A booklet of exercises revising the vocabulary for the GCSE German topic 'Customs and Festivals in German-Speaking Countries. Can be used at any time for revision/retrieval once the topic has been studied.
A collection of revision/retrieval tasks to revise the ‘Me, my family and Friends’. Can be used at the end of the topic, or the end of the course, or slotted in as retrieval any time. Can be used independently or with the teacher.
Selection of Reading Comprehensions for some of the topics covered during KS3 in either Year 8 or Year 9. Topics include:
• At the Café
• My House and Home
• My Daily Routine
• Mealtimes
• Pocket Money
Texts with follow up questions in English. All in present tense. Can be used for reading practice, cover, independent work or homework.
Information in German about the UEFA European Championships 2021. Contains information about the championships from the German, Austrian and Swiss perspective. Includes information about the games, the groups, the countries, venues, stadia and of course the German, Austrian, Swiss teams and players. Powerpoint presentation to accompany 17 worksheets.
GCSE German. Booklet of German Reading Comprehension Tasks. AQA Theme 1 topics. Could be used for cover work, for homework, for independent reading work or in class. Foundation Level.
22 pages of German Reading Comprehension tasks. Suitable for Year 7. Some tasks in German, some in English. Topics covered: Myself; my family; pets; free time; school; home life.
GCSE German workbook on Free Time Activities. Contains Knowledge Organisers, Sentence Builder, Reading Comprehension tasks on Music, Cinema, Television, Eating Out, 90 word and 150 word writing tasks and conversation questions with sample answers.
A PowerPoint presentation linked to the month of November in Germany. Can be used for Landeskunde, Cultural Capital, general cultural awareness. We look at festivals in November, famous people associated with November, German history in November and a look at one of Germany’s biggest towns. This presentation is mainly in English.
A selection of materials for use in Key Stage 3 to get pupils talking German. The materials are based on visiting a town in Germany and include tourist sights, asking the way, giving directions, buying snacks, drinks and souvenirs. The visuals help EAL new arrivals and SEN pupils to understand, learn and speak the language. There are also pages to help more able students talk/write about a visit to Germany in the past tense.