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Planning, worksheets, presentations and displays for the Primary Classroom! Visit our website for an Unlimited Subscription (Just £14.99 for the year!) . This gives you access to our Members' Pages where you can make unlimited instant downloads of all our resources.

Planning, worksheets, presentations and displays for the Primary Classroom! Visit our website for an Unlimited Subscription (Just £14.99 for the year!) . This gives you access to our Members' Pages where you can make unlimited instant downloads of all our resources.
Man on the Moon (Year 2 English Unit of Work)

Man on the Moon (Year 2 English Unit of Work)

Based around the book ‘Man on the Moon (a day in the life of Bob)’ by Simon Bartram, this 10 lesson English Unit of Work covers KS1 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, writing frames and much more.  End of unit Writing: Alternative Story - Alien on the Earth. Unit overview: In this unit, the children will be hooked by a large class rocket! When they discover the text ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram. Through shared reading lessons, children will be taught to make predictions based upon what they have read already. As the children become more familiar with the main character ‘Bob’ the ‘Man on the Moon’, they will prepare questions to ask him about his experiences on the moon. Hot seating activities will support the opportunity to ask and answer questions. Children will then discuss and record their understanding of the text using a story map to retell the main events. Grammar lessons will focus upon using adjectives for expanded noun phrases (character descriptions of the aliens), commas in a list and using coordinating conjunctions. The final writing piece will be to plan and write a story for the ‘Alien’s Night on Earth’. Shared planning and writing lessons will guide children towards quality writing. Zip file includes: Editable Lesson Planning (Microsoft Word) Alien Lunchbox (PDF) Alien Masks (PDF) Commas in a list (PPTX) Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet (PDF) Coordination Worksheet (PDF) Expanded Noun Phrases Worksheets (PDF) Label the Rocket (PDF) Make a prediction (PDF) Story Map (PDF) Questions for Bob Worksheet (PDF) Space helmet mask (PDF) SPace Writing Frame (PDF) The Alien on Earth Planning Sheet (PDF)
'The Egyptian Cinderella' Year 3 English Planning and Resources

'The Egyptian Cinderella' Year 3 English Planning and Resources

Year 3 English Unit of Work based around the story ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ by Shirley Climo. English planning objectives link to the Year 3 National Curriculum for Reading, Speaking and Listening, Grammar and Writing. This unit comes downloadable with lesson plans, worksheets, presentations and display posters. **Unit Overview: ** This unit will begin with an exciting ‘hook’! A red-rose slipper will be delivered to class! A special note will explain all. During shared reading sessions the class will be taught how to make simple predictions. They will select words and phrases that add more interest (such as similes and expanded noun phrases) and use examples of these to write their own character descriptions that describe appearance. They will explore new vocabulary and find ways to clarify the meaning. The children will participate in discussions about the similarities and differences between The Egyptian Cinderella and the original Cinderella Story. Next, they will explore some grammar features of the story, including expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and inverted commas to indicated direct speech. They will have some practice writing a short setting description. Finally, the class will create a ‘Success Criteria’ for planning and writing an alternative ending to the story. One where Rhodopis does in fact travel to Memphis and meet the Pharaoh. Zip File Includes Editable English Planning Document (Microsoft Word Document) Making a prediction writing frame (PDF) Character Description Writing Frames (PDF) Comparing Stories Worksheets (PDF) Directed Speech Partner Activity (PDF) Directed Speech Worksheet (PDF) Directed Speech Rules Poster (PDF) Directed Speech Presentation (PDF) DIsplay Vocabulary (PDF) Egyptian Cinderella Word Mat (PDF) Writing Frames (PDF) HOOK letter (PDF) Prediction Writing Frame (PDF) Venn Diagram Comparisons (PDF) Prepositional Phrases Worksheet (PDF) Setting Description (PDF) Classroom Display Banner (PDF) Word Web (PDF) Images credited to Kingdom Clip Art Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers
The Dragon Machine (Year 2 English Planning and Resources)

The Dragon Machine (Year 2 English Planning and Resources)

