I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E.
I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need.
I produce video resources here:
I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E.
I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need.
I produce video resources here:
This pack contains one 20-slide PowerPoint presentation, one booklet (to be completed by students; the booklet also contains several consolidation activities) and a starter task
Starter/Re-cap/revisiting activity - definitions of religion
For each of the four groups listed above there are 2-3 slides for each.
The slides cover key arguments, contain graphs and statistics to support points, key terms are highlighted and theorists are cited.
Consolidation activity - students to read one of four articles that cover each of the groups studied in the lesson. Each student annotated, draws out quotes and key arguments and then contributes to a group ‘wiki’ page. The ‘wiki’ page can be created in Teams, or it can be created on paper, shared with the teacher and then scanned in to one comprehensive revision resource.
This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces MARXISM, and an accompanying booklet.
The pack also contains a a consolidation test to test student knowledge at the end of the session.
The lessons introduces students to:
Definition of Marxism
Marxism as a Conflict/Structural Theory
How Marxism differs from Functionalism
Tasks that explore the characteristics of the Proletariat / Bourgeois
Discussion of the Super-structure
Plenary/Consoldiation quiz - handout and responses provided
There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
This is a comprenhsive and detailed look at the MARXIST view of Education.
All resources are colourful, supported with image and video resources and are engaging for year 12 and 13 students. They offer lots of discussion points.
This pack contains
34-slide PowerPoint presentation (one formatted for for PC and one for Mac)
Student booklet to accompany lessons
Sample response
Mark scheme
Assessment materials
Built in assessment
Re-cap The Function of education
Overview of Marxist view of education
Two class system
Class conflict
Video examples of class conflict to foster discussion and debate
Marxist view - compare to Functionalist view
The Myth of Meritocracy
Louis Althusser
Ideological State Apparatus
Education reproduces, legitimates inequality
Bowles and Ginit
Producing the next generation of labour power
The Correspondence Principal
Paul Willis - Learning to Labour
Plenary and assessment activities included.
Built in assessment, planning, writing and marking exercises.
This resource pack is comprehensive.
This pack contains:
75-slide PowerPoint lesson that covers:
How to answer 4, 6, 10, 20, 30 mark questions on Paper 1 (AQA Sociology)
Each section contains:
a collection of past paper questions
Guide to structure for each question
Exemplar responses - some broken down in to smaller sections to demonstrate how to apply the structures
Planning and writing tasks for each of the question types
All relevant handouts and additional resources are also included.
Please look at the screenshots attached so you can see what type of content is covered.
This pack contains TWO lessons that cover CRIME & DEVIANCE: GENDER
Each lesson comes with accompanying student booklet that can be filled in during the lesson as you teach
Lesson 1 is a 33-slide PowerPoint that covers:
Starter Task - Gender and Crime
Students given time to discuss and feedback their intial views of Crime and gender
Starting points - general differences between men, women and their realtionship with crime
Gender Patterns in Crime [general statistics]
Do Women Commit Less Crime?
Chivalry test
Evidence for the Chivalry Thesis
Evidence against the Chivalry Thesis
Self-report questionnaire - example and task/activity
Bias Against Women
Feminist Rejection of Chivalry Thesis
Issue developed and discussed with students
Quotes and views of prominent men in positions of power are provided to inspire discussion amongst students
Explaining Female Crime
Sex Role Theory
Patriarchal Control Theory
Control at home
Control at Work
Control in Public
Liberation Theory
Carlen: Class and Gender Deals
The Class Deal
The Gender Deal
Evaluation of arguements covered in this PowerPoint
Lesson 2 is a 24-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers:
Liberation Thesis
Alder [75]
Development of Alder's ideas
Case Study: Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos
Critiques of Liberation Thesis
Women and Violent Crime
Hand and Dodd
Rise of arrests for female violence
‘Widening the net’
Rise of Ladettes
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Gender and Victimisation
Key statistics: Homicide Victims, Victims of Violence
Why do Women Commit Crime?
