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Just resources for your classes, assemblies and advice for teacher

Just resources for your classes, assemblies and advice for teacher
The importance of Education assembly

The importance of Education assembly

Hi everyone, you will need a PowerPoint clicker, for this to flow properly. For example I like to flip between slide 3 and slide 4 about opportunities and no opportunities. It starts off with slide 1 about why education is important. Then slide 2 is animated where it explains the options post GCSE.
assembly why attendance is important

assembly why attendance is important

You will need to use you improvisation skills. Slide 1 I have pictures that will appear with a PowerPoint clicker. Explain what a life with opportunities looks like compared to no opportunities. Slide 2 Shows how education helps create opportnunites, no matter what social background we are born in. We can make our lives better with the opportunities that can be gained from our education. Slide 3 Is about the importance of attendance, how many lessons missed on 95% compared with 90%. Then how many lessons are missed going down from 90 to 75%. It also shows the grade difference at the end of Year 11. Slide 4 Shows the pay difference between unqualified and qualified but this is based on Norfolk Salaries.
AQA Design and Technology Revision

AQA Design and Technology Revision

Hi everyone, Please find this is my revision lesson. This is a talking lesson. You will need to use your expertise as a Design and Technology teacher. As I have linked the AQA specification to a number of presentational images. This includes; Specialist Technical Principles of forces and stresses. Understanding an exam question about the 6R’s. I have gone into why some people refuse Mitubishi Products due to history of the company’s treatment of POW’s. I have gone into why some people refuse products by Primark or Boss and how these companies will aim to be different from their past. Have gone into Reduce and tried to explain its more than reducing materials. There is also pictorial links with input, process and output.
Design and Technology KS2-KS3 projects

Design and Technology KS2-KS3 projects

Hi everyone, thankyou for reading through this. I have a PDF format project. Where you can get kids to make a paper rocket. It is propelled by a piece of 15mm diameter wide UPVC piping and can be launched in a controlled environment a bit like a pea shooter. I have a balloon powered cardboard car, made from either cardboard keenex, chocolate or biscuit boxes. The parts such as axels and wheels as well as straws can be bought from a espo catalogue. The third project is a mechanical litter picker. If you are interested I can supply the CAD DXF drawing. If you have nearby engineering factories that have CAD/CAM facilities they can cut these. In my area we had about three companies volunteer to cut the parts out. Then we did a community litter pick and it got in the local papers. These are a few ideas. Worksheets and ideas pages are provided.
AQA revision

AQA revision

Hi everyone, This is revision to help with your Design and Technology classes. I have based this on the AQA specification about modern materials. You are meant to teach your pupils of the following; Graphene. Titanium. Metal foams. Nanotechnology The second phase is about processes; I have presented it as a journey, explaining how the world started with mechanical calculaters, fuses to then integrated circuits and microchips. I have researched and found the shortest videos online that explain it in a way that is on the level for the Year 10 and Year 11 age groups.
New Year Resolutions and positive affirmations. Assembly or tutor time activity

New Year Resolutions and positive affirmations. Assembly or tutor time activity

Hi everyone, I believe in positive affirmations. “Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.” I have a number of statements that will help with new year resolutions. I know what you are thinking positive affirmations can be a load of mumbo jumbo, nonsense, new age waste of time and just rubbish. However positive affirmations have been used for thousands of years. In modern day the best and most successful people with some of the most challenging backgrounds, use positive affirmations. For example before a business meeting " I can do this, you got this" In some of the most challenging situations at school, you can use positive affirmations with many pupils. Pupils that have never been taught by their care givers, the understanding of self esteem. You use positive affirmations and praise, you can get through to some of the most challenging pupils with some of the most challenging emotional barriers. Kindest Regards Lang
Tips for teachers 101

Tips for teachers 101

Hi everyone, I will be adding more tips, this will come in several parts. But so far I have 9 tips to help teachers with their teaching. I will try and help with the following; Classroom management Importance of praise Teachers Rights with PPA IEP’s Why do seating plans? Not shouting
AQA Design and Technology revision

AQA Design and Technology revision

Hi this is a PowerPoint explaining Just in Time Production, Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Lean manufacturing. I used animations within the confines of PowerPoint to explain things. Ideally you need a PowerPoint clicker.
What is self esteem (assemby/form time and PSHE)

What is self esteem (assemby/form time and PSHE)

Hi everyone, During last summer 2023 I had to reevaluate my life. You see I never trully understood what self-esteem is. I thought self-esteem is based on how you look, how much money you have saved, how well you perform at work, how good are your grades? You see I was wrong true self esteem is about knowing you have self value, knowing you are equal, you are precious and you are enough. It is something that we should get from our caregivers. I’m not blaming my parents, they did what they needed to do for my upbringing as they worked long hours. This got me thinking, If I didn’t understand self esteem then there must be lots of kids that don’t understand too. So I’ve changed my ways in how I raise my own children but also how I want to instill self value in everyone of my pupils in my year group. Please go through the slides I have animated each statement this helps you pace out your voice. Slide 2 is what is self esteem, I kept it simple. Slide 3 is what secondary or (other) esteem is. Slide 4 explains the problem with basing your life on (other )esteem and not true self esteem Slide 5 shows why bullies bully Slide 6 shows that it is the bully’s shame that is placed on their victims and the victims need to speak up. Slide 7 how (other) esteem causes bully’s to bully Slide 8 tries to get pupils to speak up. In the week that I did this assembly we had pupils that reported to us, bullying, we had pupils asking for support.
Growth Mindset assembly