Year 2 English Planning and Resources, English Unit of Work based around the picture book ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. 11 Lessons fully planned with objectives linked to the KS1 National Curriculum for Reading, S & L, Grammar and Writing Composition. Lessons and worksheets included. Final writing piece: Descriptive Writing Unit Overview: In this unit, the children will participate in a ‘dragon hunt’ around the school, this will lead them to the text ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. Shared reading lessons will involve making predictions based on what they have already read about the dragons in the story. Children will then use key vocabulary from the text when designing their very own labelled dragon machine, writing a short explanation on how it will operate. Inferences will then be made based upon the feelings of the main character ‘George’. The children will take part in role play activities which will support them to order and sequence the events in the story. Next the children will be taught to analyse the text more carefully, looking at the effective word choice of powerful verbs and expanded noun phrases within the text. They will then use these skills to plan and write a short description of a dragon’s appearance and personality to be collated into a whole class encyclopaedia. The final writing piece builds upon the planning, drafting and editing process for a description of Dragon Land: what it is like there once the dragon machine has landed. Resources Included in the Zip File: • Editable Planning Documents (11 lessons Microsoft Word Document) • Adjectives word mat (PDF) • Blank story map (PDF) • Discussing the book cover worksheet (PDF) • Dragon description planning sheets (PDF) • Dragon Description writing frame (PDF) • Dragon encyclopedia front cover (PDF) • Dragon hunt worksheet (PDF) • Dragon Land Map (PDF) • Dragon Land Writing frame (PDF) • Dragon machine design sheet (PDF) • Dragon Machine display vocabulary (PDF) • Inference questions (PDF) • Making predictions sheet (PDF) • Powerful verbs worksheets (PDF) • Prediction sentence stems (PDF) • Blank storyboard (PDF) • The dragon machine classroom display banner (PDF) • Dragons (hook images) (PDF)
'The Tin Forest' Year 2 English Planning and Resources

'The Tin Forest' Year 2 English Planning and Resources

Year 2 English Planning and Resources, English Unit of Work based around the picture book ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson . 12 Lessons fully planned with objectives linked to the KS1 National Curriculum for Reading, S & L, Grammar and Writing Composition. Lessons and worksheets included. Final writing piece: Writing a story of ‘hope’. Unit Overview: In this unit, children will be ‘hooked’ with a variety of ‘tin’ objects that they must sort into different groups. Children will then be challenged to use these objects to construct a miniature tin forest for a class display. The class with then partake in an oracy activity where they will discuss different view points about what it may be like to live in a ‘tin’ forest / world. Shared reading lessons will allow the children to understand the deeper meaning behind this story. Stories with hopes and dreams that can come true. Through reading, they will explore prediction, inference and clarifying skills. Children will delve into the language used in this book and begin to apply this to their own writing. They will explore the use of expanded noun phrases and commas in lists and begin to use these when writing setting descriptions. Children will then compare the different settings and make use of coordination to write comparison sentences. The skills taught in this unit will then build up to a final piece of writing. To plan and write their own story of ‘hope’, to change the environment in a positive way. Resources Included in the Zip File: Editable Planning Documents (12 lessons Microsoft Word Document) Blurb Display Poster (PDF) Display Vocabulary (PDF) Commas in Lists Rules Poster (PDF) Commas in Lists Writing Frame (PDF) Expanded Noun Frame Modelled Task (PDF) Expanded Noun Phrase setting description (PDF) Inference Partner Task (PDF) Inference Skills Modelled Task (PDF) Inference Speech Bubbles (PDF) Living in a Tin World Positives and Negatives (PDF) Making Comparatives Writing Frame (PDF) Making Comparisons Venn Diagram (PDF) Making Inferences Worksheet (PDF) Oracy Sentence Stems (PDF) Planning Writing Sheet (PDF) Prediction Worksheet (PDF) Prediction Writing Frame (PDF) The Tin Forest Display Banner (PDF) Tin Animals and Flowers for Display (PDF) Word Web (PDF)
Year 1 Funny Bones Unit of Work

Year 1 Funny Bones Unit of Work

‘Funny Bones’ based around the story by Janet and Allan Ahlberg Year 1 English Unit of Work. Lesson Plans with clear links to the Year 1 National Curriculum for S&L, Reading, Grammar and Writing Writing Frames Word Mats Writing Checklists Display Vocabulary Display Lettering Word Webs Unit Overview In this unit the children will listen to and enjoy the story Funny Bones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. They will join in with the first page, noticing some of the repetitive vocabulary (dark, dark). We will identify some key words ‘big’ and ‘little’. The children will discuss the story with their peers suggesting what they liked and disliked about the story. They will label a simple diagram of a skeleton using the key words discussed throughout the shared read. The children will then go on to orally rehearsing a sentence about the story and practice writing it into their English books / writing frame.
The Tear Thief Year 3 English Unit of Work

