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Hi, I'm Mrs W- an experienced KS1 teacher. You can find more information and details of my resources over on my instagram page @mrsteacher_ks1




Hi, I'm Mrs W- an experienced KS1 teacher. You can find more information and details of my resources over on my instagram page @mrsteacher_ks1
Black and white display bunting upper and lower case lettering

Black and white display bunting upper and lower case lettering

Upper and lower case bunting which looks fantastic as the heading for classroom displays (see picture of how its been used in a classroom). The set includes full upper and lower case lettering in PDF form. I’ve also included a non-PDF form if you want to adapt the font, colour, size etc. The font used in the PDF version isn’t one which comes with microsoft word so if you use the editable version you would need to download this online. Now includes an ! and ? on the lower case page. If you’d like the bunting to have a white border- like shown in the first picture, you can achieve this by leaving a slight border from the black when you cut them out.
Construction area landmark cards

Construction area landmark cards

A set of three different types of construction cards- perfect for making into booklets/sticking to a display within the construction area to give the children’s building projects more purpose. Set 1: Landmarks around the world e.g. Eiffel Tower, Burj Khalifa, Taj Mahal Set 2: Physical features of the world e.g. theme park, farm, train station Set 3: Natural features of the world e.g. waterfall, volcano, cave The resource is fully editable so you can change the font or add in/remove cards as appropriate.
Log style visual timetable cards

Log style visual timetable cards

A set of beautiful natural log effect visual timetable cards. They have been made to look like real log slices. Comes as a PDF file with the different cards shown but also as an editable publisher file- this is for if you want to change the font to meet school policy or want to add/change the wording of certain logs. I’ve tried to included all of the main subject areas including english, maths, phonics, PE, history, geography, register, guided reading,golden time etc.
ULTIMATE ultimate construction area bundle

ULTIMATE ultimate construction area bundle

8 Resources
Featuring ALL construction resources available in my shop including the two new items: constructiion area heading cards and also the KS1 History construction area cards (both new for Summer 2023). The bundle also includes: design sheets, labels and work in progress siigns construction are lettering religious buildings construction cards seasons construction cards UK geography construction cards Human, physical features and famous landmarks cards. If all of these were to be purchased individually it would cost £14- bundle price of £10 saving nearly 30%!
Ultimate construction area resource bundle

Ultimate construction area resource bundle

6 Resources
This bundle contains ALL of the construction area resources you can find in my TES shop at a discounted price of just £7. If you were to purchase all of these items separately they would be £9. The bundle includes: construction lettering religious buildings from around the world set seasons bundle- spring, summer, autumn, winter (4 sets) UK geography bundle- containing landmarks for Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland each as an individual pack (4 sets) Landmark bundle- featuring general human and physical features of the world and famous landmarks around the world (3 sets) Construction area resource bundle including construction area labels, signs and design sheets
You Choose activity ideas and resources KS1

You Choose activity ideas and resources KS1

**Activity resources and planning to support teaching of the story ‘You Choose’. Perfect for transition day or the first day with your new class. The pack includes: -An activity plan with suggested activities and resources (each activity is linked to a page/question from the story) -Table signs for each activity- can be edited or downloaded as PDF -Writing template for an activity ‘What would you choose to do for fun?’ Construction activity design sheet ‘Where would you choose to live?’ focus. All resources come as PDF and editable publisher/word files. The planning has six suggested activities: creative- linked to making hats, construction- building own house, PSHE- self and family portraits, maths- choosing fav number to build, creative/geography- making maps of places to go, writing- writing about things they like to do for fun
Door greeting cards

Door greeting cards

A set of six door greeting cards to welcome the children into your classroom each day. Includes: handshake, high five, hug, fist bump, wave and a way of their choice. A fab way to build up positive and trusting relationships with children in your class. Also comes with the sign ‘How shall we greet each other today?’ Available as pdf and editable versions.
Year 1 and 2 common exception word flashcards and display alphabet

