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Percentages - key stage 2 KS2
This resource is about percentages. The worksheet is split into three sections which begin with just working out simple percentages such as 10% and then using that to work out other percentages of the same amount. This is the fluency part. It then moves on to the next section which has a variety of percentages of a variety of amounts and also using the knowledge to work out percentages more or less than a value. The final sections applies their knowledge into mastery and problem solving. It is mainly aimed at year 5 and year 6. It is an important skill for the grammar school test and also year 6 SATS.

Finding a fraction of an amount - key stage 2
This worksheet is covers the objective of finding a unit fraction of a quantity/amount. It uses the method of division using the denominator. There is an example question and then a set of fluency questions for the children to practice this skill. It also has mastery and problem solving questions to extend the children’s understanding of the concept.
The worksheet could be used for year 2 children who are working above the year 2 curriculum and is suitable for year 3 and year 4.

New Year Activity Pack - key stage 1 & 2
This new year activity pack contains two differentiated word searches based on words associated with New Year. It also contains two activity sheets about new year’s resolutions both appropriate for all ages.
Work sheets are provided in full colour and also ink saving versions.

What is a verb - using and finding verbs worksheet - key stage 1
This resource will help children to locate and identify verbs, then they are able to show their understanding using the words in section three within their own sentences.

Place value of 3 - digit numbers worksheet - key stage 1 & 2
This resource supports the teaching of place value. It helps the children to understand the value of each digit in a 3-digit number. The worksheet uses partitioning to guide children to fully comprehend the value of the digit. It encompasses three levels of understanding from understanding, applying their understanding and deepening their understanding with problem solving.

Column addition (no exchanging) - key stage 1 & 2
This worksheet covers practice for the first steps in learning the formal column addition method adding ones and tens. It allows the children to practice their fluency, problem solving and mastery skills in mathematics with an extension challenge at the end for higher ability children.

Place value of 4 - digit numbers worksheet - key stage 1 & 2
This resource supports the teaching of place value. It helps the children to understand the value of each digit in a 4-digit number. The worksheet uses partitioning to guide children to fully comprehend the value of the digit. It encompasses three levels of understanding from understanding, applying their understanding and deepening their understanding with problem solving.

What Have I Learnt? - Year 2 SPAG - Worksheet 1
This worksheet covers a range of GPS objectives from the year 2 curriculum such as nouns and adjectives, sentence demarcation, identifying vowels, creating compound words, identifying sentence types, using conjunctions to extend sentences and using verbs. The idea is to give a summary activity to revise GPS objectives. Perfect for end of term reflection.

Place value of 2 - digit numbers worksheet - key stage 1 & 2
This resource supports the teaching of place value. It helps the children to understand the value of each digit in a 2-digit number. The worksheet uses partitioning to guide children to fully comprehend the value of the digit. It encompasses three levels of understanding from understanding, applying their understanding and deepening their understanding with problem solving.

Place value - 2 digit numbers - key stage 2
This worksheet covers how to work out place value of 2 digit numbers, it allows the children to practice their fluency, problem solving and mastery skills in mathematics with an extension challenge at the end for higher ability children.

2 Digit Adding Using Expanded Column Addition
This worksheet is the step before compact column addition. It uses children’s knowledge of partitioning to solve addition problems. It has three levels where children practice fluency and then move onto problem solving and mastery of the skill.

CVC Words - Phonics - key stage 1
CVC words - this work sheet covers three different applications of the CVC words - single syllable 3 phoneme (sound) words.

2 Digit x 1 Digit Short Multiplication - KS2
This work sheet is for children who have mastered simple multiplication and are moving on to understanding multiplication with exchanges. There are three levels for fluency, problem solving and mastery.

Countdown to SATs - Year 6 SATS Build Up Prep Guide
This lesson by lesson overview gives you a guide as to what to cover and recap with your class before they sit the year 6 SATs exams. Starters and main lessons will cover all the most important topics which come up most often in SATs exams.

× 10, 100, 1000 ÷ 10, 100, 1000 Worksheet - KS2
This worksheet focuses on multiplying by 10,100,1000 and divide by 10,100,1000. The worksheet shows an example that the children can use for scaffolding. It is a simple, clear layout that gives the children an opportunity to practise the fluency skill of the objective.

Assessment - Year 4 Number Worksheet
This is a fluency/number assessment for maths covering a selection of year 4 objectives.

Summer Holiday Activity Sheets - Cooking - Fitness
This resource contains two ideas sheets, one for fitness, and one for cooking. Put the resource on your wall at home and mark the activities and foods off as you have cooked them.
All foods/recipes are easily searchable on Google ready for you to start cooking!

What Have I Learnt? - Year 2 SPAG - Worksheet 2
This worksheet covers a range of GPS objectives from the year 2 curriculum such as adverbs, homophones, conjunctions, possessive apostrophes, past and present tense, pronouns, contractions and plurals. The idea is to give a summary activity to revise GPS objectives. Perfect for end of term reflection.

Remembrance Day Word Search - KS2
This is a word search relating to remembrance day, 33 words are hidden in the search, with a further six bonus words not on the list hidden. This word search is aimed at seven year olds upwards (as well as teaching staff who may also enjoy having a go!).
The word search comes with the answer sheet for the teacher.