The Tear Thief Year 3 English Unit of Work

Year 3 English Unit of Work based around the story ‘The Tear Thief’ by Carol-Ann Duffy. English planning objectives link to the Year 3 National Curriculum for Reading, Speaking and Listening, Grammar and Writing. This unit comes downloadable with lesson plans, worksheets, presentations and display posters. **Unit Overview: ** In this English unit, children will start by engaging with a bag of jewel tears to spark their curiosity about whom they might belong to. They will be introduced to the book ‘The Tear Thief’ by Ann Duffy. Through shared reading sessions, the children will predict, summarise the text, analyse effective language use (such as similes), and draw inferences from character emotions and thoughts. Additionally, they will examine how grammar and punctuation are skilfully employed in the story. They will learn to recognise and utilise prepositional phrases, direct speech, possessive apostrophes and powerful verbs. Finally, the children will be guided on planning and drafting their own narrative based around a Tear Thief who gathers ‘happy’ tears to offer to the sun. Documents Included: Editable English Planning Document (Microsoft Word Document) Making a prediction writing frame (PDF) Summarise the main ideas (PDF) Tear Similes Worksheet (PDF) Tear Simile Writing frames (PDF) Tear Thief Inference QUestion Cards (PDF) Tear Thief Writing Frames (PDF) Singular ad Plural Possessive Apostrophe Worksheets (PDF) Powerful Verbs Worksheets (PDF) Powerful Verbs Display Posters (PDF) Planning Writing Worksheet (PDF) Inverted Commas Presentation (PDF) Direct Speech Worksheet (PDF) Direct Speech Rules Classroom Poster (PDF) Character Description with prepositional phrases worksheets (PDF)
The Day the Crayons Quit (Year 2 English Unit of Work)

The Day the Crayons Quit (Year 2 English Unit of Work)

Based around the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt, this 10 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 2 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, word mats, display banners , writing frames and much more.  End of unit writing for Persuasive Letter Writing’. Unit overview: This English unit of work begins with a hook - the children discovering a scene in their classroom! The crayons have Quit! Introduce the text ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt to the class. Shared reading lessons are geared towards teaching children how to make simple predictions about what could be inside the envelopes. As the children continue to read the story, they will use role play to put themselves in place of each crayon character. The class will compile some questions to ask each different crayon and the children must answer questions, justifying their arguments and opinions. When the children are familiar with the story, they will sequence and retell the main points from the story using story maps / storyboards. The class will receive a further letter from the scissors and glue stick in the class, complaining and suggesting that they are going on strike. The children will be encouraged to unpick this letter, identifying the main features of a letter. Grammar features will then be explored using the texts provided. They will explore commas in a list, apostrophe for omission and the use of exclamation marks and question marks. The children will then plan and write their own persuasive letter to the scissors and glue giving reasons why they want them to return to their classroom. Zip file includes: Editable Lesson Planning (Microsoft Word) Asking Questions Worksheets (PDF) Commas in a List Presentation (PPTX) Commas in a List Worksheets (PDF) Contraction Matching Game (PDF) Contraction Worksheets (PDF) Contractions Presentation (PPTX) Crayon Cut outs (PDF) Exclamation and Question Sentences (PDF) Exclamation or Question Worksheet (PDF) Features of a letter worksheet (PDF) Letter for Glue and Scissors (Microsoft Word) Letter Writing Frames (PDF) Persuasive Writing Checklists (PDF) Planning a persuasive letter (PDF) Sequencing Sentences (PDF) Large Story Board (PDF) Display Banner (PDF) Story Maps (PDF) We Quit Poster (PDF) Images credited toblossominkinder
'Aesop's Fables' Year 2 English Unit of Work

