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Ltjoboyle's Shop

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Having originally entered into teaching through Teach First, which I completed in a challenging London Borough with a personal grading of Outstanding, I have since worked as a KS3 coordinator and am now a Second in Department (History and Government & Politics) at a leading international school. Every resource I share has been taught in my own classroom. I don't advocate them as the finished pieces, but I strive for innovation and welcome feedback to continue to improve my own practice!




Having originally entered into teaching through Teach First, which I completed in a challenging London Borough with a personal grading of Outstanding, I have since worked as a KS3 coordinator and am now a Second in Department (History and Government & Politics) at a leading international school. Every resource I share has been taught in my own classroom. I don't advocate them as the finished pieces, but I strive for innovation and welcome feedback to continue to improve my own practice!
Causes of WW1 - lesson 6 (The arms race)

Causes of WW1 - lesson 6 (The arms race)

The sixth lesson in a unit of work looking at the causes of WWI. This lesson provides a detailed analysis of the various qualities of the different weapons, vehicles and national armies. This is initially engaged with through a card game (rules - students select an attribute without first stating their score. They then compare attributes of the different cards, with the winner taking the other players card(s) and then going first on the next round. Continue until there is a winner), with the justification for some of these scores given in the notes of the relevant slide. The rest of the lesson then provides an overview of how this militarism changes over time, before finally concluding in a writing task. Scaffolding is provided for analysing causality.
Crime & Punishment: The medieval period

Crime & Punishment: The medieval period

Two lessons are provided on crime and punishment in the medieval period. Each lesson comes with a suitable word resource to provide additional content and structure learning. This is a continuation of the Crime & Punishment unit. The previous lessons (introduction & the Roman period) are already uploaded. For stretch and challenge: encourage students to develop their understanding of change and continuity through branching the medieval period into the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods.
The Causes of World War I

The Causes of World War I

6 Resources
A bundle of lessons looking at the causes of World War I. These can build towards an assessment question: ’ To what extent was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand the main cause of World War I?’ Lesson 3 within this unit is provided free on its own sale page.
Medicine Through Time: Francis Bacon and scientific theory

Medicine Through Time: Francis Bacon and scientific theory

A GCSE-standard lesson for a Medicine Through Time course, looking at the role of Francis Bacon and the impact of the Baconian method. The lesson also provides an early insight into deductive vs. inductive reasoning, as well as scaffolds student thinking on the second order concept of cause & consequence. The lesson concludes with an extended writing task that draws upon scaffolding for both paragraph structure as well as the need to incorporate effective use of criteria (necessary for the GCSE examinations).
Lancastrian depth study 1: Henry IV's survival (final lesson)

Lancastrian depth study 1: Henry IV's survival (final lesson)

The eighth lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII: Flipped learning resource 1

Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII: Flipped learning resource 1

This is a resource designed to accompany the first few lessons of depth study 1 for the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399-1590’ course. It is designed to accompany a purchase of the Pearson textbook for the course by Dr Helen Carrel. This resource aligns to the first three lessons of depth study 1 that I have uploaded to TES.
Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII: Flipped learning resource 2

Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII: Flipped learning resource 2

This is a resource designed to accompany the next phase of lessons of depth study 1 for the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399-1590’ course. It is designed to accompany a purchase of the Pearson textbook for the course by Dr Helen Carrel. This resource aligns to lessons 4-8 of depth study 1 that I have uploaded to TES. The workbook contains an array of pre-thinking tasks, comprehension activities and practice assessment questions.
Lancastrian depth study 1: The rise of Bolingbroke

Lancastrian depth study 1: The rise of Bolingbroke

The third lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrian depth study 1: The failings of Richard

Lancastrian depth study 1: The failings of Richard

The second lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrian depth study 1: The first stirrings of revolt

Lancastrian depth study 1: The first stirrings of revolt

The fifth lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrian depth study 1: Henry in 1399

Lancastrian depth study 1: Henry in 1399

The fourth lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrian depth study 1: A throne stolen

Lancastrian depth study 1: A throne stolen

The first lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrian depth study 1: Glyndwr and Hotspur

Lancastrian depth study 1: Glyndwr and Hotspur

The sixth lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES.
Lancastrian depth study 1: Scotland and France

Lancastrian depth study 1: Scotland and France

The seventh lesson for the first depth study on the ‘Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII’ A-level course for Edexcel. The lesson provides comprehensive coverage of the course content, as well as going beyond the specification to provide stretch for high-attaining students. It is strongly encouraged that this resource is used in conjunction with the flipped learning workbooks also uploaded to TES. This lesson expects that students already know the content regarding Henry IV’s invasion of Scotland and Scrope’s rebellion. This will have occurred through flipped learning. The PowerPoint is directive for learning, rather than a content repository.