If you have any questions regarding my resources, please do not hesitate to contact me either via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/frenchresources/ or by email: contact@laprofdefrancais.com
If you have any questions regarding my resources, please do not hesitate to contact me either via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/frenchresources/ or by email: contact@laprofdefrancais.com
**If you have previously purchased my GCSE 2016 unit 6 resource, please get in touch if you would like to upgrade to this new version. **
In this digital product:
You will find everything you need to teach the second topic of Theme 1 of the new GCSE course (with AQA): People and Lifestyle: Healthy living and Lifestyle.
The Presentation (approx. 150 slides including answer slides) covers the whole topic and is composed of 4 parts:
A: Ailments
B: Healthy or unhealthy?
C: My well-being
D: Lifestyle choices
There are 4 folders (A, B, C and D) containing the relevant files for that part.
It includes:
a range of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation activities
grammar points including: avoir mal à + body parts, regular verbs in the present, irregular verbs in the present (including modal verbs), partitive articles, perfect tense with avoir
elements of phonics: en/an; in/ain; è/ê/ai; é/er/ez
retrieval activities, cultural aspects and homework tasks
QR codes/ links for independent study
vocab lists (full topic list or 4 lists for the 4 parts) + link to online course
comments under the slides for notes and worksheet location
audio files and transcripts
.pdf and editable versions of the worksheets
Activities are differentiated and exam style.
The first 15 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder: Topic1.zip. After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.
For the full overview, you can check the free SOW available for download here:
**If you have previously purchased my GCSE 2016 unit 9, 10, 11 or 12 resources, please get in touch if you would like to upgrade to this new version. **
In this digital product:
You will find everything you need to teach the third topic of Theme 1 of the new GCSE course (with AQA): People and Lifestyle: Education and Work.
The Presentation (approx. 150 slides including answer slides) covers the whole topic and is composed of 4 parts:
A: My studies
B: Life at school
C: Education post-16
D: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
There are 4 folders (A, B, C and D) containing the relevant files for that part.
It includes:
a range of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation activities
grammar points including: review of present tense and perfect tense with AVOIR, an introduction to perfect tense with ÊTRE, infinitive contructions and impersonal expressions, relative pronouns QUI and QUE
elements of phonics: review of nasal sounds, review of é Vs è, the letter -t (silent -t, -th and -tion)
retrieval activities, cultural aspects and homework tasks
QR codes/ links for independent study
vocab lists (full topic list or 4 lists for the 4 parts) + link to online course
comments under the slides for notes and worksheet location
audio files and transcripts
.pdf and editable versions of the worksheets (except of the Connect4 game, which is only available as .pdf)
Activities are differentiated and exam style.
The first 15 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder: Topic1.zip. After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.
For the full overview, you can check the free SOW available for download here:
**If you have previously purchased my GCSE 2016 unit 1 resource, please get in touch if you would like to upgrade to this new version. **
In this digital product: You will find everything you need to teach the first topic of Theme 1 of the GCSE course with AQA: People and Lifestyle: Identity and Relationships with others (teaching starts 2024, first exam 2026).
The Presentation (approx. 150 slides including answer slides) covers the whole topic and is composed of 4 parts:
A: About me!
B: Family and Friends
C: Relationships
D: Partnerships
There are 4 folders (A, B, C and D) containing the relevant files for that part.
It includes:
a range of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation activities
grammar points including: avoir and être in the present tense, adjectival agreement, possessive adjectives, regular -ER verbs in the present, near future
elements of phonics: on/om, silent -e, silent final consonants, ail/eil/ill
retrieval activities, cultural aspects and homework tasks
QR codes/ links for independent study
vocab lists (full topic list or 4 lists for the 4 parts) + link to online course
comments under the slides for notes and worksheet location
audio files and transcripts
.pdf and editable versions of the worksheets (except the nought and crosses game, which is only available as .pdf)
Activities are differentiated and exam style.
The first 15 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder: Topic1.zip. After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.
