This is a planning sequence for The House Held up by Trees by Ted Kooser, illustrated by Jon Klassen. These slides are made by following the planning from the Literacy Tree website. It is advisable to have this planning to fully understand the context of the slides. Children explore the themes of the narrative and produce descriptive non-fiction writing in different forms such as writing the life-cycle of seeds, seed packets, estate agents and newspaper reports. The objectives covered are:
To write instructions;
To create noun phrases;
To create adverts from adjectives;
To use conjunctions;
To sequence events;
To use co-ordinating conjunctions;
To write in the present tense.
Included are detailed Smart Notebook slides with objectives, detailed learning, task and plenary. Lesson notes provided for some of the slides so you know the thought process behind the slides and to model the writing task. Also included are resources/worksheets where necessary although there is an expectation that children should write straight into their books. SEND resources are included to enable them to record in their books, for example sentence starters/writing frame.
This is a sequence of lessons for the year 2 science unit Animals Including Humans. Included are detailed Smart Notebook slides along with a unit overview and differentiated resources for all lessons. Extension activities are also provided for some lessons. The lesson objectives are:
To find out about the offspring of a variety of different animals.
To find out about the different ways in which animals reproduce.
To explore how humans grow as they get older.
To find out what animals, including humans, need to survive.
To explore the environment as a factor of survival for animals, including humans.
To find out how to eat a healthy, balanced diet.
To find out why exercise is
important to keep our bodies healthy.
I have included differentiated worksheets for all lessons but I have also included, for some lessons, an alternative if you prefer not to have everything worksheet based.