A bright, colourful, clear to understand PPT covering the whole unit Actua Localemente from the Edexcel course. Includes all the exercises as well as examples, answers and extension taks. Click and go!
A PPT covering the whole unit of VIVIR A TOPE from the Edexel GCSE course.
Includes all exercises, examples, answers and extension tasks. Just click and go!
Bright, clear and easy to use.
A comprehensive, bright, easy to use and follow PPT covering all of the module 8 unit Apuntate for the Edexcel GCSE textbook.
Inlcudes examples, answers and extension tasks. All you need!
A PPT that covers all the the module 8 unit El deporte nos une. Includes all the exercises as well as clear examples and extension tasks. Bright, clear and easy to use and follow. Just click and go!
Useful as a starter task before introducing the formation of the imperative. Pupils look at the pictures and write down what they think the command means. This works well as it shows pupils how easy it is to understand commands and the imperative before they study the formation.
A bright, clear, in depth PPT to cover all of the unit Piensa Globalmente from the GCSE Edexcel Spanish course.
Click and go! All questions, examples and answers are in the ppt, as well as starter and extension tasks
A handy worksheet which explains the Perfect Tense with Avere as well as some key irregular past participles.
Exercises to complete and answers included as well as space for self-reflection.
An A3 colour snakes and ladders board game for pairs or small groups.
Players work their way around the board and must say a sentence in either the present, past or future tense depending on what colour square they land on.
Key features:
-Updated films (2014 and onwards roughly)
-All film pictures have the French movie titles
-Full instructions as well as example sentences to help pupils
-Differentiation possibilities:
- To differentiate up enforce the two rules regarding use of synonyms and change of
-To differentiate down provide pre-printed list of opinions and film genres and do not
enforce the two above rules
Please search TES for "Film Cinéma Playing Cards" for a follow up speaking activity with the same film titles.
Credit to TES sharer Jmitchell for the original file.