Student discussion
Hegemonic Masculinity
Subordinated Masculinities
White middle class man
White working class men
Black working class men
Critiques of Messerschmidt
Winlow: Postmodernity, Masculinity and Crime
Globalisation and DeIndustrialisation
Topic Summary
Consolidation / assessment quiz
Questions and answers provided
This pack contains TWO Lesson
Lesson1 - Religious Organisation and NRMs - accompanied by a 28 page booklet
Lesson 2 - The Growth of NRMs - just the PowerPoint
Lesson 2 - The Growth of NRMs is FREE - the lesson is an older version and does not have a booklet. However, the content is great and the lesson is of a high standard.
**Lesson 1 covers:
Starter / session 1 -
Students are given an New Religious Movement - they then are to work in small groups to research the NRM in preparation for class presentations. - you are free to adapt and use this task as you see fit.
ERNST TROELTSCH ‘Sects and Churches’
Richard Neibuhr Denominations and Cults
Each type of religious organisation is then explored in more detail:
Case study: The People’s Temple
Case study data included in PP
NRMS / New Religious Movements
World Rejecting
World Accomidating
World Affirming
Evaluation of Wallis’ perspective
Stark and Bainbrigde- Cults and Sects
Definitions provided for CULT / Sect, and examples
Audience Cults
Client Cults
Cultic Movements - Scientology mini-case study
The lesson / booklet contain several consolidation and revision activities.
There is a 10-mark assessment attached to this PowerPoint/content that teachers can set as an in-class or homework assignment.
Lesson 2 - Growth of NRMS covers:
Relative Deprivation
Social Change
The Dynamics of NRMS / How they Grow
The Protestant effect
Death of the leader
Stark / Bainbridge - The Sectarian Cycle
Initial Fervour
Further Schism
Conversionist Sect
Adventist Sect
Heelas - New Age & Modernity
source of Identity
Sense of certainty in a time of anomie
This pack contains a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation and accompanying student booklet
This lesson is designed to be student led and contains a student presentation task - the price of this pack reflects this
Students to discuss attitudes towards crime, punishment, government policy
REALISM - definition expanded upon
Define, examples and short video summarising Charles Murray's perspective
Define, examples and a short video
Presentation tasks
Each group will produce a poster presentation on one of the following:
This pack contains a detailed 37-page Power Point presentation, one student handout, one ‘answer booklet’ for mini assessments.
**This is a very detailed and focused session that will enable students to address both context, technical analysis and aesthetics of SkyFall **
The lesson covers:
Re-cap of exam, example questions discussed, special focus: Aesthetics introduction
**- Starter 1 **- Key terms task
Starter 2 - Questions about Bond/Skyfall - students encourage to draw out central themes that will later be linked to aesthetic choices
Answering Questions 1 a, b,c,
- Scene analysis
- Student analysis activity
- detailed feedback slides
- sample paragraphs and review of sample
Question D - breakdown of question / key terms
Case study - discussion of Aesthetics using German Expressionism and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Question C - use of colour juxtapositions and how colour is used to convey meaning i.e.
Use of framing to position Bond centrally - detailed scene analysis, clear links to meaning and context
Mirrors/Reflections/Doubles - detailed analysis of the use of Doubles/mirrors in the film - links to the film’s central themes discussed and reinforced.
Content from session is used to plan, write and review answers to the questions posed at the start of the session.
The lesson contains sample paragraphs and an essay plan
This pack contains:
1 PowerPoint Quiz - 31 questions [and answers]
1 - picture round - 20 questions
1 - student handout to record answers/scores
All resources are editable**
This is a fun way to end the term!
This pack contains SEVEN lessons that cover DISTRICT 9.
All lessons have been planned using exam board past papers, guidance and additional materials. Each lesson focuses on a specific element of the course and builds towards an assessment based upon previous exam papers/questions.
The lessons included all come with accompanying handouts and additional resources:
Lesson 1 -Intro to Science Fiction Genre and Screening tasks
Lesson 2 - Character Types - The Hero’s Journey applied to Wikus
Lesson 3 - Cinematography of District 9
Lesson 4 - Representation & Context: Apartheid
Lesson 5 - Mise-en-scene of District 9
Lesson 6- Narrative of District 9
Lesson 7 - Sound of mise-en-scene
This pack contains a 39 slide PowerPoint and a student booklet.