'Aesop's Fables' Year 2 English Unit of Work

Based around the book ‘Aesop’s Fables’ by Michael Morpurgo, this 12 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 2 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, display vocabulary, writing frames and much more.  End of unit ‘Fable Writing’. Unit overview: In this unit, children will be ‘hooked in’ with a challenging activity, learning the moral ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way!’ The children will then be introduced to the text ‘Aesop’s Fables’. Through shared reading lessons, children will analyse fables and identify the main features. Children will be taught how to make simple predictions about fables based on the morals provided. Hot seating activities will encourage children to make simple inferences about character’s feelings and emotions.  Children will then use story maps to retell familiar fables in their own words. Grammar lessons include the use of subordination, expanded noun phrases and question sentences. The final piece of writing involves planning and writing for their own fable, this includes shared planning, drafting and editing lessons. Children will create their own ‘fable’ booklet to be displayed in the classroom library. Reading Objectives: Becoming increasingly familiar with and retelling a wider range of stories, fairy stories and traditional tales. Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far. Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done. Speaking and Listening Objectives: Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates. Consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others. Grammar Objectives: Subordination (using when, if, that, because) Expanded noun phrases for description and specification. How the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a question. Writing Objectives: Discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar. In narratives, creating settings, characters and plot. Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors. Zip file includes: Editable Lesson Planning (Microsoft Word) Writing frame (PDF) Character Masks (PDF) Expanded Noun Phrases Worksheets (PDF) Fables Display Banner (PDF) Fables Display Vocabulary (PDF) Fables Story Maps (PDF) Features of a Fable Worksheet (PDF) Hot seat Inference Questions (PDF) List of Morals and Animals (PDF) Making Predictions Worksheet (PDF) Morals (PDF) Planning a Fable (PDF) Questions From Fables (PDF) Questions Worksheet (PDF) Subordinating Conjunctions Worksheets (PDF) The Hare and the Tortoise Fable Presentation (PDF) The Lion and the Mouse Fable ‘Features’ (PDF) ‘What are Fables?’ Presentation (PDF)
'Lost and Found' Year 1 English Planning and Resources

'Lost and Found' Year 1 English Planning and Resources

Based around the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers, this 9 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 1 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, writing frames and much more.  End of unit Writing: Retelling the story. Unit overview: This unit contains two engaging ‘hook’ ideas that introduce the children to the text ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. The children will then discuss the book title and link this to their own personal experience of a time when they ‘lost’ something and how this made them feel. Shared reading lessons will explore inference strategies to consider how characters are feeling and why. Children will then go on to make simple predictions about the story based upon what they have already read. Grammar lessons will explore the use of linking words (conjunctions) ‘and’ and ‘but’. Children will explore these conjunctions in the text, recognising the clauses linked with the conjunctions. They will then learn about suffixes and identify how the suffix ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ have been used within the text to modify verbs. The children will then be taught about the importance of punctuating sentences with capital letters and full stops, correcting sentences and creating their own posters to explain the rules about punctuating sentences. Children will then use storyboards and story maps to sequence the story to support them to retell the story in their own words. The final writing piece is based around a retell of the story, shared and guided writing will support the children to sequence the story into a beginning, middle and ending. Zip File Includes English lesson planning (9 lessons) (Microsoft Word Document) Clauses and joining words activity (PDF) Conjunction ‘and’ and ‘but’ matching game (PDF) 2X Large Display images (PDF) I think / I predict speech bubbles (PDF) Joining clauses Worksheet (PDF) ‘Lost’ Writing frame (PDF) Lost and Found Display Vocabulary (PDF) Lost and Found Display Banner (PDF) Lost and Found Large Colour Storyboard (PDF) Lost and Found Large Storyboard (B&W) (PDF) Making Inferences Worksheet (PDF) Lost and Found Story Map Worksheet (PDF) Making Inferences Presentation (PDF) Ordering the story banner (PDF) Penguin Mask (PDF) Penguin Writing Frame (PDF) Punctuating Sentences Worksheets (PDF) Punctuating Sentences Presentation (PPTX) Retelling the Story Planning sheet (PDF) Suffix ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ worksheet (PDF) All images credited to: DoodleArtXOXO
'Beegu' Year 1 English Planning and Resources

