Featured resources
Homophones Activity Sheets
Y3: No Nonsense Spelling
Autumn 1
Lessons 12-14
QTS Skills Tests Spelling Practice
Spelling practice to support Literacy Skills Test.
Directions in French
Worksheet to support french teaching on directions.
How to plan and orally rehearse a newspaper report based on given evidence.
Lesson presentation on how to plan and orally rehearse a newspaper report based on given evidence. Used in Year 5 in Ancient Greece topic but could be adapted.
Finding one less and one more
Resource used in Year 1.
3 differentiated sheets.
Birth of the Sun Australian Myth
Questions to go along with the Birth of the Sun Australian Myth using ERIC (Explain, Retrieve, Interpret and Choice).
Arrays Worksheet
Arrays worksheet to support the teaching of multiplication in Year 3. Contains 3 differentiated worksheets.
Matching Game Athens and Sparta
Matching game. Used in Year 5 teaching Ancient Greece. The children have to sort through the statements and decide which one is Athens or Sparta
How to draw a line graph using the information given
Lesson Presentation on how to draw a line graph using the information given. Previously used in Year 5.
Tiddalick the frog- Australian Story
Powerpoint to support the reading of Tiddalick the frog the Australian story. Includes questioning to support understanding of the text. Also defines key words in the text.
Class Rules Display
Rainbow Class Rules display KS1
To be able to explain what sound is lesson
Powerpoint to support music lesson, To be able to explain what sound is. Can be used for either KS1 or 2.
Features of Poems display posters
Features of poems display posters. Used in Year 3.
KS2 Plants Word Mat
KS2 Plants word mat, to support plants topic in science.
Count in 2s,5s and 10s
Worksheet used in KS1 to practice counting in 2s,5s and 10s.
Reading Comprehension Activity Mr Men
Reading comprehension activity - Mr Men
The children have to read the character description of a Mr Men character and draw which character they think it is. Differentiated sheets KS1
Dear Dinosaur Guided Reading Questions and lesson ideas.
Guided reading questions to be used to support the reading of Dear Dinosaur.
u-e phonics lesson powerpoint
Powerpoint to support the teaching of the u-e split diagraph.
Year 1 Handwriting Practice
**Year 1 Handwriting Practice **
This includes:
Capital Letters
Lower Case Letter
Common Exception Words
Winter Handwriting Practice
Cursive handwriting practice
Winter themed words