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Learning With Liz's Shop

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Subjects: GCSE Religious Education and AS/A Level Philosophy and Ethics. Aim: Get the lesson content from the student's working memory into the long term memory. How? Consistent retrieval practice; clear structure of the information and colourful resources! Differentiation: Regular challenges tasks to stretch higher ability students but not lose the rest of the class in the process! Preview my resources and brighten up your existential lessons!




Subjects: GCSE Religious Education and AS/A Level Philosophy and Ethics. Aim: Get the lesson content from the student's working memory into the long term memory. How? Consistent retrieval practice; clear structure of the information and colourful resources! Differentiation: Regular challenges tasks to stretch higher ability students but not lose the rest of the class in the process! Preview my resources and brighten up your existential lessons!
Jewish Beliefs on God

Jewish Beliefs on God

In this lesson we look at key words Jewish people use referring to God e.g. omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent and identify scripture which supports this.
Philosophy For Kids- What is Morality?

Philosophy For Kids- What is Morality?

Hi all, In this lesson you will look at ethical discussions surrounding morality. With criminal case studies and opportunities to categories crimes, this lesson will certainly stir up conversation! Tried and tested on GCSE and A Level classes. Have fun, Liz
Philosophy For Kids- Free Will and Determinism

Philosophy For Kids- Free Will and Determinism

Hi all, In this ethical discussion lesson we will be looking at if people ever are truly in control of their life. With a case study to analyse, the tragedy of Oedipus to discover, this session will certainly stir up conversation! Ensure that you set ground rules at the start of each lesson to ensure that everyone is respectful of each other’s views. Have fun, Liz
Ethical Problems

Ethical Problems

Wanting to have a discussion based lesson with your class to help build your evaluation skills? This lesson introduces students to two ethical problems- Phillipa Foot’s Trolley Problem and Bernard William’s Organ Transplant analogy! This lesson can be great to use in a form time to hear the contrasting views of your students or you could spend the full hour on this lesson. Optional struture- One half of the room focus on one analogy, discuss it with peers, and then vote. Afterwards, they could teach the other half of the classroom the analogy and the others can then discuss what would be the right thing to do. From there, you could have a whole class discussion on the most ethical thing to do! Please leave a review if you find this resource useful. Best wishes, Liz
Natural Law- Goods and Virtues

Natural Law- Goods and Virtues

In this fast paced, engaging lesson we deepen our understanding of Natural Law which Aquinas’ concept of real + apparent goods and the virtues. Lesson containing: Discussion questions. Activities on the virtues. Checking for understanding throughout. Find real and apparent goods activity free download in my shop.
Natural Law- Aquinas + Primary Precepts

Natural Law- Aquinas + Primary Precepts

This is the introduction lesson to Aquinas’ Natural Law. Filled with fast paced activities to keep the students engaged and retaining as much information as possible with pit stop checks throughout. Containing: Brief introduction to Aquinas’ inspiration from Aristotle. Aquinas’ 4 categories of law. Discussion questions about what they believe to be natural. Primary precepts. Secondary precepts.
Ethics-Act Utilitarianism Essay Practice

Ethics-Act Utilitarianism Essay Practice

In this lesson students are guided step by step how to break down a WJEC/Eduqas exam board question. This will be useful for all exam boards, though, and clearly guides student through how to answer a essay response which consists of 5 paragraphs. The question they are looking at is based around Jeremy Bentham’s form of Utilitarianism. Look at the cover photo to show you the structure of the lesson.
Carl Jung's Challenges to Religion

Carl Jung's Challenges to Religion

In this A Level session the students are introduced to- Who was Carl Jung? Jung’s inspirations 3 levels to the psyche What are archetypes? What are the 4 major archetypes? Individuation How religion is necessary for personal growth Strengths and weaknesses of the theory Revision consolidation sheet A revision work book to be reading and filling in after the lesson I delivered this session to my Y13 students and it left them feeling confident with Jung’s attitude towards religion and how it is similar but very different to Freud. Please leave a review, it helps give me an idea of what other teachers/students find useful so I can create more content! Many thanks, Liz
Sex Education- Period Hygiene

Sex Education- Period Hygiene

In this lesson, students look at why periods happen and what are the different sanitary products that would be the best fit for them. This video includes videos and worksheets to help students with periods decide how they can make their period as comfortable as possible each month. This resource would be a good tool for those who have not yet started their period but also very useful for those who currently have a period but want to change up the period products that they use. If you like this resource please leave it a review! Best wishes, Liz
Islam- Key Terms and Background