Growth Mindset assembly

Hi everyone, this is my year group assembly. However if you are thinking of using it for PSHE or for tutor time, this will fit in. Slide 1 explains what a growth minset is. Each statement using clicker animations or the (enter) button. Slide 2 explains what a fixed minset is. Slide 3 shows pupils we are all born with a growth mindset. Learning to walk photo animation, learning to talk photo animation, learning to read and ride a bicycle. Slide 4 shows that some people revert to a fixed mindset, it asks what went wrong? then the word resilience pops up Slide 5 look at the images, then relate some people study to make exams and assessment/tests easier, the black and white photos shows that people should not be confined to what they feel are limitations to social status, they work hard, study and build a future. Slide 6: never dwell on the cruelty of others, mention they will try and shame you. Speak to others and get support. Slide 7 is about people in a growth mindset. Dyson, he made over 5000 prototypes before his cyclone hoover was produced. Elon Musk, he had a cruel father that never supported his interests or hobbies, but he had resilience to overcome, Mae Jamison, brought up in a racially segregated society the “deep” south of the USA. But persevered to become a Scientiest and the first black female astronaut
2D design phone holder project

2D design phone holder project

This is a scheme of work which will take about two lessons. Teaching pupils how to use 2D design. You would need to have a CAD/CAM laser cutter or a CNC router.
Lesson AQA Design and Technology revision on misconceptions.

Lesson AQA Design and Technology revision on misconceptions.

Hi everyone; This is my lesson on material misconceptions and drawing misconceptions. The drawing techniques are historically the sections where a lot of my pupils struggle with. So I have broken down previous questions and explained it with a series of PowerPoint animations. You will see the following; Understanding orthographic views. Understanding perpective drawing. How to visualise and attain information from a third angle projection drawing. Misconceptions with annotated drawings. Misconceptions with manufactured boards. Misconceptions with obsolescence.
AQA Design and Technology lesson revision practical (making a name plate)

AQA Design and Technology lesson revision practical (making a name plate)

Hi everyone; With this you will find 4 slides with a breakdown of the AQA curriculum based on natural timbers and manufactured boards. We go into the characteristics. I find with my pupils I think it would be unfair to try and hold their engagement with lots of slides and note taking. So I planned a practical where we will make a name plate/coat hook. This will help with their understanding of sources and origins of timbers. This will include a breakdown from felled timbers, seasoning, packing and then distribution. Using animations and a step by step click and explain. Third slide goes into tools equipment and processes while making a name plate/coat hook. The processes will be sawing, cutting with a router, drilling and through CNC routering or can be replaced with laser engraving. I wanted to include vacuum forming so will allow for my pupils to vacuum form plastic over the top. The vacuum forming will not need to be removed just the edges cut off. I hope from combining a practical and revision they will be able to retain the information more easily. This package includes the slides and 2D Design drawing where pupils can alter the text and understand third angle projection. But I cannot attach the file as it says it is unsupported on TES. But if you require the drawing leave a comment review and write to me with your email and I will email you the drawing.
AQA D&T 8552 client profile NEA

AQA D&T 8552 client profile NEA

Hi everyone, this is lesson 1 and 2. Lesson 1 is how to expand on a project analysis. You should really used lesson 1 to go through the contextual challenges with your pupils. Lesson 2 is about how to do a client profile. Identifying their needs and possibility of various layouts. It is important that you do not provide template pages. As this can hinder their own ownership of the project and possibility stop them from going into their own creative input towards the project. Using project templates is also against the specification rules. Use these slides as guidance only pupils can take notes, discuss how the problems were described and how needs have been addressed.
Understanding of moral and social impact on society AQA D&T

Understanding of moral and social impact on society AQA D&T

Hi everyone, have you ever had a situation where your pupils cannot get full marks for research because they have limited understanding of the moral and social impact on society. Please find a number of slides with animations. You will need a clicker to go through the slides. What I have done is make sure my pupils have covered with understanding the impact of using softwoods, hardwoods and manufactured boards as well as the implications of using plastics. It is important that pupils take notes, then for homework write up their notes in their own words and interpretation. Never allow them to directly copy from the PowerPoint. It is necessary for them to develop their own understanding and to expand from the slides. For example they could find out the alternatives instead of using synthetics plastics. How wood fibres are recycled to create manufactured boards or how reclaimed timbers are made to look new.
THINK before you say a nasty comment ASSEMBLY

THINK before you say a nasty comment ASSEMBLY

Hi everyone, this is my assembly on THINK before you say a nasty comment. It has had a profound affect. Pupils begin to speak up about bullying and online bullying. Pupils begin to understand words can cut deep. From doing this assembly there has been a notable decrease in bullying incidents. I feel it is mainly because bullies will feel ashamed about the reasons they bully. This also provides useful discussion groups and opens up conversations about why bullying is wrong.