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School Life - La Vie Scolaire (2019 film)
School Life (2019 film)
La Vie Scolaire
School Life (French: La Vie scolaire) is a 2019 French teen comedy drama film written and directed by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir.
The new Pastoral Care Teacher of a junio school in the suburb of Paris, Saint Denis, Samia is warned by her fellow teachers that students are unmotivated and do not abide by discipline. She sees things in a completely different manner compared to others. However, when she gets to know the students, especially Yanis who is quite sharp and intelligent but disillusioned by a world that seems to have turned its back on him and his family, she tries her best to help him become more motivated to improve his grades and pursue a future in film.
Topic : school - learning
Age rating : 15+
I have created a study Power Point you can do with your classes, before, during and after the film.
Slides: 25
Como es tu casa?
Como es tu casa?
20 slides
Mi tiempo libre - free time
Mi tiempo libre
Que te gusta hacer + cuando (frequency) = 60 slides
Opinions + reasons + La gramatica AR verbs = 72 slides
que deportes haces? + weather (cuando …) = 65 slides
Bonus: revision unit
Loads of slides on drilling the vocabulary, consolidation of the vocab with loads of games
S1/S2 - mes passetemps
S1. 1. La technologie
S1. 2. Sports
S1. 3. Qu’est ce que tu aimes faire
S1. 4. Ils sont actifs
Mi familia (members, physical description, relationships, chores)
More suitable for S3 Spanish classes
Family topic
physical description
French - Mes passtemps (S2)
S2. 1. La lecture
S2. 2. Que fais tu quand tu es connecté
S2. 3. Les dangers d’internet
S2. 4. Quest ce que tu as fait hier soir
S2. 5. Temps librepptx
French - mon identité
S2. 1 - Mon identité - mon caractère
S2. 2- Mon identité - Ma bande de copains
S2. 3 - mon identité - quelle musique écoutes tu
S2. 4 - mon identité - mon style
S2. 5 - mon identité - le weekend dernier
S3 French Healthy lifestyle
S3. 1. Body parts (28 slides)
S3. 2. Le sport et le fitness (50 slides)
S3. 3. Manger sain (71 slides)
S3. 4. drugs, alcohol, smoking, vaping (40 slides)
es-tu en forme?
je vais changer de vie
Building Own Employability Skills - BOES - Level 3 and 4
Building Own Employability Skills - BOES - Level 3 and 4
Modern Languages LIFE - SPANISH - level 3
Modern languages for Life Spanish : HOLIDAYS
level 3
PPT 0 MLLW - explanation --> 4 slides to explain what the course is about to pupils
PPT 1 : MLLW first lessons for Spanish (go back to the basics)
PPT2 : holiday topic 52 slides
PPT 3. Listening prep- 36 slides
PPT 4. SPeaking prep - 21 slides
A l'horizon/au boulot ( S2 / S3) French
Resources Pack :
S3. 1. Mon avenir
S3. 2. Le monde est un village
S3. 3. Du matin au soir
S3. 4. Mon boulot
S3. 5. Mes ambitions
S1 / S2 la technologie - French
56 slides on the topic of “Technology”.
Talking about social media etc…
Modern Languages WORK - FRENCH - level 3
Modern Languages for Work purpose (French)
Level 3
PPT 1 MLLW - explanation --> 4 slides to explain what the course is about to pupils
PPT 2 MLLW first lessons for French (go back to the basics) Good for level 3 and 4. 110 slides
PPT 3. Listening prep level 3 - 58 slides
PPT 4. SPeaking prep level 3 and 4 - 38 slides
S3 French Chores (les tâches ménagères)
Family topic
Houserules / chores
les tâches ménagères
56 slides
French Revision for Primary teachers
French Revision for Primary teachers
I have had the chance to deliver a training to Scottish Primary school teachers to recap French. (Level 1 P1-P4 and level 2 to P5-P7)
Recap / revision on the basics (see below the scheme of work).
The Power point includes some games to do with your pupils in your primary classroom too.
158 slides
Week 1 = Classroom instructions / Greetings – yes/no/thank you etc… / Alphabet / Name / How are you? / Talking about the “pays francophones” ?
Week 2 = Recap from last week / Numbers 1-20 / Age
Week 3 = Recap from last week / Colours / Days of the week + Months + Dates
Week 4 = Recap from last week + Dates + Birthdays
Week 5 = Recap from last week + Weather
Week 6 + Recap everything seen the past 6 weeks
Week 7 = Likes/dislikes / Snacks and food
Week 8 : Revision from last week / Likes/dislikes - Snacks and food + I would like (ordering food)
Week 9 = Revision from last week / In live in + city / countries
Week 10 = Revision from last week / I am + nationality (adjectival agreement)
Week 11 = Revision of everything + getting ready for the talking assessment
Week 12 Talking assessments + last questions
S3 - drugs/alcohol/cigarettes FRENCH
40 slides on drugs/alcohol/cigarettes
Spanish - Weather and Sports
65 slides of drilling vocab and games
Vocab on sports
revision on the opinion (gusta etc…) + reasons (porque es…)
Vocab on weather
activities on weather + cuando + sports
S3 Ma Famille - relationships ASSESSMENT
Ma Famille - relationships ASSESSMENT
S1 / S2 assessment 3 2 1 partez
S1 / S2 assessment 3 2 1 partez
les vacances
Ma Famille - chores - ASSESSMENT
Ma Famille - chores - ASSESSMENT