For the full overview, you can check the free SOW available for download here:
**If you have previously purchased my GCSE 2016 unit 3 resources, please get in touch if you would like to upgrade to this new version. **
In this digital product:
You will find everything you need to teach Topic 4: Free-time Activities ( first topic of Theme 2 of the new GCSE course (with AQA): Popular Culture.
The Presentation (approx. 160 slides including answer slides) covers the whole topic and is composed of 4 parts:
A: My spare time
B: Music
C: TV and Cinema
D: Sports
There are 4 folders (A, B, C and D) containing the relevant files for that part.
It includes:
a range of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation activities
grammar points including: review of present tense with regular verbs including verbs with spelling irregularities, partitive articles, perfect tense with AVOIR and ÊTRE, adverbs of frequency
elements of phonics: the sound ‘r’, the sound ‘s’, ç (and soft c), s-liaison
retrieval activities, cultural aspects and homework tasks
QR codes/ links for independent study
vocab lists (full topic list or 4 lists for the 4 parts) + link to online course
comments under the slides for notes and worksheet location
audio files and transcripts
.pdf and editable versions of the worksheets (except of the Connect4 game, which is only available as .pdf)
Activities are differentiated and exam style.
The first 15 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder: Topic4.zip. After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.
For the full overview, you can check the free SOW available for download here:
You can also download one of the Reading activities included in this resource for Free here
In this BUNDLE:
All three parts of the topic: “La politique et l’immigration”
Part A: Solutions politiques à la question d’immigration
Part B: L’immigration et les partis politiques
Part C: Engagement politique chez les immigrés
each part includes a PPT presentation (approx. 45 slides including some answer slides) with:
-Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing activities
-Translation French to English and English to French with markschemes
-Grammar points
-statistics discussions
-video comprehension activities
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
Each part is also available for £3.20
You can click on each parts to see previews.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
In this resource file:
You will find teaching materials for Theme 1- Unit 4 (AQA) : Customs and Festivals (Fêtes et Traditions)
The PPT (approx. 80 slides including answer slides) covers the whole Unit and is composed of 3 parts: ’ Celebrations’, ‘How we celebrate’ and ‘Francophone festivals’
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Translations activities (3 of each minimum)
-Grammar points and practice: revision of the present tense, full practice on the perfect tense, prepositions with countries, a brief introduction to imperfect tense
-Homework tasks
-a link to an online vocab learning course+ (a paper version of the vocab list)
-a vocab test linked to the course
-QR codes at the bottom of worksheet for extra independent study
-Tips, reminders and strategies to support students
-Comments under the slides for advice and worksheets location
All worksheets and answers are provided in.pdf and editable formats
Activities are differentiated and exam- style
After downloading, save the file in the “my documents” area of your computer, then right-click and extract all to access all the resources
Please note: the first 11 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
In this bundle:
Pourquoi le septième art?
Les grandes lignes
une passion nationale
each part includes:
PPT presentation of approx. 40 slides (with some answer slides): speaking, reading, listening, writing activities, video comprehensions, vocab tests, homework tasks, translations English to French and French to English, link to vocab learning course.
Activities are differentiated
Each parts are also available individually for £3.20 each .
Click on preview to see more
Part A: La diversité de la musique Francophone contemporaine
Part B: Qui écoute et apprécie la musique ?
PartC3: Comment sauvegarder la musique ?
Each part includes a PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides) with:
-Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing activities
-grammar points
-Translation French to English and English to French with markschemes
-statistics discussions
-video comprehension activities
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
Each part is also available for £3.20
You can click on each part to see previews of what is included in the .zip folders.
PLEASE NOTE: This BUNDLE has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other topics, which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this BUNDLE before January 2024, you will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
(If you have purchase resources for the previous GCSE French specification, and are interested in upgrading your resources, please get in touch)
In this BUNDLE:
You will find everything you need to teach the first Theme of the new GCSE course (with AQA): People and Lifestyle.