'Beegu' Year 1 English Planning and Resources

Based around the book ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon, this 10 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 1 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, writing frames and much more.  End of unit Writing: Recount Writing. Unit overview: In this unit, the children will discover a UFO crash scene in the school grounds! Children will be engaged in discussion about who has crashed here, where are they and should we be worried?  The class will be introduced to the book ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon. Through shared reading lessons, children will be taught how to make inferences, using the information provided through text and images. Children will also be encouraged to link emotions from the story to their own personal experiences of being lost or upset. As the children continue to read the text, they will be taught how to make simple predictions based on what they have already read. After reading the whole text, the class will use story maps to sequence and retell the main events from the story. Children will then analyse the spelling and grammar features within the text, with special attention to the use of apostrophe for contraction and the use of the prefix ‘un’ for adjectives. Personal pronoun ‘I’ will be used to support the children when writing a simple ‘police statement’ regarding their thoughts about Beegu. The unit will then build up to one final writing piece, orally rehearsing the sentences to write a recount of Beegu’s time on Earth. Zip file includes: English lesson planning (10 lessons) (Microsoft Word Document) Beegu B&W Story Map (PDF) Beegu Colour Story Map (PDF) Beegu Classroom Display Banner (PDF) Beegu DIsplay Vocabulary (PDF) Beegu Writing Paper (PDF) Beegu’s Recount (PDF) Beegu’s Recount Map (PDF) Contraction Matching Game (PDF) Contraction Presentation (PPTX) Contractions Worksheet (PDF) Hook Writing Task (PDF) Large Beegue DIsplay Image (PDF) Lost Poster Worksheet (PDF) Prediction Worksheet (PDF) Personal Pronoun Worksheet (PDF) Prefix ‘un’ Worksheet (PDF) All images credited to: DoodleArtXOXO
'Leon and the Place Between' LKS2 English Planning and Resources

'Leon and the Place Between' LKS2 English Planning and Resources

LKS2 English Unit of Work based around the story ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Angela McAllister and Grahame Baker-Smith. English planning objectives link to the LKS2 National Curriculum for Reading, Speaking and Listening, Grammar and Writing. This unit comes downloadable with 14 lessons, worksheets and display posters. End of unit writing piece: Fantasy story - a magical place. **Unit Overview: ** In this unit the children will be ‘hooked’ in by a small magic show! They will then make simple predictions about the fantasy story ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Angela McAllister, based on the front cover and the blurb. Through shared reading lessons, there will be a focus on the style and presentation of the text within the story. Children explore language and structure to create their own advert poster to entice an audience to a ‘Magic Show’.  When reading, children will discuss words and phrases that capture the readers’ imagination. They will act out scenes from the story and capture a freeze frame. Children will clarify new vocabulary within the text, specifically powerful verbs and use word webs to give them a deeper understanding of this vocabulary. Through continued reading, children will be taught to summarise the main points from paragraphs. Once the children are familiar with the story, they will unpick the text, looking at the plot and key vocabulary and punctuation used for impact. Children will then learn the grammar skills needed to support them with their own writing. They will explore direct speech and write a short with dialogue between other characters within the story. Children will also use expanded noun phrases with the modification of preposition phrases to describe the setting of the ‘Place Between’. Children will explore the use of adverbs within the text and use these to generate a list of new adverbs for their own writing. Children will then explore their own ideas for their own ‘fantasy story’. They will plan and write a story about one of the remaining characters in the story, entering a different magical land as they volunteer for a different magic trick. Documents Included: Editable English Planning Document (Microsoft Word Document) Making a prediction writing frame (PDF) Adverbs Poster (PDF) Adverbs Presentation (PDF) Bank of Adverbs Worksheets (PDF) Blurb CHallenge Activity (PDF) Blurb (PDF) Circus Poster Example (PDF) Circus Writing Frame (PDF) Fantasy Story Writing Plan (PDF) Inverted Commas Presentation (PDF) Leon and the Place Between Classroom Display Banner (PDF) Magic Show Poster (PDF) Prediction Worksheet (PDF) Summarising the paragraph Worksheet (PDF) Unpicking the text worksheet (PDF) Verbs for speech display vocabulary (PDF) Word Web (PDF)
The Colour Monster (KS1 English Unit of Work)

The Colour Monster (KS1 English Unit of Work)

