I make the majority of resources on illustrator, I do not use publisher or word as I come from a professional graphic design background. Please understand that I am unable to put up the same resources in word as the fonts would not be on all computers, and these would not be possible to make in other programmes. If you want me to change something and I have time please contact me :)
I make the majority of resources on illustrator, I do not use publisher or word as I come from a professional graphic design background. Please understand that I am unable to put up the same resources in word as the fonts would not be on all computers, and these would not be possible to make in other programmes. If you want me to change something and I have time please contact me :)
These units have been developed for a stand alone Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award in Basic Cooking Skills (QCF). The units do coinside with other BTEC qualifications, however, we use it here as a basic introduction to the kitchen, we deliver it to KS3 and Year 10 and often use the units of work to count towards their Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award in Vocational Studies (QCF). The total credits for this award are 5.
This work has been internally verified by our meticulous BTEC moderator and is good to go. It is pretty simple to complete, therefore I have not included teacher guidance.
I have left a space on the front for your aims as well as your school logo, I do not have an editable copy as the fonts I have used are not available on all computers, this would mess about with the layout when you print it out. (Also it saves as a much smaller file size if the font is in vector format rater than text).
These are units can also be found in Pearson BTEC Level 1 Certificate in General Cookery in Hospitality (QCF) AND Pearson BTEC Level 1 Certificate in General Food and Beverage in Hospitality (QCF) :
Unit 1= Unit 11
Unit 2= Unit 12
Unit 3= Unit 13
I am sure that they are in a number of other BTEC Qualifications too.
Here are a my Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural posters, they show students and staff what may be needed to cover SMSC within lessons:
Students: How have thy used SMSC in each lesson
Staff: How have you planned for SMSC
I do not have an editable version as these posters took me a long time and I drew all of the symbols from scratch. This s something OFSTED have looked at in the past few inspections I have experienced.
Hope this helps… Enjoy!
Illustrated safety rules poster can be used in practical lessons or put up in the classroom for general purpose. I was asked to print one off so I just made one :)
Here is a lesson about company Identity and Logos, the aim is to get students to identify the difference between good and ineffective design. This lesson includes a logo quiz and some questions based on logo design.
Here are 30 starter cards that I developed for pupil led starter activities, although tailored towards D&T, they can be modified for most subjects. I use these by getting a pupil to choose one at the end of a lesson, in order to deliver it for the next lesson. I also use them myself to prompt further activities/ mini plenaries in lessons.
Would be great to see how you use it, follow me on twitter: @razfromcav
Let me know what you think :)
In this unit pupils are required to make a timber frame using a mitre joint and a hinge. This booklet covers all areas of assessment for unit 14 and is worth 4 credits.
So as the curriculum does not allow assessment with levels our school use key words:
Foundation: e.g. L3-4
Secure: e.g L5-6
Developing: e.g. L6-7
Excellent: e.g. L8
Here I have broken down the KS3 Curriculum into the main focus areas:
Technical Knowledge
Cooking and Nutrition
There are posters and a modified grid available to purchase here:
This grid work best in a3 size, and should be 'printed to fit' ; in your print settings. I have used a font that is specifically designed for dyslexic children.
Would be great to see how you use it, follow me on twitter: @razfromcav
Life without levels posters, I have broken down the ares of the K33 curriculum and made each category into a poster. There is a grid which I stick into the learners books to show them where they are and what they need to do to move on.
Each poster shows how the learner can get from 'Emerging' to 'Developing' to 'Secure' then to 'Master' (I did not choose these words, this is what our school is using instead of levels). As it is hard to measure from each section of the curriculum I have put the actual statement from the curriculum and watered it down backwards (I hope this makes sense!)
Hope this works for you!
Here are some posters/ fact cards based on some famous explorers including:
Amelia Earhart
Sir Edmund Hillary
Neil Armstrong
Ernest Shackleton
Amy Johnson
These are the names of our houses, but I guess you could use them for anything…
Enjoy :)
Our school currently uses the PiXL edge initiative with a focus on LORIC (Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and communication) I have created these posters for each skill as a wall display for my classroom.
Enjoy :)
We have some children with SEN/ EAL needs, here I have taken a variety of dishes on the school menu and made them into visual aids, they also help with children who have eating disorders to plan and arrange what they will agree to eat.
Another unit for the BTEC which can also be used for the BTEC Vocational Studies (Level 1). This unit is found in group one, it is worth 4 credits. The answers for the booklet can be found in the BTEC Specification and in the card matching activity.
The card matching activity can be used for any health and safety lesson, it includes fire extinguishers, safety signs, ladder safety, hazards, statistics etc.
Hope This Helps :)
This is a baseline test that I designed for my year 7’s to give me some idea of where they are, I have included questions from each area of the national curriculum. I have not included a mark scheme however the RAG boxes at the front are there for you to mark where you think they are (below or above). Hope This helps :)
This is a resource that the English department asked me to adapt, the posters show each assessment objective broken down so that it is clear for the students to know what they need to achieve certain goals. This is taken from the new specification which our school is starting with the year 10's. We have tried to adapt it to follow the new progress 8 structure. This has been a great help for our lower achieving students so far this year. This resource includes literature and language GCSE's and spreads all of the assessment objectives across 4 posters.
A poster with the words from our students at the centre alongside the words that we should be using in schools to promote Britishness and British Values. We have it as an A3 Poster in our form rooms as well as a big display in the main hall. Please select the option print to fit when printing.
Would be great to see how you use it, follow me on twitter: @razfromcav
Something I created for my last school, this is designed for students with SEN needs to carry round with them so that teachers can see how they they work best and also give them a topic of conversation in order to build relationships, it can also help with settling students in tricky situations.
I have created a simple version of the Periodic table, This can be used as a wall display, flash cards or a booklet. Each element has its own page and then there is a corresponding chart on the last page. These are all square, to print you will need to open it through Acrobat and select the fit to page option. I have not got an editable option as I have spent a long time on it. This version if based on a 2019 version of the Periodic table.
Here are 48 plenaries I have tried to design the cards for pupils to use in order to promote student leadership in lessons. I also use them myself to promote variety in my lessons.
I cut them out and laminated them in order to produce a deck of cards pupils pick out 4 cards and deliver one of those 4 activities.
Although I have adapted these tasks for technology, many of them are generic and can be used in your own way across all subjects.
I hope you find these useful. (Apologies for the apostrophe error I will correct this if I get time)
Would be great to see how you use it, follow me on twitter: @razfromcav