The lesson covers:
Starter task - student perceptions of ethnicity in education
Overview of Internal and External factors
Tony Sewel - Fathers, Gangs, Culture
Asian Families; Asian work ethnic, resistance to racism
White Working Class Families
Critiques of Cultural Deprivation theory
Material Deprivation and Class
Racism in Wider Society
Case study: racism in wider society
Documentary analysis: David Harwood’s “Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minister?”
**This pack is designed for the AQA Paper 1 - Education, Theories, Methods Paper.
This pack contains a 54 slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following:**
*** Slides 1 - 11 -** Break down of the exam, types of questions students will face and discussion of marks awarded for each question
Slide 12 - PEEEL - how to structure answers to 10 mark questions
*** Slides 14 - 19 -** How to plan and write a ten mark response to the question: **
Outline and explain two ETHICAL problems faced by sociologists using laboratory experiments**
Slides 21 - 23 break down of another 10 mark question RESEARCH METHODS question (unstructured interviews)
Slides 25 - 28 - break down of another 10 marks question RESEARCH METHODS non-Participant Obervations
SLIDES 35 - 54: How to answer 20 mark questions
**20 mark Research Methods question: **
Applying material from ITEM A and your knowledge, evaluate how far different factors may affect sociologists’ choice of research methods [20 marks]
**20 mark Research Methods in Context question: **
Applying material from ITEM B and your knowledge of research methods, evaluate the strengths and limitations of using written questionnaires to investigate working-class educational achievement. [20 marks]
Both 20 mark questions have slides that explain:
how to read and interpret the item
structure of 20 mark responses
Exemplar responses
** The pack also contains a 20 page booklet containing 10 exemplar 10-mark questions (with P.E.E.E.L planning activities for each question.)
The booklet also contains 10 20-mark questions with space for essay planning.
** An additional booklet is also attached - this booklet contains a sample response with assessment notes for the questio**n
Applying material from ITEM B and your knowledge of research methods, evaluate the strengths and limitations of using written questionnaires to investigate working-class educational achievement. [20 marks]
**The additional booklet also contains 2 additional RESEARCH METHODS IN CONTEXT questions with planning a tasks. **
This pack contains a 56-slide PowerPoint and accompanying 25-page student booklet
The pack also contains a 2-page condensed overview of this topic - great exam planning resource!
This lesson covers:
Starter task - questions design to engage debate and dicussion of the topic
Starter task 2 - video short videos that lay out arguments explaining ethnic differences in crime (Akala, Secret Policeman: Racism in the Police)
Ethnicity and Crime
- Victim surveys
types of data produced / limitations
Self-Report Studies
types of data produced / limitations
- Intra-ethnic crimes
Evaluation of both Self Report / Victim surveys
Ethnicity , Racism and the Justice System
Reading tasks - students read short paragraphs and make notes on issues within the Criminal Justice System:
Stop and Search
Arrests and Cautions
Prosecution and Trials
Convictions and Sentencing
Explaining the differences in Offending
Overview of differneces in ethnic offending
Left Realist view
Relative Deprivation
Critiques of Left Realist View
Neo-Marxist view:
Paul Willis, Paul Gilroy
Gilory - Crimes of Resistance / criminalisation of certain crimes
Stuart Hall - Policing the Crisis
Failure of British Capitalism in the 1970s - ruling class response and criminalisation of certain groups
MOral Panics
Evaluation and critique of Hall's ideas
More Recent Approaches
Ethnicity and Victimisation
Racial victimisation
Case study: Stephen Lawrence
Case study: Anthony Walker
Detail of statistics that show racial victimisation is a significant issues in Britain
30-mark assessment question
The booklet contains gapped sections, note taking and other activities.
There is space in the handout for the assessment; planning activity, copy of moderators report for this question.
This pack contains a 28-slide PowerPoint presentation and an accompanying 18-page student booklet.
The lesson covers:
Starter - Strain Theory - RE-CAP [this is an option part of the lesson]
Structural vs. Cultural factors
Albert Cohen
What is a ‘sub culture’
Status Frustration
Evaluation of Strain Theory
Illegitimate Opportunity Structures
Cloward & Ohlin
Criminal subcultures
Conflict subcultures
Retreatist subcultures
Case study: The Chicago School
Reading / comprehension task
terms covered by this task: Cultural transition theory, Differential associated theory, Social disorganisation theory
Evaluation / critiques of Illegitimate Opportunity Structures
Walter B. Miller - SIX Focal Concerns
Each of the six are defined and feed in to a student task:
Task - watch the music video for '*Ill Manors = Plan B* an d read the lyrics -
students are to identify how the song addresses the focal concerns, and expresses the frusrations felt by working class groups, and why this frustration will lead to crime e.g.