Based around the book ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas, this 7 lesson English Unit of Work covers KS1 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, display vocabulary, writing frames and much more.  End of unit ‘New Monster Description’. Unit overview: This unit will begin with a ‘hook’ to engage the class and encourage them to consider organising emotions and colours into different jars. The class will then be introduced to the book ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. Shared reading lessons will focus on making simple, verbal predictions. The children will reinforce their understanding of the story through retelling. The use of a story map will support the children to order and sequence the story, retelling the main points in their own words. Share reading lessons will also cover linking to story to their own personal experiences. The children will consider times when they have felt different emotions and record these reflections in simple and subordinating sentences. The class will then unpick elements of the text, recognising how similes have been used effectively for description. Children will then create their own similes linked to the emotion ‘love’. Moving on, the children will be taught how to use a thesaurus to find synonyms for different colours and emotions. Towards the end of the unit, children will be taught how to plan and write a description for their own ‘colour monster’. Selecting a different colour and emotion. They will use the skills taught (similes and synonyms) and include these in their writing. Zip file includes: Editable Lesson Planning (Microsoft Word) HOOK sorting Activity (PDF) Characters from the story (cut outs) (PDF) Planning my writing worksheet (PDF) Emotion Jar Activity (PDF) Emotion Jar Posters (PDF) Emotion Posters (PDF) Emotion DIsplay Vocabulary (PDF) Link to personal experiences worksheets (PDF) Matching Colours Game (PDF) Simile Love Poster (PDF) Similes Worksheets (PDF) Similes Presentation (PDF) Synonyms Posters (PDF) Synonyms Worksheets (PDF) The Colour Monster Classroom Display Banner (PDF) Large classroom story map (PDF) Small story map worksheets (PDF) Writing frame (PDF) Images credited to : [Carpatitas Homeschool]
Traction Man (Year 2 English Planning and Resources)

Traction Man (Year 2 English Planning and Resources)

KS1 Planning and Resources Unit of Work based around the picture book ‘Traction Man Is Here’ by Mini Grey. 10 Lessons fully planned with objectives linked to the KS1 National Curriculum for Reading, S & L, Grammar and Composition. Lessons and worksheets included. Final writing piece: Adventure Story Writing. Unit Overview: In this unit, the class will be greeted with a toy ‘Traction Man Figure’. The class will be presented with the story book ‘Traction Man Is Here!’ by Mini Grey. During shared reading lessons, children will be taught effective reading strategies, beginning with making simple verbal predictions. As they are reading, they will be encouraged to identify unfamiliar vocabulary and make use of word webs to clarify meaning. Using hot-seating, children will begin to ask questions about the characters feelings and then go on to answer inference questions by gathering clues from the text. The children will then notice how the author has used grammar and punctuation effectively to add elements of suspense, action and sound. They will recognise and use onomatopoeia within their own written work, along with exclamation marks. The children will then unpick elements of the text that uses expanded noun phrases to describe Traction Man’s outfits. These noun phrases will then be organised into lists using commas to separate each item. Guided writing lessons will be focused on planning a new adventure story that continues for Traction Man. Children will use their own planning document and draft their own writing using a checklist generated by the children in class. Resources Included in the Zip File: Editable Planning Documents (10 lessons Microsoft Word Document) Character description writing frames (PDF) Commas in a list (PPTX) Images of Action Men (PDF) Inference Question Cards (PDF) Label the toy figure worksheets (PDF) Onomatopoeia Worksheets (PDF) Onomatopoeia (PPTX) Onomatopoeia design a t-shirt worksheets (PDF) Planning Action Story Worksheet (PDF) Blank Story Map (PDF) Word Web Worksheets (PDF) Traction Man Writing Paper (PDF)
'After the Fall' Year 3 English Lesson Planning and Resources

