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German songs - ready prepared worksheets

German songs - ready prepared worksheets

As the kids love love songs, I went through my sister's and my cd collection and chose 18 songs that I liked and that represent a wide variety of musical styles of the last 20 years. I made worksheets for each song for the students to fill in as they listen. Some work better than others, just see what works for you and your classes. Many possibilites of exploring it further. Am just always astonished how many kids go away and download the music afterwards. Enjoy!
German Role Play Practice

German Role Play Practice

2004 Edexcel Role Play cards, card comes up for 5 to 7 seconds then the answer appears. Could be used in class or uploaded in a shared area that is accessible to students so they can practise on their own.
Goodbye Lenin Filmanalyse

Goodbye Lenin Filmanalyse

Carefully guided questions in German to encourage a deeper understanding of ways a director creates a scene through positioning, movement, mise en scene, camera, sound, light etc. I kept the language very accessible. I will give it as a homework task but you might want to do it in class. It is generic only the scene pictures to explain the terminology of camera shots are from Goodbye Lenin.
Goodbye Lenin Redewendungen

Goodbye Lenin Redewendungen

Part of a series of lessons to improve essay writing skills for Year 13 about Goodbye Lenin. 11 idioms are introduced and practised through exercises that are directly linked to the movie. Am a native German speaker so if my English idioms are not quite spot on, just adapt the resource.
Form Poster - encouragement to wear correct uniform

Form Poster - encouragement to wear correct uniform

You need a sense of humour! Did these poster last year for my Year 10 form. It's trying to encourage them to wear their uniform correctly but tongue in cheek. Hello, can somebody please rate it - I am not happy with only 3 stars!
Role Play Practice German GCSE (2)

Role Play Practice German GCSE (2)

2005 Edexcel Role Play cards, card comes up for 5 to 7 seconds then the answer appears. Could be used in class or uploaded in a shared area that is accessible to students so they can practise on their own.
Essen und Trinken am Kiosk

Essen und Trinken am Kiosk

This powerpoint links in with the unit in Echo 1 (Imbiss) and introduces different snacks. At the end there is a reading text which used teacher’s name at our school you might want to adapt just the names.
Mes passetemps Studio 1 Module 3

Mes passetemps Studio 1 Module 3

For very low ability year 8 a mixture of reading activities and games. Can be set as cover work. Links in with Studio. Change the names to students in your class for extra motivation
Places in Berlin

Places in Berlin

A powerpoint presentation introducing sights and history of Berlin. Can be used as a revision for places in town with higher ability KS3 or all in KS4
Months and Birthdays

Months and Birthdays

This is my second lesson on months, the exercises are to slowly reinforce the words and to lead to the kids being able to say the words by themselves. The second part of the presentation introduces the birthday phrase and asks for them to deduct the rules. Can be easily adapted for other languages.
Coursework preparation holiday plans

Coursework preparation holiday plans

Two pages slowly building up to write a paragraph about your holiday plans. Works well for grades E-B. Top set kids will have to add a bit more inversions & opinions. Tried and tested :)
German songs - booklet 3 (girl power)

German songs - booklet 3 (girl power)

Due to popular demand ;) a third booklet of 8 new songs. This time all by female artists. Again, all you need to do is print the worksheet and play the youtube song. Enjoy!
School Subjects

School Subjects

Intro and practice of school subjects. Very clear layout, spellings highlighted for pronunciation. Links in with Echo. (Forgot to put in 'history' but who needs that anyway:) )
Passetemps paired translation studio 1 module 3

Passetemps paired translation studio 1 module 3

Students work in pairs and get one sheet each. They translate the top ten sentences and their partner checks (they have the translation), then their partner translates the bottom ten sentences. You can adapt to how able your students are if you want to translate French to English or English to French. This was for a lower ability year 8 class.
French Halloween - worksheets and powerpoint

French Halloween - worksheets and powerpoint

This is based on the wonderful resource from KatherineBibby It should be plenty for one lesson Matching key words to images Odd one out (in the answers, it is just my view, others are possible) Song - gap fill Song - closer listening (having seen the video before might help as well) Wordsearch - without words given (they are from the first worksheet, on the powerpoint you can show them the slide with the words) Battleships - I didn’t put any instructions Hope you enjoy it - the song is such a tune! I did a similar resource for German Happy Halloween
Display opposites

Display opposites

GCSE adjectives that come up frequently organised in opposites and illustrated for display
Halloween German - worksheets and powerpoint

Halloween German - worksheets and powerpoint

This should be enough for one lesson: Matching - kids should be able to work out most of them Odd one out (in the powerpoint I put down my answers obviously others are possible) A bit of** choral repetition ** Song Hier ist Halloween - put text in order Wordsearch - apologies I can’t credit the author as it was sent to me by a colleague words from the wordsearch check - half have been covered durint the first exercise, could be used with dictionaries Background of Halloween and religious origins and practices in Germany, possible discussion Hope you like it! (I have made a similar resource for French)