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Creating and sharing history resources which are free and always will be




Creating and sharing history resources which are free and always will be
The Barons' Rebellion, King John and the Magna Carta KO

The Barons' Rebellion, King John and the Magna Carta KO

KO to completement Edexcel’s GCSE course, the Reigns of Richard and John which covers the plot of 1212, the reasons the Barons felt resentment, the support for King John and the Barons, the Barons aims, the main events of the rebellion and the Magna Carta. Recommend A4 print for revision and A3 for detailed notes.
Build-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis Cold War Knowledge Organiser

Build-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis Cold War Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 2.2,Cuban Missile Crisis of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 Covers Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the Cuban revolution, consequences of the revolution, why America was so concerned by the revolution, their plan of action, the Bay of Pigs incident, why it failed and what the impact was for the USA and USSR. The piggy bank represents JFK
Russia Industrial Economy Under Stalin 1928-1941 KO

Russia Industrial Economy Under Stalin 1928-1941 KO

Knowledge organiser to complement the AQA A level Depth 2N Course - Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia 1917-1953 Matches chaper 14 of the Oxford AQA approved textbook Covers industry in the 30s including: Gosplan The aims and outcomes of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd five-year-plans The Nazi threat to the USSR New industrial projects: Dnieprostroi Dam, the Turksib, Moscow Metro, Moscow-Volga canal, Magnitogorsk and Komsomolsk The use of foreigners Stakhanovites Managers Workers Convict labour Advise to print A3 for detailed notes and A4 for quick revision
The German Revolution Knowledge Organiser

The German Revolution Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser to complement the Germany Revolution for topic 1.1 of the Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939. Knowledge Organiser covers The legacy of the First World War, The German Revolution, The Abdication of the Kaiser, The Declaration of a Republic, The Council of the People’s Representatives, The Armistice, Setting up the Weimar Republic, The Social Democrats, The Spartacists and The Freikorps. Advise print A3 for notes and A4 for revision
Attempts to Reduce Tension Between East and West, 1969-79 Knowledge Organiser

Attempts to Reduce Tension Between East and West, 1969-79 Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 3.1, Attempts to Reduce Tension Between East and West, 1969-79 of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 Includes an overview of Detente, why the USA and Soviet Union supported detente, the transfer of the US presidency from Nixon, Ford and Carter. Also covers SALT 1, the Helsinki Accords and SALT 2. The phone is Nixon (because of the phone tapping in the Watergate scandal), the wallet if Ford (because the economic crisis experienced in his presidency) and the U-turn is Carter (because of his soft policies towards the soviets). The heart represents Brezhnev (because he dies of a heart attack). The other icons are illustrative.
Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan & Cominform, Comecon Knowledge Organiser

Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan & Cominform, Comecon Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 1.2, The Development of the Cold War of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 Covers the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and Cominform and Comecon. The shooting star is Truman, type writer represents the telegrams, satellite is the satellite states. The rest are mostly visual prompts.
Cold War Early Tensions, Grand Alliance and Conferences Knowledge Organiser

Cold War Early Tensions, Grand Alliance and Conferences Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 1.1, Early Tensions Between East and West of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 Covers the difference between communism and capitalism, the original Grand alliance, the successes and failures of the Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences The moustache is Stalin, the dog is Churchill, the lone star is Roosevelt but the shooting star is Truman, the tie is Attlee
Nazi-Soviet Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Carrot or Stick Colour Code

Nazi-Soviet Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Carrot or Stick Colour Code

Colour Code to complement Topic 20: Stalin and International Relations of the AQA Depth Study Option 2N - Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia 1917-53. Advise to print 2 per A4 page Student to colour code into 4 categories: Push (stick) factors for Stalin Pull (carrot) factors for Stalin Push (stick) factors for Hitler Pull (carrot) factors for Hitler Students use to make a judgement about who benefitted more from the pact. Nazi-Soviet Pact Knowledge Organiser available with space to consolidate this colour code
Cold War The Arms Race Knowledge Organiser

Cold War The Arms Race Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 1.3, The Cold War Intensifies of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 Covers conventional weapons, the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs, ICBMs, nuclear weapons as a threat or a deterrent, the Korean War, President Eisenhower, the death of Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev. The eye is President Eisenhower and the hammer is Khrushchev. The rest are mostly visual prompts.
The 1956 Hungarian Uprising The Cold War

The 1956 Hungarian Uprising The Cold War

Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 1.3, The Cold War Intensifies of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 Covers key chronology and events of the Hungarian Uprising. Focus on the Secret Speech, comparison of Rakosi and Nagy, Khrushchev’s reaction, Nagy’s trial and execution, the international response and the impact on the control of Hungary by the USSR The Hammer is Khrushchev. The rest are mostly visual prompts.
High Stalinism Word Gap

High Stalinism Word Gap

Word Gap on Stalin’s totalitarian dictatorship - covering his position after the Great Patriotic War, his paranoid, touching on the Leningrad Affair, the renewed terror of the NKVD and the leadership power struggle after Stalin’s death in March 1953.