It includes resources for all 3 topics:
Topic 1: Identity and Relationships with others
Topic 2: Healthy living and Lifestyle
Topic 3: Education and Work
For each topic:
The Presentation (approx. 150 slides including answer slides) covers the whole topic and is composed of 4 parts. There are also 4 folders (A, B, C and D) containing the relevant files for that part.
It includes:
a range of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation activities
grammar points
elements of phonics
retrieval activities, cultural aspects and homework tasks
QR codes/ links for independent study
vocab lists+ links to online course
comments under the slides for notes and worksheet location
audio files and transcripts
.pdf and editable versions of the worksheets (except of the Connect4 game, which is only available as .pdf)
Activities are differentiated and exam style.
After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.
For previews, please see the description for individual topics.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch (either via email or through Facebook)
In this resource file:
You will find teaching materials for Theme 2- Unit 7 (AQA): Global issues (Les problèmes globaux)
The PPT (approx. 85 slides including answer slides) covers the whole Unit and is composed of 3 parts: ’ Social and global aspects’, ‘Equality- issues and actions’ and ‘Environment- dangers and solutions’
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Translations activities (3 of each minimum)
-Grammar points and practice: Tenses (present, perfect and imperfect), imperative mood, direct object pronouns, Si clauses (present and future).
-Homework tasks
-a link to an online vocab learning course+ (a paper version of the vocab list)
-a vocab test linked to the course
-QR codes at the bottom of worksheet for extra independent study
-Tips, reminders and strategies to support students
-Comments under the slides for advice and worksheets location
All worksheets and answers are provided in.pdf and editable formats.
Please note: the connect 4 game is only included as a .pdf file
Activities are differentiated and exam- style
If you wish to see an example of a task included in this resource file, you can download one of the worksheets for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/la-pauvret-en-france-worksheet-gcse-and-a-level-french-12054936
After downloading, save the .zip file (Unit7) in the “my documents” area of your computer, then right-click and extract all to access all the resources
Please note: the first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
UPDATED! In this BUNDLE: all 3 parts of the topic ‘La cyber-Société’
Part A: Comment la technologie facilite la vie quotidienne
Part B: Quels dangers la cyber-société pose-t-elle?
Part C: Qui sont les cybernautes ?
Each part includes a PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides)
-Listening, Reading, Speaking,Writing and grammar activities
-video comprehension
-statistics discussions
-translation French to English and English to French with markscheme
-homework tasks
-a link to an online learning vocab course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-QR codes for further study
-Comments under the slides for advice and worksheets location
Activities are differentiated and exam style
You can click on each part to see previews of what is included in the .zip folders.
You can also download the SOW linked to that resource for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12568702
PLEASE NOTE: This BUNDLE has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other topics, which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this BUNDLE before 23rd August 2021, you will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page:@Frenchresources where updates and freebies are posted regularly
This resource has been updated and a .pptx has been added to enable you to edit the resource
In this resource file: A workbook to guide your students through their IRP.
Pdf copy AND Digital Workbook (Ideal if you are using Google Classroom)
You will download a .zip folder, which you will need to save on your computer ( in the “My documents” section for example) before right- clicking and selecting “Extract all” to be able to open all the files included in the zip folder.
The resource includes:
-description of the IRP
-Assessment criteria (AQA)
-Guidance on: step1 to 6 (choosing a topic, collecting information, organising ideas, presentation and ideas, answering questions, revising) with: spaces for students to record their finding, progress sessions record forms, model plan, model presentation with audio file, model questions linked to the presentation, model mind map for revision)
The Digital Workbook will enable you to share this workbook with your students on google classroom, they will be able to edit some of the boxes but won’t be able to edit any of the guidance, you will be able to check their progress at any time online. ==> guidance on how to do that is included if you are new at it
Total number of pages is: 45 ( +some pages which are to be photocopied/ copied and pasted by the students as he/she requires)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly
In this resource file, you will find teaching material for a full practice on the Pronouns Y and EN. The grammar is explained in English, so this folder could also be used for independent study/ revision.
