
French Aller, Countries and Transport : Worksheet
Simple translation style worksheet focusing on the verb aller, countries, transport and prepositions. Differentiation is highlighted in purple with pupils being asked to also translate common time phrases (today, next week, in the summer etc.). Provides lots practice that can then be used as a springboard for more extended writing.
Answers are included.

French Physical Description : Worksheet
Simple coloring-in worksheet focused on physical description (hair colour and style, eye colour etc.) to provide pupils with a picture dictionary.

French Days, Months and Seasons : Giant Puzzle Wordsearch
Giant puzzle wordsearch which includes days, months and seasons in French (with 3 missing words to be identified).
Can be used either as a A4 size or blown up to display in the classroom as an interactive display.
Answers are available to also be downloaded.

French Food and Drink : Speaking Activity
Pupil instructions for a no-prep card game focusing on food and drink, likes and dislikes and speaking skills.
All you need is a few packs of cards (one per group) but no other preparation is needed.
To include writing practice you can also stop the game at regular intervals, draw a card and ask pupils to write 2 - 3 sentences on mini-whiteboards.

French Daily Routine : Speaking Activity
Pupil instructions for a no-prep card game focusing on daily routine and speaking skills.
All you need is a few packs of cards (one per group) but no other preparation is needed.
To include writing practice you can also stop the game at regular intervals, draw a card and ask pupils to write 2 - 3 sentences on mini-whiteboards.

French Table Vocabulary : Worksheet
Worksheet to practice and revise basic cutlery and crockery vocabulary.
Pupils should look, say, cover, and write each word before checking that they have spelt it correctly. You can also easily adapt the resource by asking them to fill in the second column without looking at the French word so that the exercise becomes a vocabulary test too.
An extension task is provided for pupils to complete with additional vocabulary that they can look up in a dictionary.
I have found this exercise particularly effective with low ability groups and pupils with SEN as a revision exercise with a focus on accuracy.

French Food Vocabulary : Revision Worksheet and Test
Worksheet to practice and revise basic food vocabulary (16 items).
Pupils should look, say, cover, and write each word before checking that they have spelt it correctly. You can also easily adapt the resource by asking them to fill in the second column without looking at the French word so that the exercise becomes a vocabulary test too.
A test is also provided to check pupils' learning.
I have found this exercise particularly effective with low ability groups and pupils with SEN to assist them in correctly spelling the target language.

French Growth Mindset Display
Fun and attractive display to promote a Growth Mindset attitude in the MFL (French) classroom. Includes 8 pairs of phrases which contrast ‘fixed’ versus ‘growth’ mindset thoughts. Just print, laminate and grab a staple-gun! Images could also be used as postcards to encourage and reward pupils.

French Classroom Vocabulary : Revision Worksheet
Worksheet to practice and revise basic classroom / stationery vocabulary.
Pupils should look, say, cover, and write each word before checking that they spelt it correctly. You can also easily adapt the resource by asking them to fill in the second column without looking at the French word so that the exercise becomes a vocabulary test too.
An extension task is provided for pupils to complete with additional vocabulary that they can look up in a dictionary.
I have found this exercise particularly effective with low ability groups and pupils with SEN as a revision exercise with a focus on accuracy.

French Future Tense (aller) : Reading and Writing Worksheet
Four page worksheet for pupils to practice the future tense (aller + infinitive) in the context of the Salon d'Agriculture in Paris.
Activities include a reading comprehension, a gap fill activity, a word order activity and a scaffolded writing exercise so that pupils can write about their own future (imaginary) trip to the Salon.

French Food and Drink Shopping : Online Shopping Task
This worksheet includes a photo story depicting a school cook who has no food left in the fridge (and a broken down car), a shopping list including breakfast, lunch and supper items and instructions for an online shopping task for pupils to complete to practice their knowledge of food vocabulary, numbers and computer skills. Based on a real-life situation ;)
Power point also included to support the lesson.

French Sports and Activities : Speaking Activity
Pupil instructions for a no-prep card game focusing on sport, leisure activities, likes and dislikes with speaking skills practice.
All you need is a few packs of cards (one per group) but no other preparation is needed.
To include writing practice you can also stop the game at regular intervals, draw a card and ask pupils to write 2 - 3 sentences on mini-whiteboards.

French Health and Illness : Board Game
Snakes and Ladders style board game to practice talking about health and illness in French.
Pupils imagine that they are on their way to school but keep getting ill. They must roll the dice and say a sentence in French for each square that they land on to explain what is wrong with them. Vocabulary includes rhume, jambe cassée, mal au ventre etc.

French Shops : Giant Crossword
Giant crossword including 15 different shops in French. Answers are included. Vocabulary includes boucherie, supermarché, café etc.

French : Dining Hall Display
A display to encourage conversation in French at the dining table. Posters to cut out and laminate.
Could be used all year round or for special occasions such as a French Day, a French Lunch, a French Table.

French : Food Questionnaire
Basic questionnaire for pupils to use in class to ask each other about what food they eat and their likes and dislikes.
A version using the polite 'vous' form is also included. This activity has proved very popular on school trips abroad with pupils visiting the local town or shop and asking passers-by about their favourite foods.

French : Giving Opinions Activity (Differentiated)
Differentiated activity (3 levels) to encourage pupils to give and justify their opinions in speaking and writing exercises.
Pupils roll a dice four times to identify four different phrases which they must include in their spoken or written answer. The activity can be given a competitive edge with points being awarded or taken way for accurate use of the target phrases.
Suitable for A-level, GCSE and KS3 classes and great as an end-of-topic / revision activity.

French Clothing : Worksheet
Simple coloring-in worksheet focused to practice clothes and colours and provide pupils with a picture dictionary. This worksheet can also be used to highlight adjective agreement.

French ER Verbs : Giant Puzzle Wordsearch
French puzzle wordsearch which includes 30 frequently used ER verbs and a secret message to discover. A vocabulary list is provided for the pupils to translate each verb from English into French. Vocabulary includes jouer, chanter, manger etc.

French : Giving Opinions Activity
Activity to encourage pupils to give and justify their opinions in speaking and writing exercises.
Pupils roll a dice four times to identify four different phrases which they must include in their spoken or written answer. The activity can be given a competitive edge with points being awarded or taken way for accurate use of the target phrases.
Suitable for A-level, GCSE and KS3 classes and great as an end-of-topic / revision activity.
Differentiated version also available with 3 different levels of vocabulary.