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History and humanities resources.
Sociology Lesson on Modern Moral Panics aimed at 16+ could be adapted for GCSE Sociology

Sociology Lesson on Modern Moral Panics aimed at 16+ could be adapted for GCSE Sociology

Powerpoint and worksheet that looks at moral panics. The lesson introduces the key concepts such as moral panic, folk devils, and deviancy amplification. It introduces the work of Stan Cohen, with a section of the lesson focusing on the mods and rockers. There is an article task that focuses on how the clashes between the mods and rockers took place. Students will be asked to read a section and take notes on it. From there the lesson looks at examples of moral panics from recent years. The lesson ends with the students creating a newspaper front page using all of the concepts that were introduced, and a chosen moral panic. This resource was used over several lessons.
A-Level GCSE Criminology lesson on Fear and Fascination of Crime

A-Level GCSE Criminology lesson on Fear and Fascination of Crime

Resource that looks at the fear and fascination of crime. The slides cover Stan Cohen’s ‘moral panic’ theory. The resource looks deviancy amplification, with examples. There is a carousel task that looks at the different theories of the role of the media and crime. This was done in one lesson but could easily be adapted to cover several.
Moral Panic Sociology Lesson aimed at 16+. Could be adapted for GCSE Sociology.

Moral Panic Sociology Lesson aimed at 16+. Could be adapted for GCSE Sociology.

Sociology looking at historical moral panics. The lesson introduces the topic of moral panics, there is then a video for students to watch and take notes during. The main activity is a carousel task in which students record details about different historical moral panics. Students then consolidate their knowledge into a poster, detailing one of the moral panics they have looked at.