'After the Fall' Year 3 English Lesson Planning and Resources

Year 3 English Unit of Work based around the story ‘After the Fall’ How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again by Dan Santat. English planning objectives link to the Year 3 National Curriculum for Reading, Speaking and Listening, Grammar and Writing. This unit comes downloadable with 10 lesson plans, worksheets and display poster. End of unit writing piece: A recount about a time they have overcome a fear / phobia. **Unit Overview: ** This unit will begin with the challenge of rebuilding ‘Humpty Dumpty’ with eggshells. The children will then be introduced the text ‘After the Fall’ by Dan Santat and they will learn that his text is a ‘sequel’ to the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. Children will begin to make simple predictions about the book based upon what they already know about ‘Humpty Dumpty’. Through shared reading lessons, children will be taught how to make inferences about a text by drawing upon what they read and what they already know. They will make inferences about the characters thoughts and feelings. The class will then follow simple instructions on making a paper aeroplane (much like in the story), they will be challenged to a writing task: to write a set of instructions. Synonyms will be taught to vary the adjectives used in sentences and children will compose sentences about how Humpty Dumpty felt as he was climbing back up the wall. The text will be used to establish how fronted adverbials are used effectively. The final piece of writing will be based around the children’s prior learning throughout the unit. They will plan and write a recount about a time when they have overcome a fear or phobia. Documents Included: Editable English Planning Document (Microsoft Word Document) Unit Display Titile (PDF) Fronted Adverbial Matching Activity (PDF) Fronted Adverbial Word Mat (PDF) HOOK Activity eggshell collage outline (PDF) Instructios for making paper aeroplanes (PDF) Making inferences worksheet 1 (PDF) Making Inferences worksheet 2 (PDF) Paper plane instructions writing frame (PDF) Planning a recount worksheet (PDF) Synonym Ladder worksheet (PDF) Images credited to DoodleArtXOXO
'The Stone Age Boy' Year 3 English Planning and Resources

'The Stone Age Boy' Year 3 English Planning and Resources

Year 3 Planning and Resources linked to the story book ‘The Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitmura. 10 lessons with planning objectives that  link to the National Curriculum for ‘Year 3’ Reading, Speaking and Listening, Grammar and Writing. This downloadable zip file comes with supporting resources such as worksheets, presentations and displays. Unit Overview The children will be presented with a special box from The Stone Age era, inside they will explore and describe different artifacts and locate the book ‘The Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. Through shared reading lessons they will begin to make predictions based on what they have read. As they continue to read, children will be taught how to summarise the text, ask questions, clarify new word meanings and retrieve and record information from the text. They will learn how ‘a’ and ‘an’ are used before words and they will deepen their understanding of subordinating conjunctions. The children will then explore non-fiction books and recognise the features of non-fiction books. They will read a non-chronological report about ‘Stone Age Life’ and identify the main features of this report. The children will then be taught how to plan and write their own non-chronological report linked to ‘Stone Age Life’ using many of the new facts they discovered in ‘The Stone Age Boy’ text. The reports will be collated to create a whole class non-fiction book about ‘The Stone Age’. Zip File Includes: Editable lesson planning (10 lessons) with differentiated activities (Microsoft Word) ‘a’ or ‘an’ worksheet (PDF) Make a prediction writing frame (PDF) Planning a non-chronological report (PDF) Stone Age non-chronological report writing frames (PDF) Stone Age Non-chronological Report (PDF) Stone Age Retrieval Questions (PDF) Stone Age Word Mat (PDF) Subordinating Conjunctions Presentation (PPTX) Subordinating Conjunctions Display Posters (PDF) Subordinating Conjunction Worksheet (PDF) Summarising the text worksheet (PDF) Word Web Worksheets (PDF) ‘The Stone Age Boy’ Classroom Display Banner (PDF)
The Gruffalo (Year 2 English Units of Work)

The Gruffalo (Year 2 English Units of Work)

Year 2 English Lessons and Resources, Unit of Work on ‘The Gruffalo’. Based around the story by Julia Donaldson. 10 lessons with Editable Planning Documents cover Year 2 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, presentations, display vocabulary and much more. Unit Overview The children will be hooked by following a set of footprints (mouse, fox, owl, snake and Gruffalo) around the school grounds. They will locate the Gruffalo story book by Julia Donaldson. The children will then make simple predictions about the story based on the front cover. During the shared reading lessons, the children will be encouraged to recognise and join in with recurring language. The children will use images from the story to sequence and retell the story in their own words using a storyboard. The children will then prepare to wite their own version of the Gruffalo, changing the monster. They will explore the grammatical elements required to write their own story; including expanded noun phrases, asking questions and the use of apostrophe for contraction. Using their knowledge of the ‘Gruffalo’ story by Julia Donaldson, the children will then learn how to plan out their own ideas to write their own ‘Monster’ story. Lessons include planning, drafting and editing the writing of an alternative ‘Gruffalo’ story. Documents Included: Editable Planning Documents (Microsoft Word) Contraction Matching Game(PDF) Contraction Worksheets (PDF) Contraction Presentation (PPTX) Images of monsters for description (PDF) Expanded Noun Phrases Presentation (PPTX) Animal Footprints for HOOK lesson (PDF) Gruffalo Display Vocabulary (PDF) Large Gruffalo Storyboard in colour (PDF) Large Gruffalo Storyboard in Black and White (PDF) Gruffalo Word Mat (PDF) Hot Seating Masks (PDF) Planning Writing Worksheet (PDF) Question Sentence Stems Display (PDF) Recurring Language Worksheets (PDF) Gruffalo Display Banner (PDF) All images are credited to [Blossom in kinder  ]
'The Tiny Seed' Year 1 English Planning and Resources

