Our team creates a diverse range of high-quality educational resources tailored to students' needs. Specialising in materials for the 11 plus exam, our platform offers a wide range selection of study revision notes, practice papers, and learning materials.
Our team creates a diverse range of high-quality educational resources tailored to students' needs. Specialising in materials for the 11 plus exam, our platform offers a wide range selection of study revision notes, practice papers, and learning materials.
A beginner-friendly guide to HTML, designed for KS3 to GCSE Computer Science students. This handout introduces web development from scratch, assuming no prior knowledge. With step-by-step tutorials, engaging examples, and clear explanations, it’s the perfect resource for students to learn HTML fundamentals and build their first web pages. Ideal for classroom use or self-study.
Introduction to HTML
Basic Structure of an HTML Document
HTML Document Layout
Essential Tags: <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>
First Webpage: “Hello, World!”
3. Working with Text
Headings and Paragraphs
Line Breaks and Horizontal Lines
Basic Text Formatting: Bold, Italics, and Underline
4. Adding Links and Images
Creating Hyperlinks with <a>
Adding Images with <img>
Using Alt Text for Accessibility
5. Lists in HTML
Ordered and Unordered Lists
Nesting Lists
6. Tables for Organizing Data
Table Structure: <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td>
Creating a Simple Table
Styling Tables with Borders and Width
7. Introduction to CSS Styling
Inline, Internal, and External CSS
Basic CSS Selectors: Elements, Classes, and IDs
Styling Text and Backgrounds
8. Layout and Structure with Divs and Spans
Grouping Content with <div> and <span>
Applying CSS to Divs and Spans
9. HTML5 Semantic Elements
Header, Footer, Section, Article, and Aside
Organizing Content with Semantic Tags
10. Building a Simple Web Page Project
Project Overview: Personal Web Page
Step-by-Step Guide
Adding Basic CSS for Style
11. Debugging HTML and CSS
Common Errors in HTML
Troubleshooting CSS
Using Developer Tools
12. Resources for Practice
Online HTML Editors and Practice Sites
Further Learning Resources
Covers every single point in depth on the AQA GCSE Computer Science Specification
Includes** exam practice questions** and model grade 9 answers
Subject content
3.1 Fundamentals of algorithms
3.2 Programming
3.3 Fundamentals of data representation
3.4 Computer systems
3.5 Fundamentals of computer networks
3.6 Cyber security
3.7 Relational databases and structured query language
3.8 Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy
Revision Guide
GCSE Computer Science
A great handout for students, or a revision tool. Teaches from scratch assuming no previous knowledge
Introduction to Python Programming
Writing Your First Program: “Hello, World!”
2. Basic Concepts in Python
Variables and Data Types (Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans)
Simple Mathematical Operations
Using Input and Output Functions
3. Control Flow with Conditionals
If Statements and Logical Conditions
Comparison Operators
Combining Conditions with and, or, and not
4. Working with Loops
The for Loop and while Loop
Loop Control Statements: break and continue
Using Loops for Basic Problem Solving
5. Functions in Python
Defining and Calling Functions
Parameters, Return Values, and Scope
Practical Examples of Functions
6. Data Structures in Python
Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
Basic List Operations and Methods
Using Dictionaries for Key-Value Pairs
7. Working with Strings
String Methods and Manipulation
Formatting Strings
Practical String Operations
8. File Handling
Reading and Writing to Files
Working with Different File Types (Text, CSV, JSON)
Handling File Exceptions
9. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Understanding Classes and Objects
Creating and Using Simple Classes
Basic Concepts of Inheritance and Encapsulation
10. Error Handling and Debugging
Common Python Errors
Using try, except, and finally
Tips for Effective Debugging
11. Project Walkthroughs
Building a Simple Calculator
Creating a Number Guessing Game
Developing a To-Do List Program
12. Resources for Practice and Further Learning
Recommended Practice Sites
Additional Reading and Tutorials
Ideas for Python Projects