Islam- Key Terms and Background

Hi all, Welcome to the introduction to Islam. Within this lesson students are introduced to 8 key concepts that are important for this unit, using an exciting game/resource called a Key Word Zapper! All the instructions are included in the lesson along with the resource (the key words are on one side and the key words are on the second page). You can cut the page in half so there are two zappers on one A4 page. This lesson looks at the background of Islam at how the Abrahamic religions are all linked along with looking at misconceptions about the Islamic faith and prior knowledge. If you find this lesson useful then please leave it a review! Best wishes, Liz
Welcome to Islam

Welcome to Islam

5 Resources
Hi all, In this bundle you will be able to access multiple lessons, including- Key Arabic concepts How is Islam connected to Judaism and Christianity The Qur’an The Hadith Sunni and Shi’a Muslims 99 names of Allah
The Teleological Argument

The Teleological Argument

This resource is designed for AS/A Level students taking the Eduqas/WJEC curriculum. In this resource we go through: Key concepts Scholars, dates, books Design qua purpose Design qua regularity Aquinas teleological argument Paley’s watch maker analogy This is all done through structured and interactive activities, designed to prepare them for exam writing as well as getting the new content from their working memory into their long term!
Evaluation the Ontological Argument Part 1

Evaluation the Ontological Argument Part 1

In this lesson we integrate retrieval practice; and exam practice to get Anselm’s ontologocial argument from the working memory into the long term. From here we do interactive activities to get the students to understand Gaunilo’s criticisms and Anselm’s addition to the argument. There is a clear structure to this lesson with helpful images to assist the students learning and understanding of Alvin Plantinga’s support of Anselm and Aquinas’ critiques.
Evaluating the Teleological Argument

Evaluating the Teleological Argument

In this lesson we have: A quick recap on Aquinas and Paley’s teleological argument Guide through how to structure a 20 marker essay Analyse an exam style paragraph on the teleological argument Arguments against the teleological argument Arguments for the teleological argument Guidance on independent resources to understand argument with others explaining it This lesson has been tried and tested in front of A Level students and was a success! This lesson was carried out remotely as it was done during lock down for COVID-19 therefore works both as an online and live lesson.
Natural Law revision

Natural Law revision

In this 50 minute revision session the students, discuss- What is the function of nature, purpose and reason in Natural Law? What are the 4 laws? What are the five primary precepts? What are the virtues and the goods? What are strengths and weaknesses of Natural Law? The first part of the leading from the front and asking student questions. The second part is student activity based with whiteboards and partner games. The third part is planning a discuss question.
Period Hygiene Options

Period Hygiene Options

Which period product is the right fit for you? In this worksheet, student can look through four popular options of hygiene products to use when on their period: Sanitary towels (single use or reusable) Tampons Period pants Moon cups The worksheet goes through, how to use the product; how often; and other facts to inform the individuals decision! This is a good worksheet if you are wanting to promote reusable period products to help protect the environment. This worksheets educates those with periods about sustainable period products in comparison to the popular sanitary towels and tampons. If you find this worksheet useful, please write a review! Best wishes, Liz
Ethics- Situation Ethics

Ethics- Situation Ethics

6 Resources
Hi all, Within this bundle you will access all the information for the students to ace their exam, if a Situation Ethics essay crops up! This includes: What is Situation Ethics? Types of Love Biblical links with Situation Ethics Homosexuality and Polyamory Applying the above to Situation Ethics Evaluating Situation Ethics Essay practice End of topic test Worksheets to help learning. If you find this useful, please leave a review! Best wishes, Liz
Ethics- Virtue Ethics

Ethics- Virtue Ethics

Hi all, Here is the Virtue Ethics lessons, I have used over the past two years for my A Level students. They have found these lessons very helpful. They include: First Lesson (25 slides)- Vice and virtues- the golden mean Examples of virtues Categories of virtues What is eudaimonia? Podcast to add to students understanding of Virtue Ethics Second Lesson (11 slides)- Jesus beautitudes Strengths and weaknesses of Virtue Ethics Third lesson (9 slides)- Breaking down a essay question Generating ideas for points to include Giving students a court room analogy to understand argument and counter arguments you need to provide for essay. If you find this resource useful, please leave a review! Best wishes, Liz
Philosophical Her-story

Philosophical Her-story

Are you sick of learning about old, white men? In this resource discover different female philosophers and their understanding of the world! Perhaps with some further research you can find a way to smoothly transition them into the curriculum you teach. Power to the women!!
Abortion Fact Sheet

Abortion Fact Sheet

Introducing the topic of abortion with your students? Use this fact sheet to introduce key terms; 2020-2021 England and Wales statistics and a timeline of abortion legislation; and different methods of abortion! One activity using this sheet- in one colour highlight two things you already know, in a secind colour highlight a new piece of information. Share your thoughts with your partner!