The PowerPoint Presentation (approx. 25 slides including answer slides) covers:
-The pronoun Y
-Verbs followed by à + qch
-The pronoun EN
-Verbs followed by de + qch/qqn
-Y and EN with imperative
-Position of Y and EN with other DOP and IOP
The PPT also includes practice activities and a test.
The grammar covered, practice and test are also available as worksheets.
PLEASE NOTE: This is targeted at A Level students.
Download the .zip folder from Tes and save it on your computer. Then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the files
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
In this resource file:
You will find teaching materials for Theme 3- Unit 12 (AQA): Jobs, Career choices and Ambitions
The PPT (approx. 70 slides including answer slides) covers the whole Unit and is composed of 3 parts: ’ Jobs’, ‘Getting hired’ and ‘The world of work’
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Translations activities (3 of each minimum)
-Grammar points and practice: Feminine and masculine forms of jobs, Revision of the present tense, the imperfect tense and the conditional, revision on how to ask formal questions, the use of depuis, pendant and pour.
-Homework tasks
-A link to an online quiz + the paper version
-a link to an online vocab learning course+ (a paper version of the vocab list)
-a vocab test linked to the course
-QR codes at the bottom of some worksheets for extra independent study
-Tips, reminders and strategies to support students
-Comments under the slides for advice and worksheets location
Worksheets and answers are provided in.pdf and editable formats.
Activities are differentiated and exam- style
After downloading, save the .zip file (Unit12) in the “my documents” area of your computer, then right-click and extract all to access all the resources
Please note: the first 11 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
UPDATED! In this bundle:
All three parts of the topic ‘Comment on traite les criminels’
Part A: Les attitudes envers la criminalité
Part B: La prison- echec ou succes
Part C: Autres sanctions
Each part includes a PPT presentation (approx. 45 slides including answer slides) with:
-Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing activities
-grammar points
-Translation French to English and English to French with markschemes
-statistics discussions
-video comprehension activities
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
Each part is also available for £3.20
You can click on each part to see previews of what is included in the .zip folders.
PLEASE NOTE: This BUNDLE has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other topics, which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this BUNDLE before 10th January 2024, you will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
This BUNDLE has been updated (5/12/22)
In this BUNDLE: all three parts of the topic: Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique
part1: Pour ou contre le droit de vote
Part 2: Les ados et l’engagement politique, motivés ou démotivés?
part 3: Quel avenir pour la politique
in each part: a PPT presentation (approx. 45 slides including answer slides)
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-video comprehension
-statistics discussions
-Translations Fr-En and En-Fr with Markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
activities are differentiated and exam style
Each part is available for £3.20
Click on preview to see a sample of what is included in the .zip folders
Please note: This bundle has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other bundles which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this bundle before 05/12/22, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge.
If you are interested in more resources of this type or have any questions, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly
This resource file contains a PowerPoint Presentation with a description of each tense/ mood covered at A-Level, practice activities and answers.
A total of 58 slides.
The powerpoint is hyperlinked so students can select the tense they want to view and practise from the first slide.
**PLEASE NOTE: This is targetted at A Level students. All the descriptions are written in French.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
A quiz on French celebrations with answer key. (.pdf file- non editable)
This quiz is also available on Kahoot: [https://create.kahoot.it/share/celebration/dd7f9762-730e-479b-bcff-47ae79c71c96]
The whole unit is available here for £6: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/customs-and-festivals-unit-4-gcse-french-12228242
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly.
A 24 pages booklet of EASY activities to practise the topics of:
numbers, pets, family, descriptions, personality, school equipment, subjects, time, timetable, rooms in the house, furniture in the bedroom and prepositions
This could be of use for weaker students / students with learning difficulties
A student guide on how to write an essay about a film/ text in French. Examples used are for the study of the movie La Haine but the guidance is relevant to any film or text.
If you are interested in getting more free resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @frenchresources, where links are posted regularly.