Hero image




Me presento

Me presento

Introduction, Spanish-speaking countries. Thank you LidiaDavies (I used your images for the presentation). I modified it and add more countries like Guinea Ecuatorial and Bolivia. And my Year 6 enjoyed the presentation.


A PPT presentation about routines, healthy food, verbs and access to genially presentation. https://view.genial.ly/60758e7cd4b60e0df6a962eb/presentation-comemos-sano
Angle measurement

Angle measurement

Interactive questions about angles measurement on Genially. https://view.genial.ly/606b55bd16ccd40cb2022507/interactive-content-angles-mesurement
Escape room to revise verbs. Includes link to interactive genially presentation

Escape room to revise verbs. Includes link to interactive genially presentation

A fantastic escape room to revise different topics using the magic world of Harry Potter, Verbs, nouns, rutines. PDF, presentation. With link to a genially interactive Escape room. My students love it so much.I’ve put together a summary of different activities that can be useful for remote learning. if you leave a feedback. You can have the genially reusable to adapt it.¡Enjoy! https://view.genial.ly/5ffb4d6c3351a80d8b6a07ca/interactive-content-harry-potter-escape-room
Letters with activities

Letters with activities

During the home teaching learning period I send so many letters to my students with different activities. I hope you may find them useful.
Activities for revision

Activities for revision

Letters (PDF) with links to different activities to reinforce and revise vocabulary (Introductions, house chores, parts of the house.
Storytelling questions

Storytelling questions

A very interesting to learn different characters and names of storytellings in Spanish. Here you have an interactive presentation. https://view.genial.ly/606c42e56390930d6e12ab7c/game-pasapalabra-cuentos-y-personajes-castellano
EL Alfabeto Español/ Spanish alphabet

EL Alfabeto Español/ Spanish alphabet

This is word document with the pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet. Students will be able to spell their names, surnames, and address. Very simple but effective way for them to practise their speaking.
Las partes del cuerpo/body parts

Las partes del cuerpo/body parts

This is an introduction of the vocabulary, includes activities to reinforce the new words and has a Spanish culture activity as the song body parts is in Salsa style. Salsa has its origin in Cuba, a Spanish speaking country.
Mi casa, My home.

Mi casa, My home.

This pdf presentation has different activities to talk about my town, my house, parts of the house. Includes writing examples.