"Who closed down the community centre, I used to be a member, I used to kill time there, what will I do now till September? Schools out, rules out, get your bl**dy tools out"
I found this task to be very useful as it is contemporary, British and speaks to all of the issues raised by Miller et al.
This task can be cut out of the lesson if not needed. **
David Matza - Delinquency and Drift
Mesner & Rosenfeld - Illegitimate Opportunity Structures
Short reading/comphrension task on Illegitimate Opportunity Structures
4 and 6 mark questions for students to plan and write responses to.
Mark scheme / sample answer information provided to help students understand the expected outcomes of these types of questions
The booklet contains additional assessment and revision materials
This pack contains a 20-question multiple choice quiz that will test your students knowledge and understanding of RESEARCH METHODS
The quiz is perfect for a Starter Task/Plenary when you reach the end of the RESEARCH METHODS module
This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces FEMINISM, and an accompanying booklet.
The lessons introduces students to:
Definition of Feminism
Class discussion: what do students already know? What is their understanding of feminism?
Discussion and definition of Patriarchy
Feminism as a Structural/Conflict theory
Brief history of Feminism - tasks included
“Good Wife Guide”
Equal Pay Act
Contraceptive pill
Feminism in the 70s, 80s
Women in the media
Bechdel Test
Plenary: task and discussion
There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces FUNCATIONALISM, and an accompanying booklet.
The pack also contains a a consolidation test to test student knowledge at the end of the session.
The lessons introduces students to:
Introduction to Social Institutions
What is a ‘theory’?
Definition of ‘structural theories’
Definition of Conflict and Consensus theories
definition - Structural/Consensus theory
Social Cohesion
Social Control
The Organic Analogy
Tasks based around the above topics
Consolidation quiz with answers provided.
There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
These English G.C.S.E. resources have been designed for the AQA speciation.
This PAPER 1 SECTION A session follows this format:
1 – Starter tasks: VOCAB expansion: learning, defining, and finding synonyms for new words
2 – SPAG Focus: Parts of speech: nouns and prepositions
3 – Text: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson
4 – Questions 1,2,3 and 4 are broken down and simplified.
5 – The text is explored, analysed, evaluated using each of the four questions
6- Assessment activities
7 – Plenary activities
Each lesson is accompanied by a work-booklet and additional handouts for the SPAG activities.
This pack contains TWO lessons.
Lesson 1 - Social Context:
Intro to film and module
Review of past paper questions - these are used to structure the entire session and all students will be able to answer the questions by the end of the session
Film’s genre and director/stars
Social Context - post war USA
Boomer generation and conflict with teens/youth
Rebellion in the 1950s
Series of key scene analysis tasks covering: social context, mise-en-scene
Lesson 2 - Production Context
What is ‘Production Context’
Review of past paper questions - these are used to structure the entire session and all students will be able to answer the questions by the end of the session
Classic era Studio system/factory filmmaking
Sound in cinema - analysis and history
Studio model
Patriarchal nature of the classic era
Male Gaze
In-depth analysis of Cinematography - 10 mark past paper question - analysis tasks and in-class assessment for this question
This pack contains TWO lessons.
Lesson 1 - Social Context &
Intro to film and module
Review of past paper questions - these are used to structure the entire session and all students will be able to answer the questions by the end of the session
Film’s genre and director/stars
Series of key scene analysis tasks covering: genre, CHARACTER TYPES
Lesson 2 - Production Context
What is ‘Production Context’
Review of past paper questions - these are used to structure the entire session and all students will be able to answer the questions by the end of the session
How to compare the films directly
Social context: 80s, latch-key kids, Booming economy, new understanding of ‘teenagers’, teens re-positioned as important consumers
Reaganism and rise of patriotic attitudes in the USA
John Hughes; Auteur
Example exam questions, tasks
Students are guided through the response and analysis needed for each question
Assessment task and essay plan included in PowerPoint