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Greek Myths & The Odyssey Booklet
Greek Myths & The Odyssey Booklet perfect for Y7 but could also be used with older years but lower ability groups. The 24-page booklet with coloured pictures offers a collection of fundamental Greek myths about creation and the main gods but heavily based on episodes from ‘The Odyssey’. Could be an ideal tool to introduce young students to the universe of Greek mythology that could be later exploited in a subsequent learning unit centered on Heroes.

Who is Inspector Goole?
A 23-slide presentation with Priestley’s insight into who Inspecor Goole is and the theme of eternal recurrence explaining the second inspector. The resource also offers social and political context, some of the author’s biographical data relevant to the understanding of the play as well as some elements of literary theory. The resource is a useful tool for both teaching and revising.

Mr Birling
A 15-slide presentation of Mr Birling with key quotes. The resource offers support in understanding the character’s link to the theme of Responsibility. It can be used both in teaching and revising activities.

Mrs Birling
A 10-slide presentation of Mrs Birling. The resource is useful in understanding Mrs Birling’s importance in the play and her link to Responsibility. It can be used both for teaching and revising.

The Phantom - Introduction A3 worksheet
An A3 worksheet on the introduction of the Ghost-of-Christmas-Yet-to-Come with 6 questions focusing on the language and symbolism used to describe the ghost. It could be used for Y9 or lower level KS4 students whe teaching or revising Stave Four of ‘A Christmas Carol’.

Animal Farm - Themes
A 25-slide PPT introducing the main themes along with relevant quotes and some analysis. The penultimate slide also shows the real historic figures that inspired the main characters.

Brush up on your SPAG: The Apostrophe
The PowerPoint revises the 2 main uses of the apostrophe. The slides clearly state the rule, give examples and offer a chance to practise. A clear, simple, and efficient tool to refresh the basic knowledge about the use of apostrophe. It can be either used in a SPAG dedicated lesson or as a starter activity to quickly engaged the students.

SPAG Series: The Comma, The Apostrophe, and the Colon
The series of 3 PowerPoints (26 slides in total) clearly reminds the main uses of the comma, the apostrophe, and the colon. It is a direct and efficient tool to get the students engaged. The slides show the rules, give examples and offer a chance to practise. The resource can be used together or separately.

Brush up on your SPAG: The Colon
The PowerPoint revises the 2 main uses of the colon. The slides clearly state the rule, give examples and offer a chance to practise. A clear, simple, and efficient tool to refresh the basic knowledge about the use of the colon. It can be either used in a SPAG dedicated lesson or as a starter activity to quickly engage the students.

Sheila Birling
A 10-slide presentation of Sheila and her journey towards accepting responsibility for her actions. The resource offers key quotes and can be used for both teaching and revising.

Brush up on your SPAG: The Comma
The PowerPoint clearly reminds the main 4 uses of the comma. It is a direct and efficient tool to get the students engaged. The slides show the rules, give examples and offer a chance to practise. The resource can be used as a starter or as a part of a SPAG lesson.

Language Paper 1 Level 4 answers for Q2-5 and the Insert for the so-called 'Brighton' Paper
Two Level 4 answers for Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 of the Language Paper 1. The model answers are based on the so-called ‘Brighton’ paper as the Insert is about a character in Brighton.

Character map in 'An Inspector Calls'
A 13-slide presentation of how characters revolve around Eva Smith/Daisy Renton. The resource can be used for both teaching and revising.

The SPAG Series contains 26 slides useful to teach/revise the comma, the apostrophe, and the colon. As a FREE BONUS, I added a collection of Level 4 answers for Language Paper 1, questions 2-5. All 8 model answers are based on the Brighton text. These resources separately would cost £4 and £3 respectively. This bundle gives you a 43% discount. If you like the resources, please do not forget to leave a review.

'AIC' Bundle + FREE BONUS - Arthur, Sybil, Sheila and The Inspector
This bundle joins 5 different resources (67 slides in total) which bought individually would amount to £15. The bundle, which can be used both for teaching and revision, now comes with a 66% New Year discount. As a FREE BONUS, I added the SPAG Series which teaches/revises the comma, the apostrophe, and the colon (26 slides in total). This resource is sold individually for £4 but it is yours as a gift. If you like the resources, please don’t forget to give a review.

Lady Macbeth - Manipulative in Act 1 Scene 7
Two PPTs (an 8-slide and a 10-slide) covering two lessons on words/phrases and tactics used by Lady Macbeth to manipulate her husband into regicide.

Descriptive task based on a photo
The worksheet provides students with a photo and success criteria (focusing on zooming in) in order for them to write a descriptive piece based on a photo of the 9/11 events. It may be used as an exit ticket-type of activity after teaching some descriptive writing techniques.

Bayonet Charge double lesson
A 31-slide PPT containing the first 2 lessons on the poem. There is context, maps, propaganda posters and stanza annotations.

Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases
An 8-slide PPT revising the basics plus 2 worksheets that could work as a warm up or retrieval.