Year 1 and 2 common exception word flashcards and display alphabet

A fabulous full set of Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words and alphabet display lettering. A great way to display the words in the classroom so that the children can become independent in finding out how to spell them. All they have to do is remove the right key fob from the wall and find the word- fobs really cheap to pick up from ebay!
number circles to 20

number circles to 20

Numbers 1-20 maths circles featuring the number in words, as a numeral and represented pictorially in black dots. Look great along the edge of a maths working wall for the children to refer to- particularly when correcting number formation. The download includes a pdf and powerpoint document so they are fully editable if needed e.g. to change the font.
KS1 D&T paper & card sculpture technique cards

KS1 D&T paper & card sculpture technique cards

A set of 10 cards detailing how to make various different scuplture techniques from paper and card. A great addition to any creative area or to help support children when making sculptures as part of the D&T curriculum. Made to tie in with the KS1 D&T curriculum.
Colour mixing with paint techniques cards

Colour mixing with paint techniques cards

These cards explain the primary and secondary colours as well as tints, tones and shades. They also show how to make all of the colours by mixing different paints together. I have made them specifically to tie in with the KS1 art curriculum. Perfect to laminate, hole punch the corner and attach to a key ring as a visual guide for the art table or creative area. I will be hanging mine on the wall next to my bottles of red, blue, yellow, black and white paint.
Construction area headings

Construction area headings

A set of construction area headings. They are titled ‘research it’, ‘design it’, ‘build it’ ‘save it’ and photograph it. The idea is that these cards will help you to designate certain spaces within your construction area for the different aspects of the designing and building of different models and structures. Only available in PDF form as they were made on canva- they cannot be edited to be a different font/size/colour etc. Also comes with design sheet templates which can also be used for children to draw their designs on before building. Again this is in PDF format only.
Construction area landmark and seasons cards

Construction area landmark and seasons cards

2 Resources
A bundle of amazing ccards for your construction area! The first set includes physical and human features of the world alongside famous world landmarks. The season cards include different events, objects and commemorative events linked to each season e.g. Remembrance Sunday- field of poppies, combine harvester, Santa's sleigh, a bee hive for World Bee Day, Diva lamp for Diwali etc
Construction area resources- design sheet, labels and work in progress

Construction area resources- design sheet, labels and work in progress

These resources include a design sheet for children to use in the construction area, editable construction area labels which can be used to label boxes/baskets. Please note, the font I have used isn’t one that comes with microsoft word. If you would like to use this font it can be downloaded from dafont.com and is called ‘Typerwriter hand’. The ‘work in progress’ and ‘under construction’ signs can be stuck to folded pieces of card for the children to place next to any unfinished makes within the construction area.
KS1 Geography Physical and Human feature construction cards

KS1 Geography Physical and Human feature construction cards

A set of construction area cards focusing specifically on the key vocabulary set out in the KS1 National Curriculum. Each card features one of the terms alongside a picture- perfect for giving children the opportunity to build their own models and use the relevant vocabulary. The download includes both publisher and pdf files so fonts etc can be changed if needed. The pack includes a set of human feature cards, physical feature cards and word card labels for each of the terms. These are great for children to independently label their own constructions- particularly if they have multiple elements e.g. a seaside town with a harbour, beach, coastline, hill and vegetation for example.
Year 1 and 2 common exception word cards and alphabet display

Year 1 and 2 common exception word cards and alphabet display

A fabulous full set of Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words and alphabet display lettering in shades of green! A great way to display the words in the classroom so that the children can become independent in finding out how to spell them. All they have to do is remove the right key fob from the wall and find the word- fobs really cheap to pick up from ebay!
Phonics alien and real word dab

Phonics alien and real word dab

Phonics resource- aimed at Year 1 and 2 children. They simply have to dab or colour in the smiley face if the word is real or colour in the sad face if the word is nonsense.
construction lettering

construction lettering

Lettering which can be used as bunting for the construction area. Circular lettering with a white brick background. Could be blu-tacked to the wall or pegged onto string/trellis.