'The Tiny Seed' Year 1 English Planning and Resources

Based around the book ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle, this 10 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 1 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, writing frames and much more.  End of unit Writing: Instruction Writing. Unit overview: In this unit, children will sort and describe seeds of different shapes and sizes. ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle will be read and unpicked through shared reading lessons. Children will begin to make simple predictions about the journey of the tiny seed. They will then use their background knowledge of seeds to decipher information from the text about what plants need to grow and the things that might prevent a seed from growing. Children will then explore the key words linked to plants and look carefully at the word meanings. The class will be encouraged to explain their understanding of this text, recording what happens to ‘The Tiny Seed’ during the different seasons.  Examples of grammar and spelling will be explored within the text, with a focus on the word endings ‘er’ and ‘est’, and using ‘and’ to join clauses. Oral instructions will then be provided for the children to follow and plant their own seed. Based on this experience, children will then plan and write their own instructions on ‘How to Plant a Seed’. Reading Objectives: Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far. Drawing on what they already know or on background information and vocabulary provided by the teacher. Discussing word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known. Explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them. Speaking and Listening Objectives: Listen and respond appropriately to adults. Grammar Objectives: Using –er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words. Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify. Joining words and joining clauses using ‘and’. Writing Objectives: Composing a sentence orally before writing it. Sequencing sentences to form short narratives. Zip file includes: Lesson Planning (10 editable lessons) (Microsoft Word Document) Draw on Background Information Worksheets (PDF) Planting Sunflowers Presentation (PPTX) ‘er’ and ‘est’ matching game (PDF) ‘er’ and ‘est’ classroom posters (PDF) ‘er’ and ‘est’ writing frame (PDF) Describing seeds hook worksheets (PDF) Joining clauses modelled task (PDF) Joining clauses with ‘and’ worksheet (PDF) Joining clauses worksheets (PDF) Make predictions worksheets (PDF) Parts of a plant display vocabulary (PDF) Plant labelling worksheet (PDF) Planting a seed instructions writing frame (PDF) Planting a seed planning sheet (PDF) The Tiny Seed classroom display banner (PDF) The Tiny Seed Seasons flipbook (PDF) Word meaning worksheet (PDF) Word meanings 2 worksheet (PDF)
KS1 Writing Reports (ability group comments)

KS1 Writing Reports (ability group comments)

SAVE HOURS OF  REPORT WRITING TIME! Fully editable KS1 Writing report comments organised into paragraphs for each child in your class. Separated into ability groupings. Simply download and edit as necessary. Written by teachers, for teachers! Comments include statements about the children’s enjoyment of writing, sentence structure, use of punctuation, reading writing to check for sense and handwriting ability. 5x A4 Microsoft word documents, 1800 words.
KS1 Maths Reports (Ability Group Comments)

KS1 Maths Reports (Ability Group Comments)

SAVE HOURS OF  REPORT WRITING TIME! Fully editable KS1 Mathematics report comments organised into paragraphs for each child in your class. Separated into ability groupings. Simply download and edit as necessary. Written by teachers, for teachers! Comments include statements about the children’s enjoyment of understanding of place value, number, shape and measures. 6x A4 Microsoft word documents, 2000 words.
General Report Comments

General Report Comments

SAVE HOURS OF REPORT WRITING TIME! Written by teachers, for teachers. Fully editable School Report General Statements. Six Microsoft Word Pages, 3600 words. 30 paragraphs. Organised into personality Traits. Organised into: Emotional Children Distracted Children Shy / Quiet Children Hard Working Children Sociable Children Special Needs Children Children lacking Concentration Talented Children