the discuss the weather? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 WEATHER THEMED MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving averages at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the mean number of sunny days Find the median number of windy days Find the mode number of rainy days Find the range of snowy days Find the interquartile range of cloudy days Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore the weather and your surroundings with maths!
Queen's Platinum Jubilee KS2 Maths Activities - Percentages

Queen's Platinum Jubilee KS2 Maths Activities - Percentages

Individual images of five symbols and events of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee each with a question to challenge your students with percentages and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s coronation! Explore the Jubilee celebrations with maths questions surrounding 5 symbols and events held. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 PLATINUM JUBILEE MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving percentages at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the weight of the orb from the spectre’s weight Find the number of cupcakes left after a street party Find the percentage of her life that the Queen has been in power Find the number of people wearing bearskin hats Find the percentage of diamonds on the crown All using percentages Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and its traditions with maths! Check out other related KS2 resources: Square and Cube Numbers KS2 Maths Activities - Royalty Pie Charts KS2 Maths Activities - Royal Court For a fun workbook covering the entirety of KS2, check out: Carnival Calculations KS2 Maths Workbook Other Jubilee themed resources for other ages: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee KS3 Maths Activities - Percentages Queen’s Platinum Jubilee KS4 Maths Activities - Decimals
Queen's Platinum Jubilee KS3 Maths Activities - Percentages

Queen's Platinum Jubilee KS3 Maths Activities - Percentages

Individual images of five symbols and events of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee each with a question to challenge your students with percentages and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s coronation! Explore the Jubilee celebrations with maths questions surrounding 5 symbols and events held. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 PLATINUM JUBILEE MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving percentages at the Key Stage 3 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the weight of the sceptre from the orb’s weight Find the number of cupcakes left after a street party Find the percentage of her life that the Queen has been in power Find the number of people wearing bearskin hats Find the percentage of diamonds on the crown All using percentages Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and its traditions with maths! Check out other related KS3 resources: Powers and Roots KS3 Maths Activities - Royalty Pie Charts KS3 Maths Activities - Royal Court Other Jubilee themed resources for other ages: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee KS2 Maths Activities - Percentages Queen’s Platinum Jubilee KS4 Maths Activities - Decimals
Valentine's Day KS4 Maths Activities - Inequalities

Valentine's Day KS4 Maths Activities - Inequalities

Individual images of five Valentine’s Day gifts and symbols each with a question to challenge your students about inequalities and enjoy the celebration of love on Valentine’s Day! Explore the holiday of love with maths questions surrounding 5 symbols of love shown each year. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 VALENTINE’S DAY MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving inequalities at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the minimum and maximum number of chocolates Find the minimum and maximum number of roses Find the minimum and maximum number of teddy bears Find the minimum and maximum number of hearts Find the minimum and maximum number of Cupid’s arrows All by solving inequalities Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Valentine’s Day traditions with maths! Other Valentine’s Day themed resources: Valentine’s Day KS2 Maths Activities - Addition Valentine’s Day KS3 Maths Activities - Inequalities
Queen's Platinum Jubilee KS4 Maths Activities - Decimals

Queen's Platinum Jubilee KS4 Maths Activities - Decimals

Individual images of five symbols and events of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee each with a question to challenge your students with decimals and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s coronation! Explore the Jubilee celebrations with maths questions surrounding 5 symbols and events held. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 PLATINUM JUBILEE MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving percentages at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the weight of the sceptre from the orb’s weight Find the number of cupcakes left after a street party Find the percentage of her life that the Queen has been in power and convert it to a decimal Find the number of people wearing bearskin hats Find the percentage of diamonds on the crown and convert it to a decimal All using decimals and percentages Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and its traditions with maths! Check out other related KS4 resources: Indices KS4 Maths Activities - Royalty Pie Charts KS4 Maths Activities - Royal Court Other Jubilee themed resources for other ages: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee KS2 Maths Activities - Percentages Queen’s Platinum Jubilee KS3 Maths Activities - Percentages
Valentine's Day KS3 Maths Activities - Inequalities

Valentine's Day KS3 Maths Activities - Inequalities

Individual images of five Valentine’s Day gifts and symbols each with a question to challenge your students about inequalities and enjoy the celebration of love on Valentine’s Day! Explore the holiday of love with maths questions surrounding 5 symbols of love shown each year. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 VALENTINE’S DAY MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving inequalities at the Key Stage 3 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Find the minimum number of chocolates Find the maximum number of roses Find the maximum number of teddy bears Find the minimum number of hearts Find the minimum number of Cupid’s arrows All by solving inequalities Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Valentine’s Day traditions with maths! Other Valentine’s Day themed resources: Valentine’s Day KS2 Maths Activities - Addition Valentine’s Day KS4 Maths Activities - Inequalities
Winter Olympics KS4 Maths Activities - Trigonometry

Winter Olympics KS4 Maths Activities - Trigonometry

Individual images of 5 sport events at the Winter Olympics each with a question to challenge your students about trigonometric ratios and enjoy the 2022 Winter Olympics! Explore the ice sports at the Winter Olympics with maths questions surrounding 5 sports played at the event this year. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 WINTER OLYMPICS MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving trigonometry at the Key Stage 4 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Calculate the distance traveled by the ice hockey puck Calculate the height of the ice skater in a jump Calculate the distance traveled by a skier Calculate the length of the bobsled run Calculate the distance traveled by the curling stone All using the trigonometric ratios sin, cos and tan with SOH CAH TOA Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore winter sports with maths! Other resources for the Winter Olympics: Winter Olympics KS2 Maths Activities - Triangles Winter Olympics KS3 Maths Activities - Pythagoras
Bonfire Night KS2 Maths Activities

Bonfire Night KS2 Maths Activities

Individual images of five symbols of Guy Fawkes Night each with a question to challenge your students on various topics! Explore the fun of fireworks with maths questions surrounding the Gunpowder Plot. Do you want a fun maths activity to challenge your students and get them thinking before you start teaching and get on the usual stuff? Use these maths questions to do just that and take your maths lessons outside of the classroom. 5 BONFIRE NIGHT MATHS QUESTIONS, EACH WITH AN IMAGE, WRITTEN QUESTION AND ANSWER! Created for any exam board, testing maths involving various topics at the Key Stage 2 level. Buy this activity pack now to show your students how maths can be applied to any situation! WHAT IS INCLUDED? 5 questions each with an image, a description of the question and an answer available. With questions asking you to… Work out the percentage of the bonfire burned Use prime numbers to help catch the conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot Add fractions to make new fireworks Plot the coordinates drawn in the sky by a sparkler Multiply and round the mass of gunpowder Guy Fawkes was guarding Each question image comes with a similar image that includes the question and the answer in red. WHAT PREPARATION IS REQUIRED? Show the question on the board at the front of the classroom, print the desired question or share over the school’s online system. All questions and answers are provided as PNG image files in the same format. HOW CAN THEY BE USED? Once you have downloaded the activity set you can use it time and time again in varying scenarios such as… Use as a starter to get your students focused and thinking Group up students and have them discuss the best way to answer the question Use as extra work for higher ability students Use as a fun maths based quiz Work as a team, mark each other’s work or challenge your students to compete in a quiz, there are endless possibilities for this set of questions. Explore Bonfire Night with maths!