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Miss Poole's Cool School

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Hi! I'm Miss Poole and my resources are all focused on FUN! I am a private tutor and I teach online via Skype. I'm trained in primary and I specialise in Spanish as a foreign language. Lots of my resources are appropriate for multiple age ranges and include multi-level differentiation. I'm happy to accept requests for new resources and I welcome all feedback on current ones. Contact info@misspoole.es




Hi! I'm Miss Poole and my resources are all focused on FUN! I am a private tutor and I teach online via Skype. I'm trained in primary and I specialise in Spanish as a foreign language. Lots of my resources are appropriate for multiple age ranges and include multi-level differentiation. I'm happy to accept requests for new resources and I welcome all feedback on current ones. Contact info@misspoole.es
Timeline: Old and New Toys and Their Materials

Timeline: Old and New Toys and Their Materials

Perfect for KS1 Toys and/or Materials topics, this resource pack includes: A presentation for whole-class discussion of timelines and chronological ordering of toys, A timeline worksheet differentiated three ways A blank timeline worksheet which can be used as an extension A materials worksheet differentiated three ways. Enough for 1-2 lessons and appropriate for a cross-curricular approach. Please contact me with any questions and leave a review if you love it!
PSHE Friendship Tokens

PSHE Friendship Tokens

Friendship tokens for children to colour in and cut out and exchange with one another - for example, when someone shared with them, when someone plays with them in the playground, when someone is kind to them. I used these during SEAL / PSHE lessons. Formatted with easy-to-cut guidelines for the paper trimmer! Choose to cut these square, to save time, or round, so they resemble MONEY! If you love it, please leave a review!
Ink Shading Techniques

Ink Shading Techniques

A worksheet to practise artistic techniques in ink (hatching, cross-hatching and stippling). I recommend that the children use black fineliner pens if possible, as ballpoint pens tend to be a bit too smudgy.
Toys timeline

Toys timeline

Interactive timeline of toys I used this with a Y2 class during a cross-curricular History/Literacy lesson before writing instruction manuals for toys.
Doubling and Halving Magic Number Quiz

Doubling and Halving Magic Number Quiz

A simple yet engaging ‘trick’ for any age or ability, I’ve used this worksheet with KS1, 2 and 3. All the child needs to do is write any number in the star and then double and halve it according to the instructions, so this can be easily differentiated with different sizes of numbers. Why not challenge the more able pupils by giving special conditions for the starter numbers they come up with? ‘Must be odd’, ‘All the digits must add up to 17’, ‘No zeros’ etc. Hours of fun! If you love it, please leave me a review!
Phoneme Spotter Story Bundle: Long Vowel Sounds

Phoneme Spotter Story Bundle: Long Vowel Sounds

Five stories for the children to read and identify different spellings of the long vowel sounds. This could be used with KS1 children learning phonics, but I’ve even used this with Year Four and Five pupils who needed revision. Answer keys included. Best value pack includes all five long vowel phoneme stories for a discounted price, plus five***FREE*** write-your-own phoneme spotter story worksheets for early finishers or for revision! Please leave me a review, or contact me with any suggestions or requests! :)
How Can I Calm Down? Poster

How Can I Calm Down? Poster

A poster with a picture of a cat on a pile of school books and a list of techniques to help children calm down: 1. Squeeze a ball of plasticine 2. Draw a picture to illustrate your feelings 3. Write a diary entry to yourself or your teacher 4. Read the posters on the classroom wall about calming down 5. Close your eyes and count to then without speaking 6. Deep breathing exercises 7. Explain how you feel to a favourite toy or pet 8. Cuddle a friend 9. Punch a pillow 10. Tear up some scrap paper
Book Review Activity - Draw Three Pictures

Book Review Activity - Draw Three Pictures

'Draw three pictures that show three different things that happened in your book. Be prepared to explain them to the class' Simple homework activity. When the children bring it back to school, choose one or more children to show their work to the class and explain what's happening in the pictures. Good for those who aren't yet able to write a formal review of their book.
ESL Literacy Mat for Spanish Speakers

ESL Literacy Mat for Spanish Speakers

A revision aid / learning tool I created for my Spanish Year 4 children who study in a bilingual school. Includes: A box with spaces for each child to write up to ten spellings Visual reminders of the English pronunciation of common vowel sounds Reminder of gender-specific pronouns Punctuation checklist ‘Its’ and ‘it’s’ cartoon ‘They’re’, ‘there’ and ‘their’ cartoon Mini Spanglish-English dictionary Parts of speech reference box Space for the child’s name I have given these, laminated, to each child, double-sided with the ‘KS2 Maths Table Mat Reference Placemat’ (search within my resources). You could also blow it up to A3 and display on the classroom wall. If you love it, please leave a review!
Identify Features of a News Article

Identify Features of a News Article

A funny news article about a fictional school which decides to serve rat meat for school dinners, yuck! I used this for my whole class to read and then work together to identify features: rhyme, repetition, alliteration etc. They can do this as a whole class, in small groups or individually, using the space on the worksheet to write down their observations. I used this with Y5/6 but it could be suitable for a variety of ages and abilities, depending on the specific features you choose to focus on. If you love this resource, please leave me a review!
Pencil Art Worksheet

Pencil Art Worksheet

A worksheet to help children practice pencil skills for art such as shading and blending. I usually do this over a double lesson with Year 4 or above, and I emphasise the need to work very, very slowly and carefully, focusing on correct pencil grip and varied pressure. They love it when I tell them this is how ‘real artists’ use pencils! If you love it, please leave me a review!
Ten-Week Target Chart, Blank

Ten-Week Target Chart, Blank

A simple ten-week three-target chart for behaviour management or other achievements. Each week is numbered and you then add the date, a smiley, neutral or sad face to represent whether the target has been achieved, and a comment. For example, you might choose three targets such as ‘I will keep my desk tidy,’ ‘I will remember my homework,’ and ‘I will use joined-up writing’, and then you tick them off each week for ten weeks. Could also be given to parents as a reminder of what the child should be doing at home each week. If you love it, please leave a review!
Minecraft Steve's Rhyming Day: '-eve'

Minecraft Steve's Rhyming Day: '-eve'

Minecraft fans from KS1 and KS2 alike will love this entertaining story about Steve’s Christmas Day whilst practising spelling tricky ‘-eve’ rhymes such as ‘relieve’ and ‘perceive’. Comes with a full word bank and space to practise tracing and writing the words - or omit this for pupils who can work without it. Want to see more resources like this? Tell me in the comments! Do you love it? Please leave me a review!
Intro to Logic Puzzles Lesson Pack

Intro to Logic Puzzles Lesson Pack

This pack includes a presentation (PowerPoint and Keynote types provided) explaining step-by-step how to complete a simple logic puzzle, which can be used as a whole-class starter. It also includes a worksheet with four different logic puzzles for the pupils to complete, and a full answer key for the teacher. Perfect for a filler activity, in between Christmas play rehearsals, after SATs or as an extension or challenge for more able KS2 pupils. Suitable for upper KS2 or lower KS3.
Human Body Proportions Quiz (with answers)

Human Body Proportions Quiz (with answers)

Can be used in Maths or Art. A simple one-page quiz with five questions about human body proportions. The children are usually really surprised at the answers - and, of course, love trying to disprove them! Could be suitable for a starter or plenary.